The Episcopal Church Welcomes You!

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

eNews October 02, 2020 - Vol 14, Issue 40
Birthdays  October
10/05 Joyce Lake
10/07 Kathy Why
10/07 Laura Lovering
10/07 Charles Rogers
10/08 Rachael Jeffers
10/08 Marshall Farley
10/10 Betty Brown
10/10 Hank Why
10/10 Maxine Dostie
10/10 Scott Geissler
10/10 Kyle Rourke
Anniversaries October
10/07 Douglas & Heather Kiley
10/08 Al & Wilma Greymont
10/08 Cate McMahon & Statton Rice
Links to Sunday Services
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Jesus, Cornerstone of Our Faith

God has showered humankind with gifts and blessings, but we continue to abuse those gifts. We have been entrusted with a creation to care for, and in our shortsightedness we abuse and pollute the earth, even bringing about the extinction of entire species. We abuse the gift of our bodies when we overindulge in food or alcohol or drugs. We have been given the ability to create so many wonderful things, and even this gift we abuse as we gather and keep as much as we can for ourselves.
This is nothing new. Even in the days of Isaiah it was clear the people turned away from God's gifts. God expected righteousness and justice. Instead the people responded with bloodshed and suffering, turning away from God.
Even if you can think of all the ways you have not turned from God and all the ways you have been faithful, it does no good. As Paul reminds us in the reading from Philippians, "Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ" (Phil. 3:7). Even all of Paul's good and faithful acts add up to nothing. For Paul, and for us, all that matters is Jesus.
As Christ himself reminds us, he is our rock, our cornerstone. Jesus is the foundation for our faith and the foundation for our lives. Even as we turn from Jesus, even as we reject Jesus, he returns to us with love and forgiveness. This is the grace of God, the love of God coming into our world and into our lives. To our joy we discover the open arms of Jesus on the cross, bringing life into this world even where there is death; bringing hope where there is despair; and bringing resurrection to all creation. [Sundays and Seasons, 2020]
Join us online from your corner of creation Sunday to worship Christ, the Son of God, the cornerstone who secures our lives.
Grace and peace,

Isaiah 5:1-7 - The song of the vineyard
Psalm 80:7-15 - Look down from heaven, O God; behold and tend this vine
Philippians 3:4b-14 - Nothing surpasses the value of knowing Christ
Matthew 21:33-46 - The parable of the vineyard owner's son

Click on the following links:  Oct02

Bulletin Direct Link:  

Worship Links:
Worship  (including bulletin for Sunday worship live stream)
FaceBook    (Facebook account NOT required)

Dinner Bell Needs Volunteers

We are in need of two volunteers 3-6 pm each week to help distribute meals. Please contact Pastor Bill if you would like to help, or have any questions. If you have been a previous kitchen volunteer, please contact Chef Phil if you would like help.


  Hey family, Ralph and I have been making a number of recordings for future preludes, some just piano, some with piano and flute and/or trumpet (Thank you Paul D and Claudia B!).   We'd like to edit in some of YOUR favorite autumn photos --  not only scenery (which is super!!) but please include a pic  or two of you and/or you and your family from recent weeks.....  wouldn't it be lovely to "see" some of you while we're listening to sacred music for our online services this fall?!  We DO love and need scenery photos as well, which can come from any of your archives.  If any of you have running rivers/streams in your pics, I'd like to use that for one of the recorded hymns "Come, Thou Fount".  
   If you give permission, and send them to Ralph, we'd make sure you get mentioned in the streaming attributions if your pics are included.  THANKS FOR THIS IDEA, PASTOR BILL!!  :0)
Email them to:
.... and THANK YOU!!                   The Simons Duo  

White Supremacy is a Sin against God and Neighbor

Systematic Racism in New Hampshire - It's easy to not see race-based oppression and systematic racism in New Hampshire but our healthcare outcome data doesn't lie. The
New Hampshire Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival notes New Hampshire is 90% white and 10% people of color. However, people of color make up 20% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and 25% of infections in our state. Our health care system produces unequal racial outcomes and must be changed.

