December 16-20, 2019 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
for past issues of
The Upcoming Events calendar is below.
: Your communications team is taking a break. We will NOT be publishing the week between Christmas and New Year's. After next week, your next
editions) will be in your inboxes January 3 and 5. Enjoy the season!
We Have Joyous News!
Intern Minister, Margalie Belizaire
earned the highest rating possible from the Ministerial Fellowship Committee last Friday in Boston! The successful completion of this step in her Ministerial development will clear the way for her to receive her Ordination in May. Please acknowledge this great achievement and give Margalie your congratulations when you see her.
It's that time of year again when we turn to others in need. We all have competing demands on our generosity, but we hope you'll consider giving a donation to TUCW this December. Whether we call it
The Holiday Appeal or
End of Year Donation, it's the same thing: helping others who need our help to help themselves.
HERE to make a donation. There is no gift too small. Thank you for your consideration at this busy time of year.
There's a lot happening in December given the holidays. Click
to get dates, times, and descriptions of our special events. We are a vibrant, compassionate and welcoming community: please join us this season.
Come as you are to our
Blue Christmas Service
on Friday, December 20, 2019, 7:00-8:00 PM. Led by Margalie Belizaire and Carrie McAvoy.
We recognize that the holiday season can be a sad and difficult time for some. We want to acknowledge this and make room for it; for you, if this is your story. So, we invite you to come and be in a reflective space for the holding of your spirit without the trappings of commercialism. As so moved, we will sing, meditate, and reflect in a warm and supportive setting. Come co-create this supporting and loving space with us.
The Winter Solstice and Labyrinth Walk
December 21, 4:00 & 4:30 PM in the Sanctuary
At Winter Solstice we celebrate the return of the light and renew our hope for the future. Part of sacred and ancient traditions, this is a time for deep reflection, letting go, and setting intentions for the new year. Marjorie Partch will provide guidance to those who are new to the practice of walking the labyrinth. Supporting materials will be available in the lobby, including meditative coloring and finger labyrinth pages. Come to one or both as you wish.
For those interested in joining us in the Christmas Eve Choir, we'd love to have you! Please contact Ed Thompson. or 203-227-7205 ext.18.
Rehearsals: Thursday, December 19: 7:30 PM;
Sunday Dec. 22: 3 PM; Monday, December 23: 7:30 PM.
Service: Tuesday, Dec 24: 8 PM warm-up; 9 PM service
The Music Committee invites you to purchase CDs or mp3 versions of
Tune My Heart to Sing and
Love is the Spirit: a great way to spread happiness at this time of year.
$10 each. All proceeds from these sales will go towards the production of a volume of 'sacred' jazz music. This project has been in the wings for a while and we are waiting to collect enough funds to make it a reality. See you Sunday, or click
HERE to purchase yours now!
Music lovers, mark your calendars, details coming soon!
- Sight-singing classes with Rev. Ed for those interested in improving their skills in reading music. Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 and Feb 8 and 15. 9:30-11AM.
- Singing instruction with Marcella Calabi. Jan and Feb: stay tuned for details.
- Our Cabaret evening is coming! February 15.
Contact Ed
, 203-227-7205 ext.18 for questions, sign-ups, and details.
Neighboring Faiths Program - Islam – January 2020
Shanonda Nelson and
Shahan Islam
ill be leading these sessions.
Space is limited; register by emailing
Ravi Sankar. Click
HERE for more information.
- Session 1 Learn – Friday, January 10 – 7:00 PM – East Wing
- Session 2 Experience – Friday, January 17 – 1:00 PM - Bridgeport Islamic Community Center (703 State Street, Bridgeport, CT) The parking lot fills QUICKLY on Friday afternoons, so try to arrive no later than 12:45 to provide ample time for parking. In addition, women are asked to wear a headscarf and that the headscarf is in place BEFORE entering the building.
- Session 3 Reflection – Friday, January 24 – 7:00 PM - East Wing
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and offered in November and December. Visit
Adult Faith Formation
on our website or email leaders as listed below.
6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House
Buddhist Practice Group
Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.
various dates and times.
Small group ministry meetings
These must be signed-up for ahead of time as they depend on host availability, group size etc.
Monthly Mantra:
“The same force that guides the stars, guides me.”
Winter is a natural time for turning inward, reflecting, taking stock. Remember as you navigate this month that you--exactly as you are -- are part of goodness and creation, not separate from it. That small, still voice within that leads you to loving and life-affirming ways in the world is a piece of a mighty, awesome whole.
Child care is provided for Sunday Services and on an as needed basis for other events. Organizers of events should contact
Nate Pawelek
to arrange child care.
Sat Dec 14
Concert Service Dress Rehearsal - Sanctuary - 10:00
Pastoral Care Chaplains - MH - 1:00
Holiday Party/Potluck - 4:30
Sun Dec 15
Holiday Boutique - EW - after both services
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL Room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
2nd-3rd Grade - Pine Room – 11:00
4th-7th Grade – MH – 11:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Mon Dec 16
Buddhist Practice Group - MH - 6:30
Bell Choir at 6:45 pm
O&AS – 7:45
Tues Dec 17
Gender Equity Team - WW - 10:00
Cultural Competency Team - WW - 6:00
BOT - EW - 7:00
Wed Dec 18
Teen Choir - 6:00
NVC - EW - 7:00
Stewardship - WW - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00
Chamber Choir - 7:45
Thur Dec 19
Pageant Rehearsal- 5:00
Finance Committee - WW – 6:00
Christmas Eve Choir – 7:30
Fri Dec 20
Small Group Steering Com - WW - 11:30
Shawl Ministry - MH - 12:30
Blue Christmas - Sanctuary - 7:00
Sat Dec 21
A Better Man - MH - 8:00
Small Group Facilitators - MH - 10:00
Winter Solstice Labyrinth - Sanctuary - 4:00
Sun Dec 22
Amnesty Intl. “Write for Rights” - EW - 9:00-1:00
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Pageant Rehearsal - Sanctuary - 1:00
Christmas Eve Choir - 3:00
Climate Change Potluck - EW - 6:00
Christmas Eve Choir - 7:30
Mon Dec 23
Buddhist Practice Group - MH - 6:30
Bell Choir - 6:45
Christmas Eve Choir - 7:30
Tues Dec 24
Pageant Dress Rehearsal - Sanctuary - 2:00
Pageant Service - Sanctuary - 4:00
Candle Light Service - Sanctuary - 9:00
Wed Dec 25
Fri Dec 27
UU Movie Discussion - MH - 7:30
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email
to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...
please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
For a complete listing of all upcoming activities, see our church calendar.
Click here.
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
and support individual spiritual growth.
through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries.
in the service of peace and justice.
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)
Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"