Be Intentional: Examine Your Heart

We’re all driven by something, whether we’re aware of it or not. We spend countless hours in the gym on our jump shot because we want to get better—or we want to be the best.
We go the extra mile in practice because we willingly sacrifice for our team—or we feel like we have something to prove.

Our motivating factors determine the “why” behind the “what”. If we can be honest with ourselves and understand what pushes our performance, we can assess what we need to move forward and what adjustments must be made.
It’s tough and requires us to get real, but it’s for our best.

It’s the same with our faith. If we’re just calling out lip service and saying we believe in God, but don’t act like it in our everyday life, something’s off. God knows our hearts better than we do, and nothing can be hidden from Him.

God does not focus on the outward appearance but what is within, and we should do the same. Take a good, long self-assessment. Why have you been behaving certain ways? Are there certain patterns you seem to keep coming back to? Are you really being honest about why you keep going to church or small group

Be intentional with yourself. Be willing to test the conditions of your heart to find out what makes you tick and why. This evaluation allows us to better understand the driving forces behind what we do and implement lasting habits that are fueled by our desire to live a life in full with Christ.

North Central Illinois FCA
Leadership Camp 2021
Jr. High: July 26th & 27th
High School: July 28th & 29th

Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm (Lunch will be served daily)
Location: Eastview Christian Church
Cost: $75
MCStrong/FCA Golf Outing
Friday, July 30, 2021
Ironwood Golf Course

Coach - Rebert Harris

Where do you coach? I am an assistant Boys Basketball coach at Bloomington Central Catholic High School.
How long have you coached? I just completed my 4th season coaching.
What is your primary sport to coach? Boys basketball
How long have you been involved in FCA? This completes my 3rd year as huddle leader at Kingsley Junior High in Normal, IL.
Why/How did you get involved in FCA? A co-worker and brother in Christ was leading at Kingsley for years before he took a job in a neighboring town. Prior to leaving, he asked me to sit in with him for the rest of the year and to consider leading when he leaves. So I did! I saw how Christ was being allowed in our public school through FCA, and I didn't want to lose the opportunity to share Christ with a student if FCA no longer had someone to continue it's work. So I said "Yes"; and I'm glad I did!!
How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ? Each year, FCA encourages me in my walk with Christ when I see the student leaders sacrificing, preparing, teaching and serving all in the name of Christ at an age where identity is challenged and represent God is not popular. When I see them throughout the year, it motivates me to want to do everything I can to help them and keep them motivated in their personal and collective walk with Christ.
What legacy do you hope to leave as a coach? I hope that every student I coach or serve with will see Christ in me and through me and that they will be encouraged, not hindered, to be all God desires for them to be!
What is your favorite Bible verse? "For apart from Christ I can do NOTHING!" ~ John 15:5. This verse best describes my past, present and future! Everything I am or desire to be is wrapped in my relationship with Him!
Athlete - Samuel Burrell

Where do you attend school?
Kingsley Jr High
What grade are you in?
I am an 8th grader.
What is your primary sport?
My primary sport is baseball.
How long have you been involved in FCA?
I have been involved in FCA for 3 years now.
Why/How did you get involved with FCA?
I heard about FCA from my brother
How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ?
I have grown a lot closer to God and feel stronger when talking to Him.
What legacy do you hope to leave as an athlete?
I hope people see that I have grown stronger in Christ and have become a better athlete because of it. I hope others join so they can become stronger in Christ also.
What is you favorite Bible verse?
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ~ Phillipians 4:13. It makes me feel if I believe and stay with God I will be strong and can do anything.
Make an Impact in North Central Illinois!
Long-Term Effort on the Ballfield

It continues to be about relationship building for FCA leader Terry Lingenhoel, who has served in Hungary for over three decades. Lingenhoel first came to Hungary in 1991 with a long-term goal to build and maintain relationships. In 2002, he narrowed in on sports as his ministry focus as a way to serve together with his teenage children.

It can oftentimes take a while for Hungarians to connect in relationships, and then open to the Gospel, so Lingenhoel has honed his patience and focuses on baseball and softball in the town of Érd. He runs camps, clinics, and club leagues, pouring into coaches and athletes at every level.
Perfect Peace: Examination Brings Calmness

Imagine if God put us in a room, turned on the TV and played our last week back to us. We would see what we did, what we said, what we thought and how we acted. In this moment, we might be saddened by what we saw and shocked by how sinful and corrupt we were.

But God? He would not be surprised or shocked at all, because He already knows everything about our past, present and future.

We may not exactly sit down and watch film with God, but we do examine our hearts with Him. And He gives us a few pointers on how to make the best of our examination time together.