Weekly Message from UUSS
January 6, 2022
Greeting friends,

Christmas is winding down in my neighborhood, most houses have their lights down, and many trees lie forlornly in the gutter waiting to be picked up by the city compost.  In other parts of the world, however, the Christmas season is still in full swing.

Twelve years ago, when I was in seminary I had the chance to study for three weeks in Rome. When we arrived the day before epiphany, the holiday spirit was alive in the city. Epiphany (January 6th) marks the day when the wise men arrived to honor the baby Jesus. In Italy, January 6th is also a day to celebrate Belfana, a grandmother Santa Claus-like figure. I associate Jan 6th with Belfana because I remember the colorful Roman celebrations in her honor.

And sadly, I now associate January 6th with the insurrection at the U.S. Capital which tried to disrupt the peaceful and constitutionally mandated certification of the presidential election. Lives were lost, along with our sense of security that our democracy was strong and resilient.  This week there were many events in Washington D.C. to mark the day including one that stood out for me: A "Historic Perspective" conversation will be held between historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and John Meacham "to establish and preserve the narrative of Jan. 6."

I am so grateful that historians are already working to “establish and preserve the narrative of January 6th.” We can’t forget this event, nor should we forget the events that led up to it. Voting rights in this country are under attack. If you haven’t already done so I urge you to contact your Senator and Representative and urge them to support the voting rights legislation that is currently under consideration. Go to the UU the vote web page to get all the information you need.  The work of this group makes me proud to be a UU.

Sending love to all,
In Loving Memory
We extend our condolences to Ann Marie and Thomas Kennedy and family on the passing of their father, our member Jack Kennedy. He passed away on Monday, Jan. 3. He had been in the hospital recently and his health had been declining rapidly in the past year. In late summer he lost his wife and partner in activism, travel, parenting and grandparenting, Fran Kennedy to whom he was married to for 55 years. Jack was born Nov. 29, 1934. There will be a memorial service for Jack at UUSS in the spring. Memorial contributions in Jack's honor may be made to the Heritage Fund at UUSS or any charity to which you and the Kennedys have shared a commitment.
We extend our condolences to our member Dusty Keene and family on the loss of her mother, Diane Patterson, age 89, on Dec. 16. Diane was born and attended high school in Bozeman, MT. She met her husband at a dance in Missoula. They lived in various parts of California and raised a family in San Jose. After his death 8 years ago, Diane moved to Sacramento. They shared a love of Hawaiian traditions and had many native Hawaiian friends. She leaves behind three daughters, eight grandchildren and step grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

Our member Robert Baumgardner shared with us recently that his mother died on Halloween of last year. Robert wants the congregation to know that because his participation in Spiritual Deeping Circles at UUSS, he made an effort to become closer to his mom than he had for many years. She reciprocated, and that brought joy to them both. We send Robert and his family our love and care.
Sunday Mornings with UUSS 
Proof of Vaccination Required to Attend In-Person Services
 Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here 
 Service time 10:30 a.m..
Miss a service? You can find links to past services here. 

Our January Soul Matters Theme is
Living with Intention
You can find materials for individual Soul Matters reflection on our website.
Half of all offering donations made in January
will support our community partner:
To donate now at the UUSS website, click here.
Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices
Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS
Third Sunday Qui Gong/Tai Chi--Jan. 16
First Sunday Labyrinth walk--Feb. 6
Join us for a Newcomer Orientation every second Sunday after church in the Welcome Hall. Come early on the fourth Sunday for Exploring Unitarian Universalism, starting at 9:30.
Joys and Sorrows: If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken aloud by a minister in Sunday’s prayer time, at this link. If we receive the request by 1:00 PM Saturday, we can mention it during the service.

This Sunday, Jan. 9, we'll have Joys & Sorrows candles in the sanctuary. Please come early to light a candle and fill out a card on the table for inclusion in the pastoral prayer, or use the link above. If you use the link , we will make sure a candle is lit for you.
Sunday, January 9, 10:30:
Showing Up: Intention, Action, and Connection
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones preaching with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Celia Buckley, UUSS Choir with Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Dr. Irina Tchantceva.

The disruptions of the pandemic as well as the danger and uncertainty of our political moment have made one thing harder to do but clearer to see: we need community. It can give us courage, reassurance, a sense of purpose, and reasons for hope. Yet it can do that only if we participate. In many aspects of our lives, the ways that we show up with intention make a difference—for others and for us. Let’s consider the blessings that we give and receive in this way.
Sunday, January 16, 10:30:
Circle Service: Risking for Justice
Rev. Lucy Bunch, Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Theo Claire and Ginny Johnson Worship Associates.
Working for justice usually requires us to take risk. We will hear the stories of some current and historical risk takers, and share a ritual where we explore our own call to justice work.  
Sunday, January 23, 10:30:
Un-glued to the News, Unfriending Facebook:
Seeking Serenity and Engagement
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones preaching with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Suzy Mazrolle, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Dr. Irina Tchantceva, Cellist Kenji Ota.

