Crosswinds Newsletter
October 21, 2020 I Volume 537
A Word from the Pastor
For the past few weeks, we have been exploring the statement, “The local church is the hope of the world.” That’s a big claim, especially in light of the complex problems we face in our world today. 
We know that the church is able to be hope because Jesus, the Head of the Church, is the hope of the world. Jesus has chosen us, His church, to be the primary vehicle through which hope is shared with the world. All of this means that our ministry together as a church is vital. It makes a difference in the lives of those around us. 

I believe there has been no better time to revisit these truths than today. With all of the challenges we are facing, the time is now for the church to stand into its calling. We must give witness to the Good News of Christ and the hope this message brings. We must rise up to share our hope with courage while not being afraid to stoop down in service inspired by our love. 

This is the motivation behind the task we have given our members this week. Today or tomorrow, you will be receiving a pledge card from the church. We’re asking all of our members to prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance as they consider their call to contribute to our church’s mission. God has given each of us resources in the forms of time, talent, and financial treasure to invest in God’s Kingdom. We want our church to be faithful and generous so that we can reap a bountiful harvest for the Lord.

Now, I have an odd confession to make in light of the previous paragraph: I don’t really like pledge cards. I realize some people grew up with them and it’s just a normal practice, but I didn’t, and the idea was strange to me at first. I guess, for me, it felt a little too business-like for my taste, but here is what I have come to appreciate about the practice: Filling out a pledge card forces you to be thoughtful and intentional about what you expect to give. If we don’t have an opportunity like this, then it’s likely that we wouldn’t put as much thought or prayer into what we have to give. A pledge card encourages you to count the cost of what it means to follow Christ. In this way, I’m grateful for our church’s chance to pray about what the Lord is calling us to give.  

As far as logistics go, those worshiping in person can bring their cards to either service on Sunday, October 25th. If you will be worshiping online, you can feel free to mail the card to the church office using the enclosed envelope. We also have an online version on our website at and here on the newsletter (just click the "Pledge Card" button below). Please use whatever method you feel is most convenient for you. We would like to have the pledge cards in by October 28th. At the same time, if you want to take more time to pray over what you intend to give, then take it. We want you to be confident about what the Lord is leading you to do. 

I’m excited to see what the Lord will do through us. What a time it is in our world to embody the hope we have in Christ! 

Pastor Brady
All Saints Sunday
Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us
On All Saints Sunday, November 1st, we will remember the saints who have gone before us by reading the names and lighting candles for our beloved church members who have found their heavenly home this past year.  If you would like to remember a loved one during worship on All Saints Sunday, please click the button below to send us their name by Wednesday, October 28th.
Nursery and Early Childhood
(Through Pre-K) Opens This Sunday, October 25th
We are excited to begin to slowly open children's ministry! Our first step will be offering Nursery and Early Childhood (infant through pre-k only) during our Sunday morning worship services. Elementary age children will need to stay with their family in worship at this time.

If you would like your child/children to attend, please be aware of the following:

1) We will open our rooms for drop-off 15 mins prior to service beginning. Once adult services begin, you will not be able to drop off your child/children.. Please send ONE person to check-in your child/children as this helps minimize the number of people at the check-in point.  

2) Check-in will be located in Hallway #2 of the main building. There will be a table with someone to greet you and walk you and your child/children through the process. You will check-in your child/children and they will be screened for any COVID symptoms and have their temperature taken. Then one of the staff will escort your child/children to their classroom. Please note parents will not be allowed past the check-in table. When you pick up, the same procedures will be in place. Please be timely in picking up your child/children so our staff has the time needed to properly sanitize the toys and classrooms.  

3) Please do not send any bottles, cups, or food with your child/children. Because of the short amount of time they will be in the room and sanitary reasons, we will not serve food or drinks to your child/children. If they require a drink, our staff will have disposable cups and water to offer them. Also, please only bring what is essential in their diaper bags and limit lovies, toys, and pacifiers. 

4) Our staff is following the department of health and human services of Texas child care licensing rules and regulations in partnership with our preschool, God's Garden, during this time. All staff are required to wear a mask at all times, children will wash their hands before entering a classroom, and shared toys and books will be limited and properly sanitized. We will use different rooms for the two worship services to limit cross exposure.  

