November 24, 2019 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Enjoying Fall images...
take time to relax!

Photo credits: Mary Wright Julius
Historical Tidbit: Thanksgiving
At Plymouth Plantation costumed interpreters reenact the first Thanksgiving, when 90 Indians dined with the 50 surviving Pilgrims. The Indians provided five deer for the feast: the Pilgrims cooked up codfish, sea bass, and wild fowl.

               When families sit down to Thanksgiving dinner each year, they owe at least a little thanks to Sarah Josepha Hale. Fervent in her belief that a day should be set aside to express gratitude for the year’s blessings, she almost singlehandedly created the holiday in the mid-19 th  century.
               As the editor of  Godey’s Lady’s Book,  Hale controlled the country’s most widely distributed periodical, and from 1846 on she used it to battle for her cause. Every November she published “traditional” recipes for Thanksgiving dishes, accompanying them with editorials demanding official recognition. Each summer she also wrote letters to the governors of every state. Finally, in 1863 Abraham Lincoln gave in and issued the proclamation that made the holiday an annual event.
               Participants in the first Thanksgiving in 1621 would scarcely have recognized Hale’s notions of traditional fare. Swans were as likely to have graced their tables as wild turkeys. Pilgrims thought potatoes inedible, apples and sweet potatoes were unknown in New England; and since there was no sugar, cranberries were not made into a jellied sauce.
               But then, Americans have always tended to celebrate Thanksgiving in their own way. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid imported oysters and Roquefort cheese to Utah for their Thanksgiving feast. In Norwich, Connecticut, young men used to celebrate by lighting bonfires on hilltops. Until World War II, New Yorkers were awakened by the horn blasts of “fantasticals,” companies of working-class masqueraders who paraded under names such as the “Gilhooley Musketeers.” Then they’d retire to the parks to picnic, and later to gala balls, where they danced until dawn.

(Article and photo courtesy of Reader’s Digest “Discovering America’s Past.” Courtesy of Sue Basile)
Town Hall
65 N. Main Street
Mon, Tues & Thurs 8a - 4p
Wed, 8a - 7p, Fri 8a - 1p

WB Public Library
80 Howard Street
Mon, Thurs, Fri 10a - 5p
Tues - Wed 10a - 8p
Sat 10a - 2p
Council on Aging
97 West Center Street
Mon - Fri 8:30a - 4p

Food Pantry
1st & 3rd Wednesday each month
3:15 - 5p
Spring Street School
2 Spring St WB
James Yeo
won a
45 minute Reiki Treatment
with Jacquelyn Rose.
Learn more  here .

You should play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a
$15 gift certificate to
Pinches & Pounds Candy Store
Rt 18, Whitman, MA!
West Bridgewater
Turkey Trot
Rain Date
Sunday, Nov. 30th, 1p if not held on Nov 23rd
Registration 9a -- costumes encouraged
5k (3.1 miles) or 1.0 mile Fun Run, Walk or Wobble to benefit the West Bridgewater Food Pantry. Start/Finish at 29 Howard St (The First Church)

Entry Fee: $20 adults (15 & older) for 5k, $10 for Fun Run Children 14 and younger: no fee

All participants please bring food items for the food pantry. Suggested items: (baked beans, canned vegetables, coffee, boxed cereal, stuffing mix, cranberry juice, etc...)
Prizes for best costume, adult & child, all participants will be eligible for raffle!

Sponsored by The First Church of West Bridgewater and The Friends of the West Bridgewater Food Pantry. 508-587-3118
Congrats to the WB Varsity Football for their second South Sectional Championship win.
Photo & Story Credit WBTV
Holiday Book Preview
Wed, Dec 4th
7:00 - 8:00p
West Bridgewater Public Library
Come preview the latest book gift ideas for everyone on your list. Book talk in the gallery, then purchase titles from Trisha Peterson of Easton’s Paperback Junction, who will be coming with plenty of copies of all the previewed titles. Cash or check only for purchases.
For more information:

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Save the date!
WB Lion's Club
Pancake Breakfast
Sun Dec 8

Beyond the Bin Recycling Directory
The Comm of MA has put together this great resource for recycling.

When you have an unwanted item that you want to find a new home for, check out this handy MA search engine: Beyond the Bin Recycling Directory for Massachusetts!
Do you have worn clothing, outdated electronics or other items that don't belong in your household recycling bin? Don't throw them away.

2020 Census

What is a census and why is it important? Once a decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States, creating national awareness of the importance of the census and its valuable statistics. The decennial census was first...

Read more
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WB Selectmen Meeting Nov 20 &
Water Commissioners Mtg
Nov 18, 2019
Videos Courtesy of WBTV
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Tri-Town Veteran's Day Parade
Thank you to everyone that attended to support our veterans. Thank you for your service!
Photo credits: Julie Carriere Martin Video courtesy of WBTV

Have fun with us and bee entered to win 
4 tickets to the WB Lion's Club Pancake Breakfast on Dec 8

Historical Tidbit Question:
What did Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid have for their Thanksgiving feast?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number, with your answer.  Prize Box Rules
By entering, you give us permission to announce your name in next week's 
Buzz Around West Bridgewater.

On November 27, 2019, we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” ~ Amy Collette

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” – Thornton Wilder

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie

When we appreciate the people and things we have, we bring joy into our lives. Along with these modern day thinkers,
Buddha, the Prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ all advocated giving thanks. That's wisdom, folks!
I am thankful for the opportunity to share these stories with you, dear reader. I appreciate that you have welcomed us into your home. Have a wonderful week. ~ Jacquie
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Jacquelyn Rose, Greg Venezia & Beyonnie Whitaker.
Copyright 2019 Buzz Around West Bridgewater.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around West Bridgewater 11/24/19")  

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. Occasionally, there will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.