Thank you for being a Zone 9 member! See who is attending the virtual HQC Nationals, learn about Annual Meeting changes, see competition results and more.
2020 USHJA Annual Meeting will be Held Virtually
The USHJA Board of Directors voted to move the 2020 USHJA Annual Meeting to a virtual format.
Meeting dates have been extended to accommodate more educational sessions and opportunities, and to avoid overlapping meetings. The virtual Annual Meeting will now be held November 30-December 11.
Click here to learn more about Annual Meeting. More details will be announced soon.
Congratulations to Members Selected for Virtual HQC Nationals
Congratulations to our members competing in the virtual Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Nationals this year!
HQC Participants
- Anna Mansur, Ridgefield, Wash.
Adult HQC Participants
- Catherine Antonelli, Bellevue, Wash.
- Kathrine Avison, Portland, Ore.
- Courtney Youell, Snohomish, Wash.
HQC Nationals will be online October 26-November 7.
Partridge Pilots Wonderland to Win 2020 USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Northwest Championship
The USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Northwest Championship saw Quinn Partridge pilot Emily Steckler's Wonderland to the top spot at the Northwest Spectacular in Wilsonville, Oregon, on August 27. Corene Smith and Copacabana, owned by Hannah Scheuer, claimed the reserve champion title, and Heather Macdonald led Stephanie James' Cascade to third.
"I thought both rounds were consistent and the mare, Wonderland, jumped quite well, receiving scores of 85 and 86, respectively. The first course had 11 obstacles and I felt that the mare gave it her all throughout the entire course. She then came back and continued to be brilliant in the second round," said Partridge.
More USHJA Educational Webinars Coming Up
The USHJA continues to plan educational webinars for members! Mark your calendar:
Oct. 13 at 7 p.m., The Professional Marketing Workshop
Oct. 19 at 7 p.m., Fall Back into Horsemanship HQC Nationals Study Hall
Nov. 9 at 7 p.m., Jumper Judge's Perspective
Congratulations to Zone 9 Championships Participants
*Championships are subject to change or cancellation. Click here for the most up-to-date information.
Zone 9 Equitation Championship
Zone 9 Horse of the Year Championship-JUMPER
Aug. 26-30
Northwest Spectacular
Wilsonville, Ore.
Zone 9 Horse of the Year Championship-HUNTER
Sept. 9-13
Northwest Autumn Classic
Monroe, Wash.
USHJA Puissance Challenge Fundraiser Begins October 1
From October 1-31, host your own puissance challenge, where riders of all levels can compete in divisions from ground poles to over 4'.
Five Questions with Zone 9 Equitation Championship Winner Clara McDanniel
How did you feel about your win at the Zone 9 Equitation Championship?
"NW Spectacular was my first show in the Pacific Northwest in 2020 after being in California for Thermal and Sonoma. It was great to be home and I was glad to put in solid rounds. I’m just happy to be showing after so many shows were cancelled in the spring."
Tell me a little about the horse you rode and how it went.
"My equitation horse is a mare named Charm. She is a 10-year-old Warmblood from Equitop Farms in Canada. I’ve been riding her for two years. Charm is an amazing partner because she is so smart and has her own drive to do well. Charm is always on my team! I’m very lucky to get to ride her. I think my rides Sunday were consistent and I had a lot of fun!"
What did you like most about this event in Zone 9?
"I really liked the championship format. It was good practice for the intensity of finals. I enjoyed showing the judges my riding over two different courses and a test. I historically haven’t enjoyed the test phase of medals but they are finally getting easier for me."
Have you participated in other USHJA programs or championships?
"I have been fortunate enough to compete in the USHJA Gladstone Cup West for the last two years, finishing fifth overall this year. This was my second time riding in the USHJA Zone 9 Equitation Championship. I was Reserve Champion last year."
What are your goals for the future?
"My goal is to continue improving my accuracy and consistency on Charm. I got a junior jumper last year named All Faith, and I can see now how my equitation foundation will help me with her. Hopefully I will be able to do bigger classes with Faith in the future."
Photo credit: Julie Ward Photography
COVID-19 Resources and Updates
The show season continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While showing has resumed in many areas, horse shows also continue to be canceled or relocated.
Find the most up-to-date information relate to COVID-19:
USHJA Affiliate Member Organization News
The American National Riding Commission has several virtual competitions and educational opportunities for members happening now and coming up!
ANRC Virtual College Team Equitation Tournament: Round four entries open September 16.
ANRC Take it Forward Freestyle Challenge: anyone at any skill level can participate in this virtual clinic and horse show series.
Virtual College Recruitment Fair: to connect college and high school students, the fair is slated for October 26-30.
Fall Back into Horsemanship Book Sale on USHJA Trainer Certification Program Manuals
$15 each or buy 5 or more for $10 each, shipping included!
Amateurs: We Want Your Feedback
We want your feedback about changing or keeping the current age splits in the Hunters and/or implementing age splits in the Jumpers. A survey has been created so you can provide your feedback!
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Hunter Appointments
The shadbellies and scarlet coats seen in Derby classes these days carry on traditions from foxhunting.
Horse show hunter classes have their origins in events for recognized hunt members to compete for “best suitable to hunt” awards over outside courses that simulated the hunt field. These classes were mostly in the Working Hunter division and required riders and horses to wear “appointments,” tack and attire required by foxhunting for safety. Over time, amateur, junior, and even pony hunter divisions featured appointments, or “formal attire,” classes.
Stock ties, plain bridles, and string gloves under the saddle flap in case of rain are just a few of the field hunt details that were judged in appointments classes.
Photo: Sindy Paul and Squeaky in a Small Pony Hunter Appointments class in the 1960s. Courtesy of Sindy Paul from the “Ponies Through the Decades” exhibit.
Know Your Zone 9 Committee Members
- Clare Warren, Chair
- Max von Zimmermann, Vice Chair
- Megan Jordan, Treasurer
- Nicole Bourgeois
- Kathryn Hall
- Jessie Lang
- Quinn Partridge
- Martha Price
- Gayl Russell
- Corene Smith
- Nora Thomas
- Mary von Zimmermann
- Katherine Wade-Easley
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information, click here.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Sept. 28-Oct. 4: WCHR Finals, World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: Julie Ward Photography, EQ Media, Tori Bilas, Tricia Booker, Rachel Sowinski and Louise Taylor
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |