Week of May 16, 2021 With St. Martin's

Please sign up for in person worship using this link:

Facebook Live Link:

Wednesday's Healing Service at Noon is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the link above.
Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost, the conclusion of the Easter Season and the birthday of the Church. Reservations are open for in person worship until midnight on Thursday. Simply go to the parish website ( ) and click the banner "Make a Reservation to Attend Church In-Person." 

This Sunday will be a special Sunday for us. The diocese has updated its guidelines, and singing is now allowed by the congregation. Let's celebrate the Feast of the Coming of the Holy Spirit by filling our beautiful church with the joyful sounds of God's people singing together in praise and thanksgiving, not only for the ever-abiding Spirit, but also for the shining light of hope leading us to the other side of this long pandemic.

It is also a special Sunday for us because Coffee Hour will be resuming outdoors on the patio after the 10:30 am Mass. All are invited to attend coffee hour, which should begin around 11:15 am. Even if you are not able to make a reservation for in person worship, come join us for a moment of fellowship. Social distancing must be maintained, but masks are no longer required for vaccinated people outdoors.

May God bless and keep you all. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Mass soon.

Father Rob+
Coffee Hour
Are you interested in becoming a Coffee Hour host? Right now we will only be serving iced tea and lemonade, and individually wrapped baked goods. Since we only have one service, you would only have to host one Sunday every other month. If you are interested, please contact Alison.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
Updated guidance from the diocese regarding in-person worship

Please be advised that face masks are still required while indoors for everyone, and all should continue to maintain six feet distance from anyone not in their immunological bubble. There is an exception to this rule, however, for the celebrant and reader, who may remove their masks while at the altar or lectern, as long as they are six feet away from others.

Vaccinated people do not have to wear a mask outdoors while on church property, but the diocese asks unvaccinated to wear a mask indoors and outdoors. At this point, however, we will not be asking or recording the names of vaccinated people. You are on your honor to follow Diocesan guidelines in accordance with your own status. We look forward to seeing you at in person worship soon. 
Prayer Concerns and Blessings
We are trying a new procedure for the Prayers of the People. If you have a special intention for prayer that you would like to have included in the Prayers of the People on Sunday, please email your prayer request to Br. Philip Muniz at by Friday afternoon of each week. 

  • Christine Kellam's Dad - Heart issues
  • Marlene - Plantar fasciitis
  • Fausto - gastrointestinal issues. Having an endoscopy on Friday, 21 May
  • Linda Virtue
  •     - undergoing a vascularization
  •     - For her husband Mike
  • From Juanita
  •     - Gloria (cancer)
  •     - Gloria's daughter
  •     - Jeff having surgery this week
  • Mary Irwin
  • Peggy Irwin
  • Elsie Francis

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or