See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
November 5, 2020
This is a quick reminder of what is happening at Grace this week in worship and in ways to connect and serve in the next seven days.
Pastors' Updates
A Note From Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Dear People of Grace,

I am writing this on Tuesday, as the polls are open and people are showing up to cast their vote, to have their voice heard and to participate in our democracy. I am thankful for this opportunity and hopeful for our future. It is a glorious day. Thanks be to God!

The good news is my COVID-19 test came back negative. Yay! I am thankful for your prayers and your concerns. The reality is COVID-19 numbers in our county have risen a lot lately, and according to the most recent data we have risen about 50 cases per 10,000. This information means that we will discontinue our in-person, indoor worship and our indoor activities at Grace starting this upcoming Sunday (November 8th). I am personally disappointed. It has been fun to worship together: inside and outside. I will miss seeing those of you who have been coming to worship. But because the weather is looking amazing this weekend, we have decided to do a final parking lot worship! I hope you will join us at 10:30am in the parking lot (please note the time change). You can bring your own lawn chair or stay in your car for a worship event. We will also keep our regularly scheduled activities for the weekend, just in a different manner. Zoom fellowship, Sunday School, and our 2021 Hopeful Expectation Stewardship Discussion will continue this Sunday at 9:30am. Both Sunday School and the Stewardship events will meet outside instead of indoors, as previously advertised. 

On Sunday night, our parking lot was filled with luminaries put together by many of you. It was a great team effort. Our kids, youth and individuals decorated bags in memories of loved ones and in memory of many people who have died in the past year and beyond. Because of my COVID-19 test, I couldn’t help with this event, but it didn’t matter. Our wonderful team stepped up and took over. I am so grateful to the staff members and volunteers who spent hours outside on a cold night and brought light into our darkness. It was beautiful. I was moved in seeing all the names: some of them my own loved ones, others yours, and others national events that the luminary event inviting us all to remember. It also reminded me of how life is right now, a little dark and uncertain, but there is light shining in the darkness. There are helpers along the path. We don’t need to walk this road alone. Even when we are separated from each other, we are connected in our faith. Thank you for being the saints who surround me at this time, I am thankful for your light. May you continue to let your light shine so that others might experience God’s grace. 

Pastor Joanna Mitchell
A Note From Pastor Delwayne Hahn

Dear Grace,
Several of you have asked about my health with the limited times we are gathered as a community of faith these days. This will be an attempt to update you as briefly as possible.
I am currently in the third round of what I think is the third kind of chemotherapy drug since beginning this journey in June of last year. I receive 10 injections of this drug over a two week period supplemented by an oral drug that I take each day. Then I have three weeks off before starting a new round. I will have my fourth bone marrow biopsy in about two weeks to see if this new drug is having the desired effect. I have a consultation with the Oncologist before each round of chemo. 

For the first time the chemo has resulted in hair loss and I am quite thin on top, likely headed (excuse the pun) for even more loss before this is over. I also seem to tire a bit more easily than I have with other chemo drugs but I am not sure if this is from the injections or the pills.

I am deeply grateful for your concern, your prayers and the cards I continue to receive. Please do not hesitate to ask how I am doing if you see me at church or elsewhere.

Pastor Delwayne Hahn
Ministry Moment
2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Appeal
Learn about our new ministry initiatives and how you can play a role in expanding our ministry in 2021.

By Karen & Steve Gfoerer
Grace's Worship
Outdoor Worship for the Weekend of Nov. 7th & 8th