Source: NH Covid
Many of you will have noticed a number of new Black Lives Matter signs around town. They have been posted as a statement that - if we truly value ALL lives-we must stop treating people as more dangerous and less human simply because they have Black or Brown skin. This is not a political issue. It is an issue of simple human decency.
  • Some of you will say that it is political, that BLM is a violent organization. Research will show you that their protests are not violent by design, and that the violence is often instigated by outsiders.
  • Some of you will say that you believe in their goals, but that they should work in and with the system to make the changes they seek. Research will show you both that many do, and that hundreds of years of asking nicely have not been enough.
  • Some of you will say that it is not that bad, that they are overreacting. Research will show you that Black and Brown children are often suspended when other kids get detention and arrested when other kids get suspended. It will show you that Black women with advanced degrees are 6 times more likely to die of complications related to childbirth than White women with high school diplomas. It will show you that unarmed Black and Brown suspects are 1.3 times more likely to be killed by police than unarmed White suspects. Research will show you that, in fact, Black lives are not yet as valued as they should be.
"Black Lives Matter" means nothing more, and nothing less, than this.
Show Your Support - Black Lives Matter signs you may have seen around town and sponsored by the Wolfeboro Equity and Justice Group are on order and will soon be available through the parish office for $25.00. Proceeds from these sales will benefit The NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and The Equal Justice Initiative, organizations dedicated to uplifting the Black community.
Drawing on the unfinished work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1967/68 Poor People's Campaign, which called for a "revolution of values," Repairers of the Breach is working in partnership with hundreds of local and national partners, to lead the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. This multi-state movement has emerged from more than a decade of work by grassroots community and religious leaders, organizations, and movements fighting to end systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, environmental destruction, and other injustices. To learn about New Hampshire Poor People's Campaign, visit: NHPPC

Prayers of the People during Global Pandemic

O God, our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; in this challenging and uncertain time of global pandemic and public health crisis, we come before you offering our prayers on behalf of those in need, the Church and the world.

For the Church, that it may not grow weary of proclaiming the gospel of Christ and serve as a beacon of hope to a suffering world.

For all affected by coronavirus around the world. For leaders of the nations that they may work together for the common good as the outbreak spreads.

Grant public health and government officials in our nation the strength and will to act swiftly and decisively, with wisdom and compassion in service to all.

Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they have access to medical care and regain their strength and health; grant them your healing grace. Give strength to all who are caring for loved ones.

For healthcare workers who, with hearts of service, stand on the front lines of providing care. Grant them courage and protection as they put the needs of public safety before their own.
Bless scientists and researchers around the world as they combat the virus, that their work may yield knowledge to develop a vaccine, treatments, and improved measures to reduce its spread.

Remove the presence of fear and anxiety from our hearts, that confident in your providence we may be generous in sharing our resources.

Grant that our churches and communities of faith may reflect your love, as they minister to the most vulnerable among us, fill them with your Holy Spirit as they work to be your healing hands and feet to all in need.

For those who have already lost loved ones to the virus and those who will yet suffer such loss, that they may know the consolation of your love.

For all who have died in the hope of resurrection, and those whose faith is known to you alone, that, with all the saints, they may have rest in that place where there is no pain or grief, but life eternal.

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low, that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Created and offered at Washington Cathedral on March 15, 2020
Edited for Vestry meeting 9/30/20 

Church School Update

During this time of pandemic we will mail a weekly SUNDAY PAPER lectionary cartoons to children of the parish. This resource helps children to acquire a vocabulary of crucial Scriptural images, and to relate the Gospel to the Old Testament, the life of the Church, and their own lives. Please contact the Parish Office if a child in your life would like to receive this.
The original SUNDAY PAPER (intermediate through junior high), features one lesson (usually the Gospel) as a two-line cartoon; the other readings, and the Psalm, are presented as single vignettes. The lessons are tied together with a short commentary. 

The SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR (preschool through grade 3 or 4), features one lesson only, usually the Gospel. THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR offers big, bold artwork, a simple story line, an activity page designed to stir children's imaginations and spirituality and that requires pencil or crayons only (no glue or scissors) and does not involve word games or other literacy-based activities.

Your Story Needed To...

