Partnership Welcome & Update
The South Mountain Partnership works best as a network of people and organizations working toward common goals.

Our common goal? Making the future of our region better.
As the leaves begin to turn from green to orange, red, or yellow we might think a bit more about change and renewal. Nature isn’t static; it is constantly adapting and becoming more. So is the South Mountain Partnership. As we add new partners, dive into new projects, and seek out new opportunities, we grow as an organization. The Friends of South Mountain Partnership is one way we are growing, and we hope you will take a few minutes to join us! The Friends of South Mountain Partnership supports the work of the Partnership and provides a way for individuals and businesses to be a part of it all.
Fall Partnership Meeting Stresses Working Together
More than 50 attendees gathered on September 18 for the 2020 Fall Partnership Meeting, one of three annual regional meetings that are open for anyone to attend. New to the agenda were interactive breakout sessions to ensure an engaging meeting for attendees to interact with others throughout the region. Information collected will also inform the Program Subcommittee as it moves forward elements of the strategic plan to better understand the South Mountain Partnership’s (SMP) core audiences and needs.

David Lilliard, Coordinator for the Heart of Maryland and Executive Director of the Catoctin Land Trust, the conservation landscape to our south across the Maryland line, spoke about how his conservation landscape is developing a communications and messaging toolkit that can be used by both the Heart of Maryland and customized by each organization participating in it. Ezra Thrush, Director of Government Affairs for PennFuture, discussed how to advocate for continued investment in the ongoing conservation and preservation work happening throughout the South Mountain landscape, particularly through these trying pandemic and politicly polarized times. Thrush was joined by Andrew Loza, Executive Director for We Conserve PA, formerly known as the PA Land Trust Association. Loza said one thing that partners and people should do to help address the potential state budget cuts is to meet with their legislator (find your legislator here) and request that special funds, like the Environmental Stewardship Fund and Keystone Fund, be left alone so that conservation and preservation in the South Mountain region and throughout the state can continue. The meeting was recorded and is available to view on the South Mountain Partnership YouTube page.
Speakers Series includes Climate Action Planning events for southcentral PA
Changing climate has caused and will continue to cause impacts to public health, infrastructure, emergency services, and major economic contributors like agriculture, tourism, and recreation. Beginning on October 20, a series of community forums regarding Climate Action Planning will be hosted through 2021 by community groups and agencies in the Cumberland Valley.

The series is a partnership between the Cumberland Conservation Collaborative, the South Mountain Partnership, Cumberland County Planning Department, the Center for Land Use and Sustainability at Shippensburg University, and the Center for Sustainability at Dickinson College, and Carlisle Borough. 
Nominate now! The South Mountain spirit of collaboration, innovation, and stewardship is celebrated through the annual 'Spirit of South Mountain' Award. Nominations for the 9th annual award will be accepted through December 4. The award is presented at the Annual “Power of the Partnership” Year-End Celebration, to be held January 29, 2021.
Update Your SMP Contact Information
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
To better serve you and the programs of the South Mountain Partnership and the Friends of South Mountain Partnership, we are updating our contact information, which now includes the general locations and interests of our partners. 
All information will be kept confidential and within our database alone - it will not be shared with anyone else. As always, you will still be able to unsubscribe to our emails and e-newsletter at any time. Thanks for your help!
Social Media & Partner News Roundup
Most Popular Social Media Posts
The following are some of the most recent popular posts from our Facebook page,
followed by partner-submitted news we thought you might find useful.

Follow us for the latest news, upcoming events, and more!
New Park Manager Arrives at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Another Says Goodbye
Photos courtesy of "Pine Grove Furnace News" Summer 2020
Chris Houck became the Park Manager at Pine Grove Furnace State Park near the end of August. Previously, Chris was Assistant Park Manager at the French Creek State Park Complex in Bucks and Chester counties.

Help us to welcome Chris to his new role and also thank Mike Kutzmonich, the previous park manager, who was recently promoted to Assistant Regional Manager in Park Region 3. Mike had been park manager at Pine Grove Furnace since the fall of 2016. Best of luck to you both in your new roles!
Gettysburg Resident Appointed President, PA Fish and Boat Commission
Photo courtesy of PA Fish and Boat Commission
During the July 20 quarterly meeting of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) Board of Commissioners, Richard Lewis of Gettysburg was appointed as Board President. Lewis, who serves as a Boating-at-Large Commissioner, replaces Eric Hussar of Lewisburg, Union County, as president. 

In accepting the appointment Lewis stated, "Many thanks to my fellow Commissioners for the trust they have placed in me. As we move through the next year, I'm looking forward to seeing the Bureau of Boating established and staffed, to implementing our new strategic plan goals and projects, to sustaining the increased interest and participation in fishing and boating across Pennsylvania, and to resurveying our diverse angler population to determine their needs and wants." 

Lewis added, "I don't come into this office with a wish list of personal agenda items to achieve but rather a strong desire to use our Commonwealth's bountiful water, aquatic, and fishery resources to serve the needs of all anglers and boaters while protecting the health and safety of the Commission's employees, partners, volunteers, and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic."

You may recognize Richard, as he is an active conservationist in our region, a regular attendee of our events, and a board member of the Adams County chapter of Trout Unlimited. Help us to congratulate Richard and wish him best of luck in this new position with the PFBC!

This article was reprinted, in part, from a PFBC news release that can be read in its entirety here.
Share with the region through the Around South Mountain e-newsletter and the SMP website.
Send us your free events, trainings, work days, celebrations, challenges, and other updates. Type "For Newsletter" in the subject line of your email. Include your event date, time, location, title, and short description. We will include on our website calendar.
Trainings, Workshops & Learning Opportunities
Due to the COVID-19 and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), please visit individual partner organization's websites to confirm event details prior to the event. Stay healthy!
America’s Geoheritage Distinguished Speaker Webinar Series
The series of eight free webinars organized by the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences will be presented throughout the Fall 2020 on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. For a complete list of webinar dates, topics, and speakers in the series, and to register, please visit
Calendar of Events
October 2
First Friday Walk
Led by the park naturalist, explore the trails in the Conewago Day Use area of Gifford Pinchot State Park on an approximately 1.5-hour easy walk. More info here.

October 4
Yoga on the Mountain
Every Sunday this yoga class, which is appropriate for all levels, will take place at Kings Gap State Park. Bring your yoga mat, and have a mask with you. Rain or shine. Class meets on the Mansion Terrace. More info here.

October 10
Litter Cleanup of Old Forge Road
DCNR and the Friends of Michaux State Forest will be coordinating litter clean up from 9-noon along Old Forge Road. Join us in giving some much needed TLC to this highly trafficked area. Email to sign up and get more details.

October 20
Climate Action Series #1: Local Governance – Setting the Stage
Join us in learning about the importance of local government in addressing climate change, Cumberland County’s commitment to climate change mitigation and the Local Climate Action Program through the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection. More info here.