Letter from Our Chairman

It's hard to believe that the first month of the new year has passed. Many of us made resolutions for 2022, and now may be a good time to recheck our goal list to ensure our actions are aligned with our intentions.

This year will bring about a change for EDGE as we search for the organization's next leader. Former President & CEO Reid Dulberger worked tirelessly for a decade to advance EDGE's mission. He served the people of Memphis and Shelby County exceedingly well. We needed a CEO who was sharp, resourceful, and wise. Reid fit the bill perfectly, and it was an honor to serve beside him.

We're working to ensure we bring on a President that shares EDGE's mission and understands the importance of our work. While the leader will change, our commitment to community remains steadfast.

Here's to continued economic development, job creation, and making Memphis and Shelby County a better place to call home.
Al Bright, Jr.
EDGE Board Chairman
January PILOT Approval

At the year's first board meeting, MHR Fund Management LLC was approved for a 15-year Jobs PILOT encouraging the company to invest $112,500,000 in a shipping container and chassis production facility. The project will create 400 net new jobs with an average wage of more than $44,000. MHR plans to occupy the building at 8400 Winchester Road, where a Nike facility was previously housed.
MHR is a New York based investment firm that manages capital across a variety of industries including logistics, entertainment, and steel plate fabrication. The firm finds or builds management teams to guide creation of business plans for new investments, facilitating long-term portfolio growth.
EDGE Board Meeting Dates
EDGE Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Locations vary by month. Meetings are open to the public.

The next meeting will be held Wednesday, February 16 at Embassy Suites - 1022 S. Shady Grove Road, 38120.

Upcoming Meeting Dates
March 16      
April 20    
May 18     
June 15    

Please check our website for meeting locations.
Port of Memphis and New Madrid County Port Authority Join Forces

The International Port of Memphis and New Madrid County (Missouri) Port Authority have teamed up to benefit both operations. Their newly-formed alliance aims to generate business by promoting international and inland trade routes.

The New Madrid County Port Authority is a multimodal port accessible by barge, rail, and truck. The Port Authority on the upper-lower Mississippi River at mile 885 is located a half mile off Interstate 55, just 110 miles north of Memphis and 175 miles south of St. Louis, Missouri. 

The organizations have agreed to share the following joint initiatives:

  • Marketing Activities
  • Data Interchange
  • Market Studies
  • Modernization and Improvements
  • Training
  • Technological Exchange

Both parties finalized the agreement by signing a MOU in January. The agreement is valid through 2027.
EDGE At A Glance 
Since 2011, EDGE has approved projects expected to create:
*Wage calculation includes PILOTs only
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