A Note from Darcia
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Welcome to The Evolved Nest's monthly newsletter!

Autumnal seasonal changes move us to grab our coats and huddle against cold winds. It is a good time to huddle with family members to make sure our home nest is supporting everyone's wellbeing. Our relational responsibilities start with those near us but extend outward to everyone else because our choices affect them too, like the ripples in a pool. Let us take the time to examine our lifeways and make changes to mitigate harm of others, including the more than human. Better yet, let us take steps to live in ways that enhance the lives of those who live far away as well as the more than human.

Please share the growing resources on The Evolved Nest website and this newsletter with your friends and family. You are always welcome to support our nonprofit work with your tax-deductible donations .

Thank you for your support!

Darcia Narvaez, PhD
Planting a native flower (pollinator) garden with kindergartners at the early childhood development center (ECDC Notre Dame), students in my seminar (Morality, Parenting and Nature Connection in the Anthropocene) get a taste of a possible future.
Evolved Nest In The News
For life to continue on earth, every day must be Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Contemporary industrialized nations by and large undermine the development of human capacities, toxically stressing children and adults, leading to disconnection. Our research shows the importance of humanity’s  evolved nest ( Evolved Developmental Niche ), which matches up with the high immaturity and needs of human children in the first years of life when neurobiological systems are shaped by social experience. The nest includes responsive calming care by multiple adults, years of on-request breastfeeding, frequent affectionate touch, extensive play, relational connection and social support.  All these foster health and well-being, sociality, and morality through epigenetics and other plasticity effects in early life.  Nature connection and ecological intelligence are part of our heritage as well, and are critical for sustainable living. But parents in industrialized nations are encouraged (and often forced) to deny babies and children what they evolved to need, establishing neurobiologically aberrant trajectories and long-term ill-being, dysregulation and disconnection.

This piece draws on the new book,  Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First Nation Knowhow for Global Flourishing , edited by Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian Collier and Georges Enderle.

This article appeared in truthout on October 13, 2019. Read here.

And in Indian Country Today on October 21, 2019. Read here.

Find The Evolved Nest in the news in our press room . You can also book Darcia for interviews and events on this page.

Book Review
Indigenous Psychologies Contrast With Western Psychology
Is it time to expand psychological theories?

It is widely known that psychology largely draws its conclusions from studies of WEIRD samples (Western, European, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic), who represent 12% of the world’s population (Henrich et al., 2010). Most studies are conducted with undergraduate participants from WEIRD societies, who represent even a smaller proportion of the world’s population. But that’s not all that is skewed...

Western thinking puts a line between what is considered real, acceptable knowledge and knowledge making, and what are unacceptable forms of knowledge. The latter are belittled as “only”  intuition , beliefs and subjective understandings. In other words, western conceptual frames are considered forms of hegemonic colonization that have de-legitimized other ways of knowing and being. These alternative ways are being recognized by practitioners of Indigenous Psychologies.

The Evolved Nest's YouTube Channel
25th IIBA International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Darcia Narvaez talks about Companionship and Connection: Repairing the Cycle of Life for a Thriving World

In this video, Darcia Narvaez talks about Companionship and Connection: Repairing the Cycle of Life for a Thriving World.

"Humans are born highly immature with much to develop neurobiologically after birth. To accommodate a needy offspring, humans evolved a nest that matches up with the maturational schedule of the child, providing the buffering needed to optimize development. Each human self-organizes around experience, especially in early life when neurobiological systems are establishing their parameters and thresholds. However, industrialized nations have degraded the nest, so much so that illbeing is spreading around the world. Baselines have shifted for child raising, what is considered normal child and adult behaviour promoting cultures that perpetuate suboptimal development. I discuss what humans need to flourish and how to repair damaged selves and communities."