If you have any questions, please contact Keelee Allen at Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing our kids and hearing their laughter, insight, and singing in our hallways once again!
Playing with Parables
Sundays at 6:30pm through November 1st
Come explore the parables with us in our three week Family Worship series! Gather in the FLC for a life-size, EXTRA LARGE parable story accompanied by family activities, games, and worship! Please note, this is a socially distanced event with designated areas for your family and masks are required for all adults and children over the age of 5 for all on-site events at this time.

The FLC will open at 6pm, so feel free to pack a picnic dinner and eat together before service begins!
Registration is required for each week:

October 25 - Good Shepherd:
November 1 - Good Samaritan:
Volunteers Needed in the Pumpkin Patch
The Pumpkin Patch is officially open to the public through October 31st. It takes many adult and youth volunteers to run the it each year. Working the Pumpkin Patch is fun and can make for a fun family night! This year, we are asking youth to volunteer for at least one shift, preferably two if able. You don't have to have a youth to help, just sign up. Please click on our updated Pumpkin Patch Sign-Up to choose a shift!
Worship Together October 25th
8:30 AM Traditional
11 AM Contemporary
Creation Kids Links:

Stay connected in Creation Kids Children's Ministry! Follow us on our Facebook page, Creation Kids page, and our Instagram page, @creationkidsfumcmidlo, to keep up with resources for connection. For more information, email Keelee Allen.
Junior High and Senior High Youth Group meets Wednesday nights 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the FLC. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Brady.

Stay connected in FUMC Midlo Youth Ministries! Follow us on our Youth Facebook page, FUMC Midlo Youth (public). Youth and Youth parents, join our private Facebook Group, FUMC Midlothian Youth (private community). For Remind 101 for Youth, text @7b2dff6 to the number 81010.
Weekly Discipleship Video
“The Sermon on the Mount” Series
Week 3 – Matthew 5:17-37
Read Matthew 5:20
I wonder what is both compelling about Jesus’ righteousness and most challenging about it?
Read Matthew 5:21-26
Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold a resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it? … What can you do to better deal with our anger towards others?
Read Matthew 5:27-30
I wonder what we can do to root out the seeds of sin in us? Also, what can we do to cultivate a heart where God’s grace flourishes?
Additional Discipleship Videos are available on our Discipleship Playlist on YouTube as well as our Discipleship Webpage.
WayPoint is a daily guide to help you grow and expand upon the scriptures we are studying. WayPoints are available at Waypoint and FUMC Facebook.
Prayer Requests
The McKee Family - death of Mark
Elizabeth Granger - death of sister-in-law, Linda Conlee

Continuous Prayer
Jeline Pegram, Raymond & LaFerne Cuddy, Karen Wilson, Dorothy Wares, George & Dee Culps, Dave Swiedom, Don Lish, Rodger Keyes, John Lowe, Chelsea Peel, God's Garden Preschool

COVID-19 Crisis, All those who have to make important and wise decisions regarding reopening businesses, churches and all other places.
ARMY - Matt Carroll, Tim Kruettner, Harold Barton, Josh Schenck, Austin Lockwood
NAVY - Matthew Price, Andrew Cantrell, Zachary Tucker, Thomas Shirley
AIR FORCE - J.D. Culps, Andrew Miller 
MARINES - Collin Johansen, Josh Dunaway,  Seth Allen, Bradley Perez, Elizia Delapaa  

Remember in Prayer
Our world, our country, our community leaders, all our military troops and first responders around the world, our church, our pastors, the staff, church members, visitors, and Midlothian community
Thank You for Your Generosity
Thank you for your generosity! We continue to do great ministry as a church because of you and your faithfulness. We encourage you to continue giving to the church's ministry either by mailing in your financial gifts or giving online by clicking on the button below. Every gift helps us do greater things for God's Kingdom!
Church Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Brady Johnston
Executive Pastor: Rev. Dr. April Fehler
Children's Director: Keelee Allen
God's Garden Preschool Director: Michelle Coffin
Traditional Worship Leader: Paul Martin
Contemporary Worship Leader: Jason Westbrook
Organist: Laurie Duke
Administrative Assistant: Mary Beth Mayo
Media Director: Valerie Dick
Facilities Director: Matt Sanders 
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
FUMC Midlothian | 972-775-3993