news & events
February 4 - February 13, 2022
Sometimes we stumble into good theology. Let me tell you a quick story about how this happened with our upcoming Celebration of New Ministry. The Celebration of New Ministry is the liturgy that celebrates the beginning of a partnership between a parish and priest. I hope you've heard that ours is scheduled for next Thursday, February 10, at 7:00 PM. The bishop presides, area clergy attend, in normal times the church invites community partners, and in general it is a big, important party. The idea is always to make the liturgy reflect the mutuality of ministry--with the ministries of priest and people, by the grace of God, sharing the focus. But invariably, the new priest gets most of the attention. After all, the priest's arrival is the triggering event for the liturgical celebration. How we pray is how we live, and this liturgy is always struggling to embody the reality of healthy ministry together.
This probably would have happened, despite our best efforts, to us, too. Except that after we had scheduled it, we realized that this liturgy will be taking the place of our usual annual episcopal visitation. Thursday night is Bishop's Logue's only planned visit to Saint Paul's in 2022. Once we knew that, we had to scramble to assemble a Confirmation class, or ask everyone to wait another year to be Confirmed. In the process of assembling that class, we found the happy need for an adult Baptism. Thankfully, the bishop agreed to this Frankensteined liturgy and we found ourselves, almost by accident, putting together a night that genuinely will reflect our shared ministry.
On Thursday night, we'll have a Baptism and multiple Confirmations and Receptions. These will then be the context for our Celebration of New Ministry. We will be demonstrating in almost overwhelming fashion that the ministry of the priest is rooted in the ministry of the baptized. Our relationship is not primarily determined by me ministering to you (though of course that matters very much), but by us ministering together, according to our gifts and orders. This liturgy will be about the life that God is making possible at Saint Paul's through all of us: bishop, people, and priest. As a production, it will be a little messy and a little overcrammed. That's okay--ministry and life are messy and sometimes overcrammed.
I entreat you to come and participate. In our tradition, one role of sacraments is to clarify and deepen our understanding of what is real. This evening jam-packed with sacramental action will clarify and deepen our understanding of who we are: priest and people, and all ministers together.
In 2018 Saint Paul’s Church building turned 100 years old. The roof had leaks and other physical plant issues were concerning. Thus, was born “The Next 100 Years” capital campaign.
Parishioners and other friends of Saint Paul’s have donated $1,532,615. Currently we have $311,429 on hand and $70,447 in outstanding pledges.
The 2018 plan requires that 30% of the collected funds be added to the Saint Paul’s endowment. Currently $334,975 are in the endowment from this campaign.
Your capital campaign funds first use, as per the 2018 plan, was to replace the slate roof on the Church and the parish hall. Gutter, downspout, skylight replacement and bell tower lighting were included in this work. This project costing $466,505 completed in 2018 and thanks to Dennis Bell it was within budget.
The re-leathering of our Casavant organ took place in 2020 at a cost of $75,000.
Accessibility ramps to the Church and parish hall complement our architecture. The ramps built in 2020 cost $111,587 which was far more than our 2018 estimate.
We completed the second accessibility project, the Tyler Hall restrooms, in 2021. The cost $202,571 was also above budget.
Design work cost $23,343 for the completed projects and $4,431 has been spent on other expenses.
In 2018 the plans included moving the church offices to the upstairs in Tyler Hall and refurbishing the current office space to use for church programs. Since then, a decision was made not to proceed with those plans.
Architectural plans to remodel the Tyler Hall kitchen are complete. A contractor has priced the job. This project includes added sexton workspace and storage. The space will encompass the old restroom and will house the washer and dryer now in the kitchen. This project should be completed in 2022. The estimated cost is $300,000.
Plans to improve the Sacristy are not yet ready but we expect to complete that work in 2022. Our budget is $25,000.
Updating technology in the Church, the offices and the River Room are the remaining projects. Technology has evolved and our uses of technology have expanded. Our budget is $150,000. Recent proposals are within this range. We will need to raise more money to fund this project and fund the endowment as committed.
We have had so many generous givers to this campaign including some who have given more than once but we now need additional gifts to complete the job.
Thank you for your gifts of time and treasure to this campaign.
Catherine Boardman
Billy Badger
Saint Paul's Nursery is OPEN
Sundays 9:30 AM -12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursey has reopened for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m. to allow parents to attend formation. If you have any questions about the nursey, please contact the parish office. Miss Connie and Miss Jenna are all VERY EXCITED to welcome you back!