You are invited to share how you have experienced God's grace since the start of the pandemic. Think of a specific time when a person or formal ministry of All Saints' impacted you positively either as someone you sharing your gifts with, as someone receiving the gifts of another, or as a witness to others sharing God's love. How did that experience make you feel? What impact did that have on the community? What makes you passionate about that ministry moment? Please share your story as we focus on encouraging one another.
Share your story with Pastor Bill or our Senior Warden and E-news Editor Carolyn Sundquist. They can be as creative as you wish and any format. They could be a 2-3 sentence written impact statement, a 1-2 minute video chat, or a formal written short story. Photos to accompany your story are always great!

Pop-up Eucharist

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed our deep need for community. The urgency with which people ask, "When can we come back to in-person worship?" is palpable. The fact remains, however, large gatherings in crowds are an enemy to us, and a friend to the virus, which preys on the aged and those with pre-existing conditions. Thankfully, our pre-pandemic worship gatherings are not the only way to do church.
Throughout the centuries, Christian community has taken many forms. Some of those might be useful to us today. Long before there were church buildings, the early church met in small groups in homes, outside, and in cemeteries. As someone once quipped, "Jesus only had twelve, and apparently that was one too many." We will continue our Sunday 9:00 am livestream as our primary worship for the foreseeable future, even when we can safely gather indoors we will continue to livestream for the homebound and those who cannot participate in group due to age or pre-existing conditions. 
This month, Pastor Bill is available for "Pop-up Eucharist" appointments outside with individuals or small groups meeting on your driveway, front yard or porch (or in the courtyard at church). We will practice Covid courtesies by wearing masks and distancing at least 6 feet while we enjoy share a brief time together, praying, and sharing the Body of Christ (Bishop +Rob requests that individuals provide their own bread). Please contact the church office at 569-3453 to schedule an appointment.

From the Music and Tech Corner:

It was wonderful to hear from many of you that you enjoyed the launch of "Sacred Sing!" last week.  Thanks so much for your support as we move forward, and continue to pray with us that lifting your voice at home to sing God's praises is deep encouragement in this time.  
This coming week (Wed October 7th) we'll be singing together "How Great Thou Art",  "This is my Father's world", "There is a balm in Gilead", and a verse of blessing from "God be with you till we meet again".   Do join us during or after the livestream at   Facebook
After singing, we plan to have a Zoom choir meeting from the loft with our "much missed" choir members.
From Ralph and tech: It appears that our internet is now more reliable after replacing a piece of Atlantic Broadband equipment last week (the cable modem). The Sunday stream went pretty well technically, with just a few cockpit errors on my part, which you may or may not have noticed. We were able to get rid of the phantom mic's/echo of the previous week. So it's moving in the right direction. That's it from tech.
Holly and Ralph in the loft for Sacred Sing on Wednesday evening 

Memorial Garden


United Thank Offering In-Gathering
 October 18th through October 31st

       Our United Thank Offering is sponsored by All Saints Episcopal
Church Women as one of their Outreach Missions.  

       Our Fall UTO In-gathering will be anytime between the dates
of October 18th and the 31st of Oct.  Please convert your coins into
bills or a check made out to All Saints Church, but indicate on the
check UTO.  You may mail your offering to: All Saints Church, 
P.O. 359, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 or drop off your offering at the church

      As you think about your United Thank Offering, you may include
in your thoughts the following prayer:
       Gracious God, we come before you in the knowledge that,
although we are varied in our gifts, we are united as laborers in your
harvest.  With grateful hearts, we give thanks for the blessings and
challenges that inspire the work of the United Thank Offering.  May
the offerings given to the UTO as an expression of gratitude go on to
address the needs of our ever-changing world.
     All this we ask through Jesus Christ whose life is a blueprint we
strive to follow.  Amen

St. Francis Day + Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bring your leased, caged, stuffed, or picture of your beloved on Sunday afternoon, October 4th between 2:00 and 4:00 pm to have them blessed. Pastor Bill will be available in the courtyard at church rain or shine.


