Dear Friends, 
Wishing you blessings of good health, strength and deep learning while our global community adapts to the myriad of hits we encounter these days. May there also be play, laughter and delight amid the challenges - and a spirit of aliveness, wonder and hope.

Our practice of staying balanced and centered is crucial to our well being, particularly during these catalytic times, and paves the way for mindful action rooted in peace and love. As ITP founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy, often remarked, "Transform yourself, transform the world."

Our summer newsletter features the interplay of personal and social transformation. Practitioners have experienced inner and outer fine-tuning through our recent programs, Integral Leadership, The Ki of Cooperation and Creating Harmony. Enjoy reading personal gems from our contributors about their learning. We hope their insights inspire, delight and inform your practice!

Please check out our fall calendar, including our Nine Commitment Challenge starting August 30th and online Journey of Practice series beginning in October. Our Kata opportunities also abound!

Golf in the Kingdom, our 10th annual ITPI fundraiser, takes place on October 5th preceded by a Zoom launch on October 4th with Michael Murphy and friends. Join us to explore the extraordinary in golf and life and support ITPI to continue our vital work in the world.

We are very grateful for your presence in our ITP community!

With love and gratitude,

Pam Kramer
ITPI President

Creating Personal Peace
for Purposeful Social Action
by Emanuel Kuntzelman
Greenheart International & Global Purpose Movement
founder & ITPI board member
Never before has there been such a sense of urgency to transform society and save our planet, and with good reason. Civilization is on a cliff's edge, precariously balanced between a breakdown or breakthrough in our cultural evolution. Our social, financial and environmental systems are deteriorating, a global pandemic is wreaking havoc on our daily lives and cultural and social wounds that have been festering for hundreds of years are in urgent need of attention. The challenges can seem insurmountable most days, but I remain optimistic.
By default, I believe our natural mode of existence is one of peace. Our human essence is tuned toward one of cooperation and love, and when we engage in deep, personal practice we can return to this centered state of being. Unfortunately, this essence of peace seems to be frustratingly elusive when viewed through the lens of our cultural values. If we're to heal, evolve and unite as a global family it's critical that we take purposeful, social action. Before we heed the call to transform the world, however, we must also engage in the important work of inner transformation to find and return to this place of peace.

The Ki of Cooperation
by Marcia Beauchamp
KoC Project co-coordinator & 
Integral Leadership member
The Ki of Cooperation, an ITPI grant project funded by The Global Purpose Movement, is a guide to embodying the spirit and flow of cooperation. Its lessons and activities follow a process that begins within the individual and step-by-step builds skills, attitudes and practices that encourage cooperation within one's relationships, in group endeavors and as a world citizen.
There are three foundational premises upon which the Guidebook to the Ki of Cooperation are built. First is that cooperation at any level is a phenomenon that begins within each individual and then flows outward into the individual's connections with others and the world. Underlying that premise is the notion that as individuals we are made up of many "parts," specifically, body, mind, heart and soul. In order for one to embody the Ki of Cooperation it is necessary that all our "parts" are recognized and then integrated through ongoing practice. The exercises in this Guidebook introduce a sampling of these practices.

Transformation & Integral Leadership
2020 Program Reflections
by Kim Kristenson-Lee
ITP Mastery teacher & IL co-facilitator
Are you called to make a change in your life or work? Are you wondering, "What is life asking of me next?" An impulse to grow and to give back is a sign that Integral Leadership (IL) is calling you. With the challenges of 2020, many are being called to step forward. Integral Leadership, in addition to being an action-oriented training, is an established 6-month program for developing yourself as a leader from the inside out. As a facilitator and program practitioner, I witnessed so much growth and transformation in our participants this year - and that includes with myself!

Original art by Rich Sigberman -

My Integral Leadership Journey
by Rich Sigberman
Integral Leadership & ITP San Rafael group member
When the Integral Leadership program began in January, 2020, I was one month removed from a hip replacement operation. Not only was my walking affected, but my energy, and even my thinking was too, although I may not have realized it. I was having a hard time thinking of a project until Charlotte Hatch, IL Facilitator, suggested that the project be me. As I couldn't think of anything better, I made my rehabilitation and recovery my project. With physical therapy and practice, I had recovered enough by early April to begin thinking about a different project: service work of some kind. This 9th commitment in ITP was one in which I felt I had fallen short.