Due to rising COVID-19 numbers in our county, according to the most recent data we have risen about 50 cases per 10,000. Which means that we will discontinue our in-person, in-door worship and our indoor activities at Grace starting this weekend. Do not despair! With the weather looking amazing this weekend, we have decided to do one final parking lot worship! You can bring your own lawn chair and stay socially distance in the parking lot or stay in your car. We will also be having Communion this weekend due to the cancellation of in person worship last weekend.
Outdoor Worship on Saturday, Nov. 7th at 4:00 pm: Join us for outdoor worship on Saturday night. We will gather on the lawn in the courtyard of the church. Please bring a blanket or a chair to sit on. We will use speakers for you to hear. We will not be broadcasting Saturday Night Worship on the radio. 
Parking Lot Worship on Sunday, Nov. 8th at 10:30 am: We invite you to B.Y.O.L.C. (Bring Your Own Lawn Chair) and leave your car for Parking Lot Worship! The first two rows of the parking lot are reserved for people to sit in their lawn chairs while assuring social distancing (6 feet or more apart). Young families are invited to sit on the grass and use the sidewalk to keep their kids physically distanced and safe. We have chalk for your kids to use during worship.
If you are going to get out of your car for outdoor worship, we ask that you park in the back of the parking lot or in the dental office, so that those in their cars can have a better view of worship. If you need to park closer and still want to get out of your car, please use the parking for people with disabilities, or speak to a parking attendant who will direct you on where to park. 
Staying in your car:
If you would like to stay in your car, you are invited to do so and tune in on the radio on 91.7FM. Parking lot attendants will park you behind our lawn chairs to give you the best possible view. 

Please wear masks and abide by social distancing recommendations if you plan to be outside your vehicle.
Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will begin streaming worship this week through Grace's YouTube account. Worship will be live at 4:00 pm on Saturday night and at 10:30 am on Sunday morning. It will also be saved so if you are not able to join us at that time you can worship later through Grace's YouTube channel.
Upcoming Events
Events Scheduled Outside This Weekend

Saturday, November 7th
4:00 pm-Saturday Night Outside Service in the courtyard.

Sunday, November 8th
9:30 am-2021 Hopeful Expectation Stewardship Discussion in the courtyard
9:30 am-Sunday School on the lawn
10:30 am-Sunday Morning Parking Lot Service
Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday, November 9th

The need for blood donation is so great right now! Grace will be having a blood drive on Monday, November 9th from 12:15-5:15 pm. Please sign up on the Red Cross website.
Saturday, November 21st - 9:00-11:00 AM

One of the things the pandemic hasn’t changed is the need to feed hungry children around the world. So get your friends and family together and join others from Grace as we pack meals together at 9:00 AM on Saturday, November 21st at FMSC in Coon Rapids! FMSC has worked diligently to ensure that COVID-19 precautions are in place, including limiting each volunteer group to five people per station. You will not be socially distanced from the other four people at your table, but you will be socially distanced from other groups in the packing room. And of course, masks are required. To read more about FMSC’s COVID-19 precautions, visit You can register for the November 21st session directly on the FMSC website (look for the Grace Lutheran group on 11/21). Or simply contact the church office or Debbie Jorgens, and we’ll get you registered! 
Children & Youth News
A Virtual Christmas Program 

We are excited to announce this year we will be creating a virtual Christmas Program! Our program is called: Do Not Be Afraid! And centers around Jesus’ birth stories found in Matthew and in Luke.

Children’s Ministry and Grace’s Music Ministry are combining forces to tackle this year’s virtual program. We need as many children, families, and individuals involved as possible! There are roles for adults and for kids. Opportunities for special music too!

If you would like to participate in this year’s program, please sign up on GraceLink under Christmas Program (Virtual) 2020. The registration will include instructions on how we will cast parts, record scenes, and use your musical gifts all to make this program come to life! If you are a part of the Grace Choir or Praise band look for emails with more information on your parts. Emails may go to your spam so make sure you are checking for this email and reach out if you haven’t received anything. 

Program will air in worship on December 12/13. Invite your friends and family to attend Grace Virtual Worship that weekend. We plan to host a watch party as well via zoom!
Giving of Grace
Grace Lutheran's
 "Till All Are Fed"
Food Shelf Needs

Here is a list of current needs for Grace's Emergency Food Shelf. If you are able to donate, please drop the items at the church office.

cream and chunky soup
boxed mac and cheese
boxed potatoes
boxed pasta 
pasta sauce
canned tomato products
canned stew or beefaroni
Family Promise Donations


Family Promise is looking for donations of gently used crock pots to give to our families who are living in hotels. If you have one you'd like to donate, please let me know. Please feel free to forward this message. Thank you! Gayle Pacholl
2 Nightstands and 2 Lamps

What do these things have in common? They are the last items needed by a family who has graduated from Family Promise and has now moved into their own home - a wonderful accomplishment! Do you have a gently used lamp or nightstand that you’re no longer using? If so, please contact Alden Riley or Debbie Jorgens and we’ll arrange its transfer from your home to its new home! 
Noisy Offerings
Grace 4 Rakai