The terms stewardship, generosity and giving are often used interchangeably and confuse people. Stewardship is simply the act of being a steward. In biblical times a steward was a respected person of high integrity entrusted with their master's possessions. They were expected to manage the possessions following the master's wishes. Since God created and still owns all we have, stewardship is recognizing God as the owner, and we as God's managers. As managers, we are responsible for using God's possessions to please God.
Giving is an act, and generosity is an attitudeGenerosity involves a willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of others personally out of love-love of God, and loving one's neighbor as one's self. Giving is merely the act of abandoning something of value. Giving can be done without being generous (the Pharisees are an example), but you cannot be generous and not give. 
  • God is a giver. Our willingness to give reveals our relationship to God.
  • God is generous. Our willingness to sacrifice reveals our relationship to God.

Wolfeboro Reads Fall 2020 Schedule

You are invited to our community read, a joint ministry of All Saints' and First Congregational Church Wolfeboro via Zoom. Pastors Bill and Gina facilitate lively discussions three Tuesday afternoons a month 4:00-5:00 pm. To join the discussion via computer click: READS

Meeting ID: 982 3048 8609 and Passcode: 012281
To join via telephone call: (929) 205-6099 *note long distance charges may apply
Meeting ID: 982 3048 8609
October Book
The Weight of Ink, a novel by Rachel Kadish to be discussed on 10/13,20,27

November Book
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer  to be discussed 11/10,17,24


God is up to something new. As the Holy Spirit is moving ahead of the Church, calling the Church into a new future in a time of disruptive social and cultural change, you are invited to love God and neighbor by listening and looking for what God is already doing in our community.
We listen and look to better discern what God is calling us to be a part of during this time. We listen and look to our neighborhood, those places you frequent including: where you work, where you live, where you worship, and where you play-physically and virtually during Covidtide. So as you walk and drive in your neighborhood and spaces online make note of how you see God in these spaces and share them via phone call, text, e-mail or mailed note with Pastor Bill. Be intentionally on the look-out for "God sightings" and take photos of them so they can be shared with one another here...

Please continue to share your God sightings with us!

The word of God is always "in the beginning."
And this means that it is always in the process of being born and is
already born.
Now, it is the nature of the word to reveal what is hidden.
The Word that is hidden still sparkles in the darkness and whispers in the silence.
It entices us to pursue it, to yearn and sigh after it.
For it wishes to reveal to me something about God.
-Meister Eckhart (1260-1329)

Dinner Bell

Wolfeboro's Dinner Bell program has resumed its community meal weekly on Thursdays. To Go meals must be reserved ahead of time and will be distributed in the parking lot.
Reserve your meal(s) by calling the church office 569-3453 Mondays 10am to 4pm or Tuesdays 2pm- 4pm and indicate pickup time for Thursday between 4 and 6 pm. When picking up your meal(s) please remain in your vehicle, wear a mask and a volunteer will check you in and place your meals in your vehicle's trunk or backseat. 
A donation for your meal(s) may be left with the volunteer.
October Menu:
8th     Pasta fagioli, ziti with meatballs, bread, water, and fruit.
15th   Chicken noodle soup, Shepherd's Pie, fruit, water.
22nd  Cheddar cheese soup, Wienerschnitzel, potato salad, red cabbage, water, fruit.
29th  Beef barley soup, American chop suey, water, fruit.

NH voters now can use Covid-19 concerns as the reason to vote absentee.  The form from the Secretary of State is available on the church office door, or  at: Absentee 
Voters will be safer and poll workers and officials as well as those who vote in person will be safer if there is significant absentee voting.

Bob Champagne          Bob Pierpont               Ruth Gray             Dylan Allwine
Mark Luken                Shirley Bentley            Rodney Morgan     Stephanie Schroeder
Carolyn Toshney          Gina Vivian                 Penny Meyer         Jan Sauda
Faye Juul                    Penelope Bennis          Mary McAuley        Gwendolyn Deneau      Mary Ellen Davis          Prue Fitts                    Judy Hess             Christine Duval
Michael Dowd              Zell Kellogg                 Joe Blackett           
Jacqueline McLaughlin
Winona Blake
How Are Feeling?

