A Quarterly Newsletter from the Stanford Basic Income Lab

Spring 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Events

Join us for an evening with Evelyn Forget and Marni Brownell in conversation with Marcella Alsan to discuss how unconditional cash transfers impact health outcomes.

Forget will present her research on the influence of the Canadian Mincome experiment on health and wellbeing, and Brownell will share some of the effects of the Healthy Baby Program's prenatal benefit on maternal and child health outcomes.

TOMORROW NIGHT, Tuesday, May 21 @ 7:00pm
New BIL Fellows
Rebecca Hasdell Postdoc

We are delighted to announce that we will welcome Dr. Rebecca Hasdell in September 2019 as our first postdoctoral fellow. Hasdell has a PhD in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and is currently a Food Policy Fellow with the Food Policy Lab (Dalhousie University) and Our Food Project (Ecology Action Centre).

Once she joins us, Hasdell will carry out extensive research on basic income experiments and the global evidence base on unconditional cash, with the aim of writing a report on how UBI could help establish healthier communities in the U.S. The fellowship is supported by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant. Read More

Michelle Reddy is a PhD candidate in International Comparative Education at Stanford University. Her dissertation examines how different organizational forms of nonprofits affect political socialization. She also studies the emergence of domestic organizations delivering health and education services in developing countries.

Reddy's work at the Lab focuses on reviewing the empirical literature on Universal Basic Income across a variety of themes including gender, race, work and health. She is collaborating with our other graduate fellows for the creation of the online mapping of basic income literature. Read More

BIL in the News
Photo by Veronica Weber

Basic Income Lab faculty director, Juliana Bidadanure, speaks to the Palo Alto Daily about whether universal basic income could bring an end to poverty and about the Lab's current research initiatives. Read More

Stanford Basic Income Course

Is giving people cash no strings attached desirable and just? Would basic income promote a more gender equal society through the remuneration of care work, or would it risk further entrenching the position of women as care-givers? Would alternative policies be more successful in addressing poverty, inequalities, and unemployment?

These questions and others are being explored in a class taught by Prof. Bidadanure this quarter. For the third year in a row, students are engaged in normative debates in political theory through a focus on a variety of arguments for and against UBI.
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