Sunday Forum
“Women of the Bible: Exploring Difficult Stories and Their Significance Now.”
Sunday, February 6, 9:30 AM
Berlin Room
The Daughters of the King will lead a four-part series for Christian Formation during Epiphany, February 6, 13, 20, and 27th at 9:30 AM. “Women of the Bible: Exploring Difficult Stories and Their Significance Now” will read and study these difficult Biblical texts as they relate to current reality for women in 2022. Please join us.
Meet Saint Paul's (grades PK - 3rd)
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
February is all about love and on Sunday, the children in PK-3rd grade formation classes will meet two ministry leaders at Saint Paul’s who live out “love your neighbor” every week. Margaret Penix and Barbara Register will be our special guests and talk about their weekly ministry of taking flowers from the altar to parishioners who need an extra dose of love and care and also our annual Valentine’s ministry involving the children of Saint Paul’s. Each year our Saint Paul’s children make Valentines to share with veterans and parishioners who are homebound. The children and our special guests will also share refreshments and fellowship at the end of the program. We hope to see all our children there for this special celebration of love!
Spark: grades 4- 6
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
Our older children will again immerse themselves in SPARK, where they will work with the same themes and Scripture that we all encounter in common worship. Every lesson follows a four-part pattern: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Week after week, the children and their leaders gather together, explore the Scriptures, enjoy one another's company, pray, and discover God's presence in their midst.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Rite I - In person
11 AM Rite II - In person
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
All three of our Sunday worship services are in-person with no requirement to sign-up.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
5:30 PM
Our musicians are Keith Shafer, piano, and vocalist Kathleen Chandler.
EVENTS NEXT WEEK | February 7 - February 13
Tuesday's Music Live Continues
Tuesday, February 8, 12 Noon
Tuesday’s Music Live continues its 33rd season Tuesday, February 8, a free concert by Russell Joel Brown. More information at TuesdaysMusicLive.com or by calling the Box Office at (706) 722-3463.
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m. Social time follows worship on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Celebration of New Ministry
Thursday, February 10, 7 PM
Mark your calendar for our Celebration of New Ministry, Thursday, February 10, 7 PM, where we’ll gather to ask God’s blessing for our new ministry together. Bishop Logue will join us for this joyful celebration which will also include confirmation and reception.
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, February 13, 10:30 - 10:45 AM
Join us during “Coffee and Conversation” (10:30 - 10:45 AM) in Tyler Hall. ALL are invited to our brief but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in February.
Attention Gardeners!
Saturday Morning Work Fest
Saturday, February 19, 9 AM
Please join our regular garden volunteers for a Saturday morning work fest on February 19th beginning at 9 AM. We’ll be preparing the East side bed next to the church by removing existing verbena, tilling the ground, adding soil amendments, and dividing and replanting perennials from the garden between the West side of the church and the chapel. If you can participate in this event, please email Keith Shafer or call or text him at 706.339.7208. Keith will provide you with information about tools we need. Volunteers with pick-up trucks especially appreciated!
February 26 - Master's Table Soup Kitchen
March 1 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
March 2 - Ash Wednesday
Forward Day by Day Available
The new Day by Day issue for February, March, and April has arrived and is available in the Narthex. If you would like to have one mailed to you, please contact Hannah in the parish office. Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, "page-a-day," inspirational meditations each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experiences. These meditations are also available online on the Forward Movement website.
Gathering Safely Plan Updated 12-29-21
The Vestry has approved a plan for gathering safely. This plan is available using the link below and on our website . Clergy, vestry, and regathering committee members will continue to monitor the situation and publicize precautions and changes.
From the Stewardship Chair
Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you,
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.
The Finance Committee and the Vestry are beginning the work of preparing the 2022 budget. Your pledge allows them to prepare a more accurate budget. If you have not yet completed a pledge card, please prayerfully consider your pledge to a momentous year. Pledge cards are available in the Narthex and by contacting the parish office. You may also pledge online using the link below.
Pledge Cards Received: 134
89 Increase (22 new), 5 Decrease, 40 no change
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 02/02/2022
Offerings pledged this Week $12,159.00
Offerings received this Week $43,834.67
Operating Expenses to Date $58,195.01
Total Income Received to Date $94,142.03
COVID-19 Vaccine Registration
Eligible individuals, including those ages 5 and older, can now register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Registration must be completed in advance on the AU Health website.
South Carolina residents who are eligible can also register to receive the vaccine at Aiken Technical College through the AU Health website.
Are we missing your birthday?