Discover The Evolved Nest
Building the Nest

The Evolved Nest has been integral to 99% of human genus history and provides a baseline for optimizing normal development. Here are more details about the importance of each of these  Components of The Evolved Nest:

Check out our new Components Resources page - in progress - for organizations that support each component here . Let us know if you want us to add a resource by emailing us at evolvednestinitiative@gmail.com.
Read more about the components of The Evolved Nest here.
Fresh Eyes on the Evolved Nest
Follow the Fresh Eyes Series to discover how the next generation perceive the Evolved Nest and relate to children, before they become parents...
Understanding the Hidden Stories of Distress

By Lauren Heller

Now that I am aware of the many consequences that insecurely attached people struggle with on a daily basis, I am encouraged to look deeper into people’s life stories so that I will not be so quick to judge and label others. Humans, believe it or not, are not naturally cold and closed-off, but rather, literally need warmth and affection. So, there is no reason to label people as “mean” or “grumpy” because they have trouble relating to and interacting with others. 

Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First-Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing
"To live sustainably and wisely means to live in participation with the natural world, fostering biophilia through daily practices of respect and undersanding of the natural world, particularly one's own landscape. This comes about through "becoming open to the natural world with all of one's senses, body, mind, and spirit." When childhood has undermined this openness, the adolescent or adult must deliberately work where "receptivity, perception, and imagination are integrated through participation with nature."

An essay from the book edited by Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian S. Collier, and Georges Enderle: Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First-Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing.

Did you miss the Sustainable Wisdom Conference? No worries! We have your video playlist ready for you on The Evolved Nest's YouTube Channel here .
Resources for Educators
Nurturing Character in the Classroom EthEx Series
By Narvaez and Colleagues
The Nurturing Character in the Classroom book series is a set of guidebooks for teachers that provide hundreds of ideas for how to incorporate moral character skill development into regular academic instruction. EthEx refers to the lifelong development of ethical skills toward expertise (ethical expertise) in many domains and situations. The four EthEx books each suggest 7 skills with 3 subskills important for a virtuous life. The books outline how to teach these skills in a middle-school context. But the books are used by K-16 instructors. 
Each book contains:

· Hundreds of ideas for integrating ethical skill development into standards-drive academic instruction

· Four levels of novice-to-expert instruction

· Guidelines for a classroom climate supporting each skill

· Student self-monitoring items for each skill

Rock the World Breastfeeding and Parenting Conference
API is partnering with La Leche League of KY/TN for the  Rock the World: Breastfeeding and Parenting Conference  in Nashville, November 2, 2019! The location will be in the heart of Nashville, near so many family friendly and musical locations.

Mary Tarsha, M.Ed., The Evolved Nest collaborator and podcast interviewer , will present a session breakout. The conference will feature Dr. Bill and Martha Sears, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker, and many other stellar speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and, of course, a music event! Come meet parents and professionals from all over the world and celebrate API's 25th Anniversary too.

The conference will be a one-day event complemented by an evening event on Friday and a concert on the day of the event. CEUS will be provided.

Find out more about this 25th Anniversary Celebration of Attachment Parenting International  here .
Great Nonprofits' Reviews!
Please take a moment and post your endorsement of The Evolved Nest's nonprofit educational work at the Great Nonprofit's page here.

We have until October 31 to collect a few more reviews. Use the Share Your Story button on the top right of the page.

The Evolved Nest is an educational initiative of the award-winning 501C3 nonprofit Kindred World. You can view multiple initiatives and reviews on the Great Nonprofit's page as well.

Feel free to make your tax-deductible donation while you're there. And thank you for your support!
Kindred World: Serving the Re-Generation Since 1996!
Where to Find and Share The Evolved Nest

Find and share The Evolved Nest on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, SoundCloud and LinkedIn!

Read Darcia's blogs on Psychology Today, Kindred, and LinkedIn.

And support The Evolved Nest's nonprofit work with your tax-deductible donations here.

Please contact The Evolved Nest with your questions here.

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The Evolved Nest | www.EvolvedNest.org