From ITP Integral Leadership
to Recovery Transportation Systems
by Tom Lewis
ITP Mastery & Integral Leadership member
When ITP took the big step to begin the Integral Leadership Program in the fall of 2018, I was excited. Fortunately, I had completed six ITP Mastery cycles prior to the start of the Leadership Training Program, so I felt I was well-prepared. However, previous training in Mastery is not a requisite since the content of the leadership program represents the fundamental teachings of Michael Murphy and George Leonard in a well-balanced format. 
My leadership goal in 2018 came to me as an epiphany one afternoon with my daughter. The notion of tapping into the ride-share industry for more than just transportation from point A to point B seemed so clear, positive, and resourceful. I saw that harnessing the ride-share industry to provide "free" transportation to individuals in addiction recovery would overcome a huge obstacle that stood in the way of their success and ultimately change their lives. Free rides would be used to court appointments, job interviews, NA and AA meetings and a variety of court appointed destinations mandated to stay in treatment. We have taken transportation for granted in the modern era, yet most people in treatment do not have transportation. I realized it was a major obstacle and one that creates stress and anxiety often leading to recidivism and a downward spiral.

Ripening Like a Tree
by Sally Mahé
ITP Mastery teacher & Ki of Cooperation founding member
So small and tender, a seed
sprout bursts through the soil,
vulnerable, thin and wondering.
A sapling gets to know its surroundings
but wonders if cows will eat it, if
the sun will burn it, if the earth
will really fulfill its promise of rain and nutrient.
A tree wonders a lot as it ripens.
Its confidence comes day to day. It
grows thicker, taller and can see farther
than before.

Spotlight on Linda Patchen
ITP Houston group leader & Mastery member
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
- Tao Te Ching

My friend and neighbor, Lydia Dugan, planned an Esalen event in her home in April, 2004. At the time, I was a contributor to Esalen in order to receive their catalogue, which I always found very interesting and imagined someday going there. I was surprised to receive an invitation from Esalen for the event at Lydia's. I knew it was meant to be. Lydia was surprised when I knocked on her door that evening.
Like a fairy tale come true, I met Michael Murphy and the Esalen staff that accompanied him at the Houston event. I also met Joe and Marion Hirsch. I quickly discovered that Joe and Lydia had created the ITP Houston Group in 1996 of which they were co-leaders. My husband Jerry and I were invited to attend. 

And thus, began my Life Journey with Integral Transformative Practice and Esalen.
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Make a gift of support
of any amount to expand
our programs and
best serve the world.

In This Issue
Creating Personal Peace for Purposeful Social Action
The Ki of Cooperation
Transformation & IL 2020 Program Reflections
My Integral Leadership Journey
From Integral Leadership to Recovery Transportation Systems
Ripening Like a Tree
Spotlight on Linda Patchen


ITPI Presents
Online Weekly Kata

Led by ITP Mastery teachers

4:30 - 5:45pm PDT

ITP Houston Presents
Kata Open Sessions
in August

Mondays in August
4:30 - 5:45 PDT

ITPI Presents
9 Commitment Challenge

Led by ITP Mastery teacher,
Charlotte Hatch

Starts August 30
Ends November 21

Join as an individual or
as a team


ITP Online Global Dojo Presents

The Journey of Practice Online Training

Saturdays 10am - Noon PDT

Oct 10 | Nov 14 | Dec 5
Jan 9 | Feb 6 | Mar 6

ITPI Benefit Evening
with Michael Murphy & Friends

GKM Virtual Celebration

October 4, 2020
4:30 - 6:30 pm PDT

ITP International Presents
10th Annual 
Michael Murphy's

Golf in the Kingdom
at TPC Harding Park

Home of the 2020
PGA Championship

October 5, 2019
San Francisco, CA


Meditation Workshop
with Michael Murphy and 
Pamela Kramer

December 12, 2020
9:00am - Noon PST



Integral Leadership Program 3

6 month program
starting in January, 2021

"Ultimately, human intentionality is the most powerful evolutionary force on this planet."

- George Leonard