Please let us know by emailing

Love Looks Like All of Us

 Wine & Whine on Friday Evenings 

Join us Friday Evenings at 5:00 pm with a glass of your favorite beverage on Zoom at WINE

Meeting ID: 938 3255 5628 Password: 592973
By Phone: (929) 205-6099 Meeting ID: 938 3255 5628
Monday Morning Check-In
Grab a cup of coffee and join Pastor Bill at 10:00 am for a Monday Morning Check-in. No topic, just a chance to be together and share via Zoom. Join by computer at*: Click here: Monday Check-In
*If you've already downloaded Zoom, click on the icon on your device and enter the following:
Meeting ID: 296 849 095                    Password: 027471
Join by phone at: (929) 205-6099       Meeting ID: 296 849 095
Connect With God & With Others
"...have you ever found God in church? I never did. I just found a bunch of folks hoping for him to show. Any God I ever felt in church I brought in with me. And I think all the other folks did too. They come to church to share God, not find God." -Alice Walker
The church is where God's people-YOU-are. While we are in exile in our homes, we don't need to go to church to find God, because when we are church together on-line we share God. There are many ways to connect, to see, hear and share God online at All Saints'...

9:00 am - Worship via Facebook Live Sunday Worship

10:00 am - Virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom

Join by computer at*: Coffee Hour
Meeting ID: 625 293 985   Password: 686500
By phone: (929) 205-6099 Meeting ID: 625 293 985


9:00 am - Women's Worship via Zoom (*Note: new Meeting ID and Password)

Join by computer at*:  Women's Worship

Meeting ID: 998 0107 3469   Password: 003176
By Phone: (929) 205-6099 US    Meeting ID: 998 0107 3469


9:00 am - Men's Bible Study of the readings for Sunday via Zoom
Join by computer at*: Men's Bible Study
Meeting ID: 377 746 725                    Password: 008244
By phone at: (929) 205-6099       Meeting ID: 377 746 725
3:00 pm - Midweek Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew via Zoom
Join by computer at*: Midweek Bible Study
Meeting ID: 546 551 506                    Password: 508697
By phone at: (929) 205-6099       Meeting ID: 546 551 506
Thank You for Giving During This Time of Pandemic

Thank you for all who have continued to support the work of All Saints during this time. You may make contributions by mail, using your financial institution's automated check writing service, or secure online giving via  Donate
Creator of all we enjoy, we give you thanks for the countless people you have gathered to do your work as All Saints' Wolfeboro. We thank you for your Holy Spirit inspiring some as they longed for this church, others as they built this church and still others as they lovingly and boldly led this church through times of abundance and times of scarcity. Help us to be bold as we model giving of time and money during this time. Make our generous giving a symbol of both our faith and our gratitude. We pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
You Make A Difference

Is there an exceptional All Saints' volunteer we should recognize? Please share any recognition recommendations with our Senior Warden Carolyn Sundquist or Pastor Bill to bring to the Vestry for consideration. Who can we give thanks for the blessings they have shared with our congregation?

God Loves You!

Office Hours 
Monday -  9 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday -  1 PM - 5 PM
Wednesday - 9 AM- Noon
Thursday -    9 AM - Noon
Friday -        Closed
September, 2020 Calendar
Lord & Tailor: Closed
Food Pantry: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 10 am - 1 pm and 4-6 pm
Wolfeboro Nursery School: Starts September 8th

All Saints e-News
We hope you have enjoyed reading our e-News and we encourage your feedback to help us make it even better. We publish an issue weekly on Friday afternoon, to help keep you up to date and in touch with our current news and activities. We think this may be especially helpful to those that are unable to attend our Sunday worship services, are out of town and away for the season. Please let us know if you have some information you would like us to share in future issues of this newsletter.

Feel free to share our e-News with others by clicking on the "Forward email" link below. They may then subscribe by clicking on the "Join Our Mailing List!" button above.

If you no longer wish to receive our e-News you may unsubscribe by clicking on the "SafeUnsubscribe" link below.  
Rev.  Bill Petersen
Rector, All Saints Church

Carolyn Sundquist
Editor, All Saints E-News 
Christy Parker, and Ralph Simons
Associate Editors, All Saints e-News
