From the Office of the Bishop
Historic Ordinations Continue in the Diocese of Easton
Pictured above are our three most recent Deacon ordinations. Pictured left to right, they are Laura Jean McCarthy (St. Peter's Parish, Salisbury), Marguerite Samuels (Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville), and Andrew Cropper (St. Paul's Parish, Berlin).
The Diocese of Easton will be ordaining eight new Deacons this Fall - the culmination of three years of coursework and dedication. The three latest of those ordinations happened over the last two weekends, with one remaining on November 22nd. We are truly excited and honored to welcome this diverse class of individuals who represent several firsts for the Diocese, including the first two African Americans and the first Iranian American to be ordained in the Diocese.
Upcoming Ordination

Stephanie B. Clayville
November 22, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – All Hallows, Snow Hill
Watch this Ordination: via All Hallows YouTube Page

Congratulations to our new Deacons.
Please keep their ministry in your prayers.

Stephanie B. Clayville
Barbara A. Coleman
Andrew C. Cropper
Alisha M. King
Laura Jean McCarthy
Christine J. Sabas
Marguerite A. Samuels
Dr. Katherine E. Webb
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Veteran's Day
November 11, 2020
With our hearts filled with gratitude, we thank all of the brave men and women who sacrificed so much, so that we could have a better life and a country to call home. Thank you so much!
Bishop Marray's Former Priest
Elected President of Seychelles

During his time in the Seychelles, Bishop San served alongside The Rev. Wavel Ramkalawan, who over this past weekend was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Seychelles. In addition to Rev. Ramkalawan's new role as President he will remain in service to his priestly vows. A recent article in The Living Church outlines the election and inauguration and offers an accurate assessment of the priest/president’s decision to enter the political arena. Also, it highlighted the motivation for his decision to enter into politics three decades ago. The political, civic and social upheavals moved Rev. Remkalawan into action. Responding to both a spiritual and prophetic call, he has become a voice and instrument for social and political justice in the Seychelles.

In addition to the information supplied by the article, Bishop San also recalled numerous occasions where Fr. Wavel was beaten, arrested, imprisoned, and threatened - with his family living in constant fear of retaliation by the armed forces of the communist/socialist dictatorship. Bishop San spoke to him after his inauguration on Monday and they reminisced about those days. Bishop San commented that the streets of Seychelles are littered with the blood of both Fr. Wavel and his peaceful supporters, determined to promote justice and freedom from political oppression. He also reminded him of the church’s history, “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church” (Tertullian -225). It is likewise, the seed of genuine freedom from oppression.

Bishop San said that Fr. Wavel’s life and ministry taught him (Bishop San) much about Christian discipleship and sacrificial life, the kenosis or self-emptying of Jesus (Philippians 2). The arc of God’s eternal love bends toward freedom and justice and the Lord is faithful to the promise made by the psalmist, “do not touch my anointed, and do my prophets no harm” (Psalm 105: 15). The bishop also said how much he gave God thanks for allowing him the opportunity to contribute to the liberation and development of his adopted country, Seychelles, and to celebrate that truth that God transforms all evil into good. He further stated, "it is liberating to be on the right side of goodness and righteousness for all”.

Bishop San's relationship with Wavel has remained strong in the 15 years since they worked together on the island. During that time Bishop San (as Bishop of the Seychelles) was an advocate and supporter of the work Fr. Wavel was leading, including his efforts toward political and social justice and the vision for a democratic Seychelles. Bishop San and Lynn remain good friends with Wavel and his wife Linda, and were able to reach out to both following the election - assuring them of their prayers and continued support.

The support between the two has always been mutual, respectful and brotherly. President Wavel along with his good friend in church and politics, Bernard Georges, Diocesan Chancellor, were instrumental in the election of Bishop San as third bishop of the Diocese of Seychelles. He took extremely good care of our bishop, a kindness for which Bishop San will always be grateful.

