Curing Cancer Network - Monthly Newsletter
This email newsletter describes our efforts to substantially reduce cancer deaths.

CCN website
We have updated the headers and footers on our website to make it easier to navigate. More changes are in the works.

National Cancer Institute (NCI) Annual Plan
The current NCI goal is to “end cancer as we know it”. Many prominent researchers have produced short videos describing what this means to them and have posted them to Twitter .

Dr. Pernick’s favorites are:

New LinkedIn and Twitter accounts
Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer death. Learn what you can do to help reduce deaths related to lung cancer by visiting this great website.

Website Primer
We are creating a “primer” that focuses on our major ideas aimed at reducing cancer deaths. These include: identifying larger combinations of treatment that involve not only different aspects of the cancer itself but also its microenvironment and systemic changes; facilitating a better understanding of early cancer deaths; recognizing stronger prevention and screening activities and promotion of "healthy Americans"; and studying other possible infectious causes of cancer. Click here for the first infectious disease topic relating to Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer.

What do you think are the important questions that we need to answer or understand in order to substantially reduce cancer deaths?
Here is our current list:

  • How can we emphasize the drive to be healthy so that more Americans incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle?
  • Adult cancers are due to decades of systemic changes involving inflammation, the immune system and other networks - how can we most effectively target these changes to reduce cancer deaths?
  • What types of prevention activities are likely to bring about the largest reduction in cancer deaths (even if we don’t yet know precisely how to do them)?
  • What are potential mechanisms for the large number of pancreatic cancers and the smaller number of lung cancers with no risk factors?
  • How can we better detect premalignancy in the lung and pancreas?

What is your cancer plan?
What ideas do you think are most important to consider in order to substantially reduce cancer deaths? All ideas are welcome, however crazy they may sound. Send your thoughts to or stop by Booth #323 at USCAP and tell us in person.

Latest versions of our documents
(we are working on making these documents easier to navigate):

Strategic plan (updated 27 August 2021)
American Code Against Cancer (how you can prevent cancer)
Nat Pernick, M.D. |