October 21, 2020

Dear Families,

While we still have about four weeks of learning in Trimester 1, the District is now planning for Trimester 2 (November 23 - February 19).  A critical component in our planning is knowing how many gradel-level students to accommodate for in our in-person hybrid or full remote model.  The District remains committed to offering families a choice between the two models, but please note that you are committing to this choice for the duration of the TrimesterWe are unable to accommodate changes mid-trimester to ensure our educational programming, staffing, and quarantine protocols can be upheld as designed.

In order to afford the District adequate time to staff and plan for Trimester 2, we kindly request that you complete this form for every child in your family by Wednesday, October 28.  

As you evaluate the best choice for your family, we know many are wondering when we may be able to shift to a longer day schedule. Our goal is continuing to maximize in person instruction in an environment that is safe for students and staff, aligning with health guidance. Our regional and local health metrics reports for the four weeks of monitoring remain primarily in the "moderate transmission" (yellow) range and now moving towards "substantial transmission" (red).  Health experts are predicting this winter season to be challenging due to the interplay between indoor living, airflow, and the cold/flu season.  Therefore, the District is committed to remaining in the hybrid in-person model at least through December, as long as the health metrics allow us to be in-person.  

Thank you for taking the time to complete the form and make your family's choice.


Dr. Trisha Kocanda

The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in 
an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners 
to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make 
a meaningful difference in the world.  

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