April 10, 2020
APRIL 12 at 10:00am

"One Sentence"
The Resurrection of Jesus
Luke 24:1-12

Message: Rev. Dr. Ricky James
with Special Music & Highlights

You can view the worship service on Facebook or visit
our website / firstmethodistclinton.org
Dear Friends,

On behalf of my family, I want to express profound gratitude at the kind words, notes, and prayers you have offered as we mourn the passing of my Dad this week. 

Grief is hard even under the most normal of circumstances and losing a loved-one is never easy. During this time of social-distancing our normal ways of comforting one another (big funerals, family dinners, long hugs) are not available. 

And so while those tangible expressions are discouraged, the intangible means become all the more important. Long phone calls, handwritten letters, and funny memories shared over email, while not replacing the desire to be physically together, serve to remind us that we don't have to face our grief alone. 

Early on one Sunday morning, a group of women gathered together to make a journey. A man they had loved for years had died. In their grief, they walked together with the simple desire to say a proper goodbye. They were concerned that the stone blocking the tomb would be immovable. They didn't quite know what they were going to do about it, except that they would do it together. 

In this time of social-distancing, this Easter will look and feel different. But remember that even though we are not physically together, we journey in spiritual communion with those women; who walk in grief expecting an immovable stone but find something that changes their lives forever. 

I hope you join us online this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to remember what those women found: a stone rolled away, an empty tomb, and the world-changing news that death ends in life!

Grace and Peace,
 Our church continues to serve our congregation and community during this season. If you have a prayer request or if you, or someone you know, has a need complete a short request form (click on button). These requests will be reviewed by our Pastoral team.

Pastoral Care Line 601-460-0570
New Experience &
New Opportunities
Jesus is still the head of the Church, and He is leading His people during this time.

Seize The UNIQUE Opportunity
Our current situation is filled with opportunity that may never come our way again. The Church as a whole is celebrating Easter at home in a different way. What does this situation call for? Creativity!

Since we are staying home, consider creating your own unique worship space for viewing the online service. You can still invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join you in this Easter Celebration by sharing the invitation to watch online. If you have a Facebook account then visit our church facebook page and mark that you are "Interested" in the Easter Service event posted and then invite others from your friends list or simply draft an email to your contacts list and share with them a message of encouragement and a link to our website to watch with you on Sunday morning.

What home activities can you do together? Think through what is unique to your neighborhood - leave encouraging messages on notecards or a handmade paper cross. Take a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Create something special to place at your neighborhood entrance or curbside.

Discover The Parallels
Our circumstances are different but have a commonality with the very first Easter. The disciples were "self-quarantining" at home. They thought Jesus had been permanently entombed. The news of the resurrection was celebrated in a house, not a church building. Their lives felt a little odd and uncomfortable.



Connect to the Easter story in an entirely new way by discussing these parallels. This year's experience may feel closer to the first century than ever before.

Do you feel overwhelmed? We all do, and perhaps it’s exactly where God wants us. This current situation increases our awareness of our dependence on Him. God has a knack for developing big things out of improbable circumstances. Let’s pray for what He will do and how He will uniquely grow us through this one.

Share Your Experience! Post a few pictures of your Easter At Home gathering and tag the First Methodist Facebook page
Or Email to


We won’t have Sunday school this week, but here are some fun sheets your gang may be interested in!

There are also some awesome Easter Story videos on YouTube by Saddleback Kids! Check them out for developmentally appropriate video to show your gang the Easter story!
Ellen Weaver
Erica Bihm
Olivia Roberts & Ranger
The church staff will be taking a day off Monday, April 13 for the Easter holiday. The Pastoral Care Line is available if you have an emergency need.
Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570

The Voice will be released on Tuesday, April 14.
The Voice is our weekly update for the latest announcements, ministry activities and event information at First United Methodist Church.
Want to know more about us? Head on over to our website, Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. If you missed last week's sermon, you can catch up by visiting our sermon archives. See You on Sunday!

We are so glad that you are interested in the ministry of First Methodist Clinton!
Missed this one? You can catch up online!
The Last Day Series
Each week during Lent we will look at one moment in the last day of Jesus’ earthly life, reflecting on what happens, who is there, and, sometimes, who isn’t there.

Scripture: John 19:38-42
Title:  The Aftermath            
Theme: What can we learn from the hours after Jesus’ death. Who’s there, who’s missing, and what might we have done?

If you have an emergency need or need to speak with a pastor outside of church
office hours, please feel free to call 601-460-0570.

The number will reach one of our pastors who will be able to respond to you immediately.

Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570
Submitting information for The Voice:
Please email your submission by noon on Monday to debb@firstmethodistclinton.org
All content submitted is subject to approval and editing. Thank you for your cooperation!