In these times of pandemic and political strife and so many distractions, a number of us have expressed the intention to reduce the attention we pay to the news media or to withdraw from social media. Yet we also seek to be connected to others and to be good citizens of the community and the world. How can we stay grounded spiritually while staying in touch with the world?
Religious Education (RE) for 
children, youth, & families
Kindergarten to grade 5 - Soul Kids on Zoom! Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 
Families, please email for the Zoom link.
  • For youth in grades 6-7-8, our Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) takes place on the 1st & 3rd Sunday in person, wearing masks. Next meeting is Sunday, January 16 before the service from 9:15-10:15 a.m. Class held in the Fahs Classroom.
  • For youth in grades 9-10-11-12, our Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) is a place of connection & exploration of our UU values. SHYG meets in the Fahs Classroom twice a month from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Next meeting is Sunday, January 16.

*Please register your family for Religious Education
at UUSS using this link. We thank you!
Groups, Gatherings, and Classes
As of January 2, to attend or participate in on-site Sunday services and other indoor programs and activities, it is necessary to bring proof of being vaccinated and a photo I.D. (for all who are eligible for vaccination, currently age 5 and older). Read more on our website at this link.
Startin up again in January

Newcomer Orientation Session this Sunday

Exploring Unitarian Universalism January 23

Newcomer Orientation returns January 9 and on the second Sunday of each month.
Attention all UUSS newcomers: join us for a tour of the campus and an orientation to UUSS and Unitarian Universalism. The session starts about 10 minutes after the Sunday service and runs for 60 minutes. You can sign up at the Welcome Table before the service, or just come! Look for Rev. Lucy.
Exploring Unitarian Universalism is an introductory set of classes for all who want to learn more about our faith tradition.  The classes meet on the fourth Sunday of the month starting January 23, at 9:30 a.m., before church. There are four classes offered sequentially: Principles and Sources; UU History and Theology; Faith of a UU; and Social Justice.   Come to one come to all.  For questions contact Rev. Lucy.  
"Ukulele Strum-Along" Monday, Jan.10 at 2:00-3:30 p.m. in the Fahs Room. Beginners welcome! Come at 1:30 for help getting started. We have music and ukes to lend. Info at
Mah Jongg next meets on Tues., Jan. 11 at 7:00pm. This drop-in activity meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm in Room 6. We play "American-style" Mah Jongg using the current years card. For more info contact
"Tango Meditation Class", Fridays, Jan. 14 & 21, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., UUSS Welcome Hall or via Zoom. Please sign up soon to attend in person. Learn a walking meditation based on Argentine Tango moves done slowly, with music. Info & signup, email
"Exploring Deism & Theism: Belief in God in an Age of Science", a 7-week discussion led by Mary Ann Bernard on Sundays Jan. 23 – March 6, 2022, 12:00 to 1:50 p.m. In person or via Zoom. Info, signup at
UUSS CUUPs Imbolg Sun., Jan. 30 4pm-7pm. Fahs Room & back patio. Ceremony 5:30-6, pot luck before or after. Preparation for spring births. Honoring of Celtic Goddess Brigid, with maybe a touch of Shinto kami/goddess Amaterasu. Please bring mask, vaccine card, dinnerware, & flatware. All are welcome! Contact:
InterPlay led by Rev. Lucy and Friends takes place on the 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:30 to noon. InterPlay is a series of forms that combine movement, storytelling, stillness, and sound to access your body wisdom. Take an opportunity to tune in, connect with others, give yourself moments of ease and be playful! If you are looking for a way to have fun and insights all at once, come join us! Link here. Learn more about Interplay here. Next meeting: January 8th.
Click to read the complete Bluesheet
Connections with the Larger Community
UUs in the News on NPR
In April, UUSS was featured in a story on National Public Radio about people who looked for faith communities during the pandemic lockdown; Rev. Roger and Nicole Oneto were interviewed; if you missed it, listen here.
 Recently, a UU minister at a church on Long Island, New York, was also featured. NPR interviewed the Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson about observing the last night of Kwanzaa, a week-long observance between Christmas and New Year's to celebrate African American heritage and culture. She spoke about the importance for a white-dominant congregation to learn about Kwanzaa's themes.
Staff and Minister Availability
Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) and Rev. Lucy (Lucy's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) are available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Schedule an appointment with Lucy at
Our office staff ( or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your phone calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30. Our RE Coordinator and Pianist and Music Director are available by email. 
JANUARY 18 for MLK Jr. Day
UUSS Mission 
We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.