We are asking the diocese to pray for President and Rev. Wavel Ramkalawan. The task ahead is an enormous one. Leading positive change is a very risky and dangerous phenomenon, people want change but they often rebel at the risk that comes with it. Yet Jesus calls us to continuously reimagine, “you can’t put new wine in old wineskins…” (Mark 2:22; Matthew 9:17; Luke 5: 36-39). We pray for President Ramkalawan in this new journey as he continues to work toward reimagining a strong future for the Republic of Seychelles.

Agape Ministry Christmas Party - Sponsor Request
The Diocese of Easton’s Agape Ministry has really stepped up to the challenges presented by the pandemic. [Grounded in unconditional love, Agape Ministry’s mission is providing experiences which model healthy relationships to children whose families have been affected by incarceration.] The Agape committee, along with our partners at Camp Wright, have been working hard to keep the children connected. It began with the “Camp in a Box” zoom event in July, which included a mailed home box of goodies, and has continued with monthly Zoom events through the Fall exploring the story of Joseph. 
Next up for the Agape Ministry is the annual Christmas party – which is also going virtual. Each child will receive a box with a gift card, books, and a stocking full of items such as cookie/cake mix, socks, hat, an ornament and sugary treats. We will open the boxes together and enjoy a “virtual Christmas pageant” on a special December zoom call. 
We are grateful to the youth ministry of St. Peter's in Salisbury, who has volunteered to buy and fill the stockings for the boxes. The gift cards have also been generously donated. We are still looking for parishes to help sponsor the cost of postage. If you are able to help with this, or if your parish would like to sponsor future boxes, please contact Pat Layton (, 301 Powell Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21801). Thank you for helping Agape children stayed connected to our Ministry.
The Children's Home Foundation of the Eastern Shore of Maryland

For over 60 years, The Children’s Home Foundation has offered financial assistance to residents of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is a non-profit arm of the Episcopal Diocese of Easton. Since its inception in 1959 the foundation has awarded scholarships, grants and camperships in excess of $5 million dollars.

Scholarships are awarded to individuals in need of financial assistance to obtain vocational and technical training in postsecondary accredited institutions in order to enter the workforce, or to improve employment opportunities. Now, more than ever this program deserves support. Grants enable children and teens, who might not otherwise have the opportunity, to attend summer camp. And, because it is difficult to get a job without a driver’s license, some students have received help with the cost of driver’s education. This is a new CHF program started within the past two years, because so many local school systems have discontinued drivers education.

The foundation has a 501(C)-3 designation and is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors from all the counties on the Eastern Shore. Over 97% of all charitable donations go directly to our scholarship recipients.

Education and enrichment are the focus of the foundation, and it is our hope that you will consider donating to this worthy cause. Because of this year’s Covid 19 Pandemic, we need your support more than ever in the form of monetary gifts, modest or otherwise.

Always feel free to contact us if you are aware of individuals who might benefit from one of these programs. To learn more about our Episcopal organization we invite you to visit our website at: During this most difficult year please know that your support and prayers will help us continue in our work for our citizens who need it the most. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40.

Your tax deductible donation made payable to CHF may be sent to: Children’s Home Foundation c/o Ann Allen PO Box 990 Salisbury, Maryland 21803
153rd Diocesan Convention To Be Virtual
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Greetings from Camp Wright!

November 10th is National Wear Your Camp Shirt Day! Share a photo of yourself in your Camp Wright gear, and tag it with #campwright4life and Camp Wright might share it on social media! If you still need a CW shirt to wear, visit

