April 7, 2020
A Note From Scott....

Dear friends:

The historical outbreak of COVID-19 has required us to alter practically every aspect of our lives. Our office has made the difficult decision to close to the public and operate with essential staff to help lessen the spread of COVID-19 and adhere to government stay at home orders.

If you are a business owner, you can still submit documents online at sos.kansas.gov; by mail; via fax at 785.296.4570; or at a secure, onsite drop box outside Memorial Hall (120 S.W. 10th, Topeka). Candidate and election filings can also be made by calling 785.296.4561.

Our team would like to thank healthcare workers, first responders and so many others who are working to guide the state and Nation through these unprecedented times. We are grateful for your sacrifice, strength and leadership.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Kansas Secretary of State. If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact our office at 785.296-4575 or email Scott.Schwab@ks.gov .

All my best,
Scott Schwab
Kansas Secretary of State

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented situation requiring us to evaluate all scenarios for the upcoming elections. Our office is working closely with federal, state and local officials to monitor the situation and respond accordingly. Currently, there are no plans to delay or substantially change the process for the Tuesday, August 4, primary election. Any date changes to the November 3, general election will be made by the United States Congress. We recognize the COVID-19 situation is fluid and that election deadlines are approaching. In proceeding, there must be a balance in maintaining the security of elections and protecting the health and welfare of our citizens.

There are a handful of counties holding special elections this spring. Vendors have provided sanitation best practices to Kansas counties to ensure election equipment is properly sanitized. For county elections already underway, they will proceed as required by law. For county elections not yet started, the local governing body will determine how to proceed.

Kansas voters have multiple options to cast their ballot – advance in-person voting, election day in-person voting and advance mail ballot voting. Since 1996, advance voting by mail has been offered to all Kansas voters. Each of Kansas’ 105 counties are equipped and experienced to handle increased numbers of advance mail ballots. Counties also have the ability to adjust the quantities of advance mail ballots based on demand.

Kansas voters may apply for an advance mail ballot online at: www.sos.ks.gov/forms//elections/AV1.pdf.

Although the candidate filing deadline is not until noon on June 1, we encourage candidates for elected office to be proactive in filing their candidacy documents due to the evolving impact of COVID-19. Candidate and election filings can be made by appointment by calling 785.296.4561.

Due to anticipated increase in demand for advance mail ballots, individuals are encouraged to register to vote and change their party affiliation prior to the respective deadlines. Voters must change their party affiliation by June 1. The deadline to register to vote is July 14. Doing so will make it easier for county election officers to process voter registration and party affiliation in an accurate and timely manner.

To register to vote online visit, https://www.kdor.ks.gov/Apps/VoterReg/Default.aspx.


The deadline to file annual reports has been extended to coincide with Executive Order 20-13, extending the deadline for filing 2019 tax returns for individual, fiduciary, corporate, and privilege taxes. The deadline is now July 15, 2020.

As a friendly reminder, many business filings can be made online at sos.kansas.gov. In addition to annual reports, online filings include apostille or authentication of documents, business formation documents for corporations, LLCs and domestic limited partnerships, registered agent or registered office changes, business dissolution or cancellations, and certificate of good standing requests. You can also submit documents through the mail, by fax (785.296.4570) or at a temporary, secure drop box located outside Memorial Hall (120 S.W. 10th, Topeka).


On April 1, residents of the United States were asked to fill out the 2020 Census as part of Census Day. If your household has not completed the 2020 census, please do so today. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can be done online, by mail or over the phone.

The U.S. Census is mandated by the Constitution to count the population in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all 5 territories. Census data is used to determine the population of states and the amount of federal funding each state will receive for public services, schools, roads, and hospitals. Census data is also used to determine the number and of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Kansas is historically a net loser in federal funding. By accurately counting every Kansan, we can ensure our federal tax dollars are kept in Kansas to maintain our roads, support our schools and provide other essential public services. In addition, Kansas, and the Midwest, are often overlooked in favor of larger, more populous states. Maintaining our representation in Congress is essential for the Kansas economy – particularly the agriculture, aviation and animal sciences industries.

NOTE: Participating in the census is required by law. The Census Bureau is required by law to keep information confidential under Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Census data is protected and cannot be used against residents by the government or court.


Misinformation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak is everywhere. To ensure you are receiving accurate and up-to-date information, state officials recommend you rely on the following:

  • Kansas Department of Health and Environment | www.kdheks.gov
  • The University of Kansas Health System | www.kansashealthsystem.com
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | www.cdc.gov

Other state resources:
  • Kansas Department of Revenue | www.ksrevenue.org
  • Kansas Adjutant General | www.kansastag.gov
  • Kansas Department of Labor | www.dol.ks.gov


Are you looking for activities for your school-aged kids? The Office of the Secretary of State has many resources available for free on our website, like the Kansas: Then and Now activity book! You can download it for free at sos.kansas.gov.

If you know of a high school or college student, consider telling them about Students Serve, a program we rolled out last fall to encourage students to volunteer as poll workers. A majority of election workers are at an increased risk to COVID-19, and we anticipate a potential shortage of election workers and volunteers for the upcoming election.

This is also a great opportunity for high school students who are looking for a day off school and extra credit. Plus, it looks great on a college application! If you or someone you know may be interested, contact your local election office to discuss how you can help with the 2020 elections. You can also visit our website, sos.kansas.gov/services/students-serve/

Pursuant to state law, the Secretary of State and local election officials play no role in the May 2 Kansas Democratic Party Presidential Preference Primary. Any questions regarding the event should be directed to the Kansas Democratic Party at 785.234.0425.
Additional Resources...

REGISTER TO VOTE   | Online Form | Paper Form
STUDENTS SERVE | Overview | Pamphlet
Scott Schwab | Kansas Secretary of State
Memorial Hall | 120 S.W. 10th Street, Topeka, KS 66612
785.296.4575 | sos.kansas.gov