St. Anthony Catholic Church
Davenport, Iowa
Weekly Email Newsletter
Spend an Hour with Jesus...

Eucharistic Adoration Tonight at 7 p.m.
A Mother’s Story: Son Turns to God in Prison
by John Cooper
A woman who regularly reads the stories in this newsletter asked me to come talk to her. She truly gets what we’re trying to do in telling stories of faith. She understands that sharing our faith allows others to recognize how powerful the Holy Spirit works in our lives. If the season of Advent is about hope, then faith sharing is about how those seeds of hope are planted.

We’ll call this woman Mary after the Blessed Mother. That's easy to do as this woman has many of the Blessed Mother's attributes! It was truly a humbling experience to sit and listen to her.   

Mary's story lays heavy on her heart.  She's a wise woman who has lived enough years to experience the good and bad in life, but nothing prepared her for what she was about to share with me. Positive grace is what we all look forward to in life. Negative grace is what we all fear and dread happening to us.

Now, in her later years of life, Mary is dealing with the pain of her son’s imprisonment. When she first learned that her son had been sentenced to prison she said, “I was embarrassed as a parent. I thought we brought him up right. What had we done wrong?” She found some consolation when a priest told her that it wasn’t her fault.

Prior to going to prison, Mary’s son didn’t have much of a faith life. She said, “I prayed that he’d get in with the right people.” Since he’s been in prison, her son has chosen to surround himself with other Christians. Mary said, “When my son called home to talk to us, he told us about the Bible study sessions he attended that were led by a prison minister. I knew right then that something had changed in him.” If the devil had won him over at one point in his life, she felt that God was now guiding him.  CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE
Trivia and Potluck: Downtown with St. Anthony's

Join us for a potluck and Christmas Trivia on Saturday, December 7 immediately following the 4:30 p.m. Mass.

Bring a Christmas-themed food for the potluck which we will enjoy after Mass. Christmas trivia and other fun activities will follow. If you have an ugly Christmas sweater, you're welcome to wear it! We hope that you can join us!

This year we are introducing something new to our Advent preparation for Christmas. There's an Angel Tree in the front vestibule entrance of church. Hanging on it are tags with items that we invite you to purchase for patrons of our McAnthony Window. 

Types of items include: socks, hats, gloves, toiletries, sweat shirts, long johns, toiletries and toys for children. We will be giving out these gifts away at our 2nd annual McAnthony Window Christmas party on Friday, December 20 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unwrapped Angel Tree gifts should be dropped off at the parish office the week of December 16. If you have any questions, please contact John Cooper. 

P.S. If you'd like to make a food dish to share on that day, we greatly appreciate your doing so. Please let John Cooper know if you are making a dish to share. Email him .
Mark Your Calendars….
St. Anthony’s Advent Concert
Sunday, December 22 at 3:00 PM
Performances by The Youth Choir,
Adult Choir Ukulele Band and
String Ensemble
with reception immediately after
Marian Icon Visited St. Anthony's

With the goal of devotion to Our Lady and to pray for our brothers and sisters of faith who are at risk around the world, we recently had a special prayer following the 12:05 daily Mass. The focus of our prayer was a special Marian icon (see pictured in front of our altar). The Knights of Columbus have been on pilgrimage through our area with this beautiful image of Mary.

This Marian Prayer Program of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Each Knights of Columbus jurisdiction receives several Marian images, which serve as the centerpieces for prayer services conducted in churches and council meeting places throughout the Order for the duration of the initiative. Since its inception in 1979, the Knights of Columbus’ Marian Prayer Program has held more than 166,900 local council and parish prayer services with some 20 million participants. This year, the prayer service is intended to raise awareness of the plight of Christians persecuted for their faith and to stand in prayerful solidarity with them.
A Little More Church Humor...

En route to church to make his first confession, my nervous seven-year-old grandson asked me what he could expect.

"Confession is where you tell all the bad things you’ve done to the priest," I told him. He looked relieved. "Good. I haven’t done anything bad to the priest."

Communal Penance Service is tomorrow Saturday, December 7 at 10 a.m. There's nothing better than cleansing yourself from sin! Several priests will be available to hear your confession.