Malaria is a leading cause of death in Uganda, and because the Ugandan government has been primarily focused on containing COVID-19 since earlier this year, malaria medication is in dangerously limited supply. Ugandans across the country are at risk - including the vulnerable women and children in Rakai. But we can help! For the first half of November, Noisy Offerings will be directed to Grace 4 Rakai to be used toward the purchase and distribution of malaria medication that can literally mean the difference between life and death. Thank you for making a difference through your generosity! 
Thanksgiving Supply Drive for ACBC Food Shelf
Now through November 20th

Grace is one of several churches in Anoka County that will be collecting food and various supplies for ACBC Food Shelf. Please note that other churches will be collecting food, and Grace will be collecting these items: 

Toilet paper
Paper towels
Diapers - all sizes, but size 5 and 6 are most needed
Feminine pads and tampons 

Please bring your donations to church during regular office hours (Monday-Thursday, 8-4 and Friday, 8-noon) no later than Friday, November 20th. 

Thank you for your generosity! 
Ways to Give Electronically
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Text to Donate
We’re updating our website to also include text and QR code as ways to give electronically.

For these, the system will request the user a ONE TIME SETUP to include their name, credit card # etc. – this will be required only the first time. After that, when the user texts to give or uses the QR code to give it will just ask the amount to confirm. The users will be able to select funds to allocate their giving to as well – operational, capital, noisy.

The number to give is 73256 – text key word: GRACEANDOVER
Grace's Resources
Thanksgiving Worship Video

We will be having worship on Thanksgiving Eve virtually this year. Because of this we wanted to make the service include as many of you as possible. We are going to make a video about what we are thankful for this year. We hope this will brighten our days and yours as well. Please film yourself in a well lit, quite space. Use the camera on your phone in a horizontal orientation so all of the videos match. Begin each video with this phrase: I am thankful for... then fill in the blank with one specific thing you are thankful for. We want these to be as specific as possible. Please submit your videos by emailing them to ASAP and no later than November 15th. 
Administrator's Corner
By Frances Fernandez

Hello Grace! I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather we have been gifted and pray you are in good health. We have been busy at Grace thinking outside the box in new, creative ways to do worship, communicate and stay connected. Who would have thought we would have all needed become so technologically savvy in such a short period of time? With this in mind and looking into improving communication, a greater sense of community and unity in Christ, Grace is excited to announce an upgrade to our database system! This system will improve our communication, coordination, giving, etc. It’s an interactive platform where you will be able to navigate our Church’s ministries, calendars, giving, etc. The migration will take place the week of December 7th and will be completely transparent, meaning you will not need to do anything to your existing profile or giving – it will all be automatically transferred! In the coming weeks, I will be embedding some short instructional videos to help you acclimate to the new platform. Once we go live, please don’t hesitate to contact me or the staff to help you feel more comfortable with the app and look of our profile. Please view the introductory video here:
Prayers of the Church

Give light to those walking in darkness, and healing to those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit. Gladys Vanquekelberg, Eric & Candace Mahowald & their unborn twins, Bill, Sr. & Barb DeVries, Sue Barker, Linda Breyette, Curtis Breyette, Brian Mueller, Kenneth Hoeschen, Evelyn Brausen, Sherry, , Erin, Linda Christiansen, Steve & Carroll Potter, Christopher Sluis, LaVonne Hite, John Malecha, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Judi Wold, and Zachary Elsenpeter. We pray for all those with COVID-19 throughout the world. Lord, hear our prayer.
God of promise, grant comfort, peace, and the hope of Christ’s resurrection to all who grieve. We pray especially today for Bruce Arnevik & family upon the death of Bruce’s mother, Lois; Mark Kempenich & family upon the death of Mark’s mother, Darlene; Mike & Haley Seide and family upon the death of Mike’s Grandfather, Ray Harris; Mike & Michelle Healy and Mike & Michelle Bangert & their families upon the death of Michelle Healy & Mike Bangert’s mother, Lorraine Dillavou; also for the Enga family upon the death of Lee Enga. Lord, hear our prayer.
December Grace Notes Articles Due
Nov. 20th

If you would like to put an article in the December Edition of Grace Notes, please have your articles in to Marie Kolar by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 20th. Please have them in Word format and send them to