We are hard at work planning for our 2021 camp season. Expect to see session dates posted in the coming weeks!
Around the Diocese
Holy Trinity Oxford
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford, Extending a Helping Hand Sunday School children from The Church of the Holy Trinity in Oxford present a check to Marilyn Neal, Director of the Neighborhood Service Center in Easton. Students Justin and Joseph Callahan used an extender to hand a check that the Sunday School class had raised during their annual Change for Change program. Rector Father Kevin Cross and Sunday School teacher Barbara Cross look on. 
During Lent, the Sunday School children put out Change for Change jars to receive parishioners’ donations. However, this year with the pandemic, the program was put on hold as we stopped meeting together in person. That did not stop the determination of the Sunday school children to help others. They wrote articles for the church’s monthly newsletter and asked parishioners to continue to contribute. Once again the generosity of the parishioners came through and the children raised close to $1000. They then had a zoom meeting to discuss how to allocate the money. The Sunday School children decided to provide for others in a variety of settings, with Neighborhood Service Center being the local provider. Ms. Neal was most grateful, as the needs for services continue to grow even more during this pandemic. 
God At Work at Christ Church, Kent Island Each month since September Christ Church Kent Island has been offering weekend meals to 250 school children. The program, "Backpack Meals for Kids", is part of a county-wide initiative that serves over 900 children each week. Read more here. In addition to this ministry they also have been offering curb-side pick up "community dinners". Over this past weekend over 200 free chicken dinners were handed out. Christ Church Kent Island continues to pray, study and act in this pandemic knowing that God gives the growth.
Christ Church, Easton "Love is the Way" Book Study to begin November 10th Walk the path of love with one of the warmest, most beloved spiritual leaders of our time, and learn how to put faith into action. Bishop Michael Curry is the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and his new book, "Love Is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times" just came out this fall.

Christ Church Easton Assistant for Adult Education & Small Groups, Michael Valliant will facilitate a 12-week, chapter-by-chapter discussion of "Love Is the Way" on Zoom. The study will be on Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm beginning on November 10th.

To register for the group, please click this link.
Christ Church, Cambridge SOUP DAYS ARE BACK! Thursday, November 12th pick up from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Due to Covid 19 we will only have carryout quarts for sale - no biscuits or desserts. Mark your calendars! Vegetable, Chicken Noodle & Chili QUARTS ONLY FOR $7.00 MUST PICK UP AT THE WHATLEY HALL KITCHEN DOOR You may call ahead at 410-228-3161 to place your order in advance and pick up at Christ Church Parish Hall kitchen door, 607 Church Street, Cambridge. Thank you for all your support! 
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Let us know if your church or parish will be collecting items or holding activities to benefit our local communities during the holiday season!! Our hope is for people to see what’s going on throughout our diocese and pitch in beyond their parish if they see a need they can fill. Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Beth Devenny to be included in our upcoming holiday season Enews.
St. Paul's, Centreville Thanksgiving Food Drive - Feed a Family for Thanksgiving Celebrate Thanksgiving by helping others. We are looking for people to provide a box of non-perishable items or donate grocery store gift cards so that food may be purchased. Thank you very much!!! Learn more here.
St. Peter's Salisbury 2020 Virtual Fall Bazaar now through November 21st This year’s Fall Bazaar at St. Peter’s will be a virtual event that will last now through November 21st. The first phase began when our Fall Bazaar website page went live this past Sunday, November 1st. People can check out our many beautiful baskets for auction and pre-order baked goods that they can pick up at the church the Saturday before Thanksgiving. “The bazaar offers tasty favorites for the holidays including apple, sweet potato and pumpkin pies, sweet potato biscuits and wet corn bread” said Hope Morgan, baked goods coordinator. “Luncheon treats (hits from previous years) are special chef’s recipes of chicken salad and chili,” added Linda Hurley, kitchen/food coordinator. Bidding also starts on gift baskets and other items in a silent auction that continues through Saturday morning, November 21st.  A variety of baskets and other items for seasonal gifting (or for making COVID time at home more enjoyable) come in a range of prices and tastes, said Lynne Peverley, gift coordinator.“St. Peter’s baskets are known all over Delmarva for their appeal and value, and the online auction will conveniently save on store visits and crowded shopping.”

Basket themes have some unique names and contents, including Country Christmas, Escape to Italy (with Fratelli’s gift card), Beers of the Eastern Shore, Happy Hour, Kids Kovid Knits (handmade items for winter warmth), Gardening Galore, COVID Coffee time, Pet Treats, Whale of a Tale baby basket, Family Fun Night, Strawberry Fields and more. Other auction items range from Instacart gift certificates to 1/2 cord of aged wood —delivered and stacked!

Then on Friday evening, November 20th and Saturday morning November 21st, the times when we usually hold the bazaar in the Parish Hall, we will be broadcasting live a telethon from the church featuring Dick Van Gelder as MC, Father David and Rev. Adele, Daniel Cherrix, musical offerings, community celebrities like Charles Papparella, poet Nancy Mitchell, and Therese Hamilton, and much more – all helping to raise funds for St. Peter’s.
Check the Fall Bazaar page on the parish website for the latest information:
Christ Church, Cambridge will be filling boxes for children around the world. Start shopping now for items to fill our boxes. Bring filled boxes now to the church office or leave on the back pew before the Sunday church service. Please turn in all boxes no later then Nov. 22. Boxes can be picked up in the church office or at the back of the church after the Sunday service. * Remember do not include: candy, toothpaste, gum, war related items, seeds, food, liquids or lotions, glass or aerosol cans.

Advent Quiet Day:
Blessed by the Wisdom of Mary

Wednesday, December 2nd 
9:30 am - 2:00 pm

As we enter the Advent season, let us consider Mary’s situation alongside our own lives. Where is God asking for our Yes? How do we respond when we are not sure we are up to the task? How can we be encouraged by Mary’s trust in God to do what seemed impossible?

During this Advent Quiet Day our time together will be spent in prayer, reflection, journaling, and conversation. We will meet in the sanctuary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at the Retreat House at Hillsboro. The church sanctuary is arranged for the safety of physical distancing and also allows for intimate sharing. Click here to register online.

Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.

Introducing A New Weekly Feature: Pause
We are excited to have begun a new weekly feature that we are calling Pause. This Friday afternoon message is intended to give you a moment of reflection in the form of a poem, quote, and image. These messages will also be shared via email, in our social media and archived on the website. If you missed last week's edition, please click here to read it.

Day's End Evening Meditation Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.

Wisdom Circle: Seeing the Word An Advent offering Tuesdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Registration details to be announced.

Gathering of the Greens and Wreath Making, Sunday, December 13th, 1:00-3:00pm

Illumination - Saturday, December 19th 6:00 - 8:00 pm Hillsboro town luminaries, candlelight labyrinth walk and bonfire with hot chocolate.

In-person AA meetings have resumed and will be meeting in St. Paul's Church, next door to the Retreat House at 22005 Church Street, Hillsboro MD 21641. Masks and social distancing will be required. Feel free to bring your own book and beverage. All meetings continue to be offered on Zoom per the Midshore Intergroup meeting schedule.

Come for a Quiet Walk - We welcome you to visit the Retreat House
With autumn's slow unfolding come shorter days and cooler temperatures. As we prepare for winter in this year of challenges, now is a wonderful time to relish the outdoors. You are invited to come by the Retreat House and enjoy the beauty of the leaves as they change. Please come (with your dog, if you'd like) and take a walk around the church, use the Labyrinth, or find a place to be silent or still.

We hold this space for you to come and rest; now is an excellent time to enjoy the changing of the seasons in a beautiful place. We hope to see you soon.

As always, please wear masks when you are near others, and help yourself to hand sanitizer, wipes and bug spray provided in the gazebo.

The Retreat House has several trained spiritual directors who are available to help. Learn more in our Spiritual Guidance brochure.

See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:

Prayers for Erica Favreau & baby Abel.

Continued Prayers for Bishop San's sisters - Padmini (Paddy) Marray and Sandra Marray, both battling breast cancer. Lisa Webb. Bryan Glancey, Vicar, St. Andrew's, Hurlock. Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Larry Samuels, spouse of Deacon Candidate, Peggy Samuels. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Weasie Kamihachi.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost (November 8th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Trinity Cathedral, Easton, and their Dean, the Very Rev. Gregory Powell, and his wife, Noelle.

Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (November 15th) We give thanks to the members of our COVID-19 Task Force and for their work in helping to develop protocols in keeping our people and churches safe during this unprecedented time.

Last Sunday after Pentecost (November 22nd) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s, Princess Anne, and their Rector, the Rev. Rob Laws, and his spouse, Fastau.
On this Children’s Home Foundation Sunday; we give thanks for the
Ministry of the Children’s Home Foundation, and their leadership in
providing funds for those seeking higher education.

For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon from Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness

Click here for the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon during Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness at Washington National Cathedral. This sermon was pre-recorded for inclusion in the live stream of this November 1, 2020 worship service at The Washington National Cathedral.

The video of the sermon can be found here.
An inspirational road map to help you put faith into action. In Love is the Way, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shares the tools we need to live the way of love. Using stories from his faith, his ancestry as the descendant of slaves and the child of civil rights activists, and his personal journey, Love is the Way shows us how we came this far and, more importantly, how to go a whole lot further. Read more here.
Fourth season of The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry podcast begins with guest Archbishop Thabo Makgoba (TBC)
Season 4 of The Episcopal Church’s podcast The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry, is now available. In this episode, Bishop Curry talks with the Most Rev. Thabo Makgoba [TAH-boh Mac-GO-bah], Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town and Primate of Southern Africa. Archbishop Thabo’s life is punctuated with stories of hope and oppression, joy and anger, truth and reconciliation.
Beyond the Diocese
2021 Roanridge Trust grants available for leadership development in small towns and rural communities; Applications due December 18, 2020
Applications are now being accepted for the 2021 Roanridge Trust Grant Awards. Dioceses, congregations and Episcopal Church related organizations and institutions are invited to apply. Read more here.
Practical Inspiration in Trying Times
In these turbulent times, having a step-by-step guide to Christian practice can be a godsend. Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry has contributed the Foreword to Walking the Way of Love, a collection of reflections and instructions for deepening one’s relationship to Christ. Knowing that the life of the Episcopal Church—and the individual lives of the faithful—are affected by world events, the Presiding Bishop and a group of leaders gathered to strategize ways to embody love rather than just talk about it. Read more here.
Preparing to Become the Beloved Community 
curriculum revised for Advent 2020
New and updated Advent and Christmas resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available, with additional resources coming soon. Available now: Preparing to Become the Beloved Community Advent curriculum; Way of Love Digital Invitation Kit; updated Journeying the Way of Love Advent calendar and curriculum; AdventWord 2020; Episcopal Migration Ministries Refugee Prayer Vigil. And be sure to sign up for daily Advent and Christmas emails. Find Advent and Christmas resources from The Episcopal Church here. Read more here.
Sow Seeds of Resilience this Advent with Episcopal Relief & Development's Gifts for Life Catalog
This holiday season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites supporters and congregations to sow seeds of resilience in communities around the world by giving a gift from Gifts for Lifethe organization’s alternative gift catalog. 
Gifts for Life enables individuals and groups to transform lives in communities worldwide through the purchase of a wide range of gift offerings to support those communities. The 2020 catalog features new offerings such as the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE package, which supports the organization’s campaign to expand its work with communities and families to help children up to age six so they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Read more here.

Episcopal Relief & Development Celebrates One Year of the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE Campaign by Debuting New Digital Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates one year of ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE by debuting new digital Advent and worship resources, as well as other toolkits for churches and supporters to use together or individually. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a three year, $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding the organization’s global programs improving the lives of children up to age six. Read more here.
Explore the Bible Lands in 2021 
Travel to Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and other lands of the Bible with Education Opportunities. Read more here.
Episcopal Evangelism grants available for local and regional efforts
Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2020
Episcopal institutions can now apply for the next round of the Episcopal Evangelism Grants Program, designed to fund local and regional evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church. The application deadline is November 15. The new grant cycle will focus on projects that explore new methods of evangelism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. Listen Now