The Census is a program that counts every resident in the United States every 10 years. This is outlined in the Constitution and the data is crucial for funding distribution, political representation, and more.

This year you can self-respond to the Census online or by phone - the deadline for self-response is September 30th.
Door-to-door counting for non-responding households began on August 11, 2020. Response rates will continue to improve, but the risk of undercounting the population is higher for areas with higher non-response rates.

As of August 11, over 4 million North Carolinians need to be counted putting at risk an estimated $7.4 billion annually for the next 10 years.
As of August 11, Cumberland County is at risk of losing
$244,653,892 in funding for the next 10 years.

Currently, Cumberland County (58.8%) is behind the statewide self-response rate of 60.1% and national self-response rate of 64.2%.
It's easy to fill out your census and it usually takes less than 10 minutes. If you've already filled out your census, take time to check in with loved ones who may not have access to a computer.

Everyone counts!

Visit or Call 844-330-2020
Contact Us:
North Carolina General Assembly
Legislative Office Building
300 N. Salisbury St. Room 515
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Phone Number: (919) 433-5776
Fax Number: (919) 754-3229