Sailing Science Center News
November 2019
Vol. 3, No. 3
Welcome to the November issue of the Sailing Science Center News! Our theme this month is The Journey, as we look back on the shore behind us, look forward to the challenges ahead, and enjoy the moment we're in.

Continue reading for more updates on the SSC journey below!

If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.

– Enoch Powell
Volunteer Spotlight - Christine Cid
This month’s Volunteer Spotlight is on Christine Cid, a true blessing to our team! Christine grew up in Jersey City, near Manhattan, and has a brother who is seven years older. After graduating from high school at seventeen, Christine moved to Boston to attend Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) where she enrolled in a combined undergraduate/doctorate program in pharmacy. What got her interested in that? Christine says she knew she wanted to go into healthcare, and seeing a special about a NASA pharmacist set her on her journey.

After graduating, Christine moved to California to work for Genentech under a post-doc fellowship, where she started in Regulatory Affairs, but then moved to Strategic Insights and Analysis. If she’s starting to sound like a young hotshot, trust me, she’s every bit of that!
Recreationally (how do you find the time Christine?) she says she’s passionate about visual and musical arts and she loves spending time outdoors. The latter was more difficult in New Jersey, but now she likes hiking and riding her road bike in Marin. Oh, and there’s sailing! It’s something she wanted to do since high school but didn’t have access to. Once in California, however, Christine joined the Social Sailing program on Treasure Island, which is where we met.

Another theme in Christine’s life has been volunteering. In college she was a volunteer for the Boston Marathon in 2013, which was the year of the bombing. She was close enough to hear and feel the bomb’s concussion, but luckily wasn’t hurt. The experience made a lasting impression on her, however. Also, in college, she volunteered as the Content Manager for the American Marketing Association’s monthly email. Christine is now bringing that experience to the Sailing Science Center News as our new Content Manager and is seriously outshining the previous person in that role (me).
Atop Mission Peak
Prior to publishing our October issue I was afraid I was having memory lapses because I couldn’t recall composing some of the material, even though it looked like my writing. Fortunately, Christine set me straight before I went to the neurologist by informing me that the copy was hers. Whether she’s matching my voice intentionally (are you really that good Christine?!), or just happens to write like I do, you’ll have a hard time separating our work. You’re doing a fantastic job Christine!

October Volunteer Event - Sunday Funday Potluck
L to R: Carolyn Davidson, Laila Dounas, Paul Kamen, Emma Sarkisyan, Alexey Sobdev
Morgan Davidson
Mike Beller & Meagan Strout
Jeff Owens
Photos courtesy Travis Lund
Our October Volunteer Event was a Sunday potluck hosted by SSC Director and Treasurer, Travis Lund, and his wife, Catia. More than a dozen SSC people showed up to enjoy food, refreshments, music and good company. The presence of more than half the party-goers after the official end of the event is a good measure of the party's success. A shout needs to go out to Travis and Catia, and to our Volunteer Event Coordinator, Morgan Davidson, for organizing the event and ensuring that everything was cleaned up before we left!
It is good to have an end toward which to journey, but it is the journey that matters in the end.

– Ursula K. Le Guin (paraphrased)

In the News
On October 21st we visited with Saildrone in Alameda. Saildrone is building autonomous sailboats that are being used for ocean data collection with better than 10x cost reductions compared to manned vessels. Their standard vessel is 7m (23 feet) in length. The week before our visit they had just completed construction of their 100th drone. There are currently about 30 Saildrones deployed on the oceans worldwide.

If you want to merge sailing and science there's absolutely no better example of it than Saildrone!
The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.

– Tony Robbins
Social Media Corner
Social Media Logos
Help Us Source Juicy Content for Social Media!
As we build our presence on social media through  our own original content , we also want to spotlight and share the best existing content from around the web. In particular, we want to crowd-source shareable content – i.e., pictures, short videos, quote graphics, and illustrations of scientific principles – related to sailing. 

Email with your favorite sailing blogs, websites, YouTube channels, Facebook groups, and Twitter/Instagram accounts.

And, of course, follow us on Twitter  and  Facebook .
Small Stuff
Are you working in the corporate world? Hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies are using Benevity Causes to facilitate employee giving and volunteering at their organizations. In many cases companies will match employee don- ations or contribute in proportion to an employee's volunteer hours.

The Sailing Science Center is registered with Benevity Causes , meaning that if your company works with Benevity you now have an easy way to make donations to the SSC. Look into it today!

Move the Needle!
These are things YOU can do to move the SSC vision forward:

Make a difference. Move the needle!
Leadership Corner - The Journey
When Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mt. Everest on May 29, 1953, they had a view of the world that no one had seen before. In order to reach their camp before nightfall, t he pair spent only 15 minutes at the top before beginning their descent. And so the question is, was the view worth the climb?

New Volunteers

We want to give a shout out to everyone who raised their hands in October to say they could help. This included Susan Proescher , Leonora Fleming and Jessica Wilbur. We are very excited to welcome all of you to the SSC!
That's all for this month.


Jim Hancock
President and Founder




*STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math

Ron Young * James Hancock * Meagan Strout * Travis Lund * Jeff Owens
Carolyn Davidson * Kira Hammond

Morgan Davidson

Christine Cid

The Sailing Science Center News is published on the first business day of each month. It is sent to team members, partners, volunteers, sponsors and supporters of the San Francisco Sailing Science Center. You are receiving this because you are considered to be in one of these groups. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please click the Unsubscribe link below. We do not sell, share or otherwise give out our mailing list beyond our organization.
San Francisco Sailing Science Center
One Avenue of the Palms, Suite 16A
San Francisco, CA 94130