St. Rita School inspires students in Pre-Kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and faith-filled Catholic environment.
We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the Love of Christ.
From the Desk of Mrs. Tiezzi

Dear St. Rita Parents,

I hope your child/ren came home yesterday after a fun-filled day at Camp Mt. Laurel with many stories to share. The students were able to participate in many activities like rock-wall climbing, arts & crafts, zumba, ga-ga ball, and archery. Despite the heat of the day, everyone seemed to enjoy the experience. Hopefully, we have started a new St. Rita School tradition and next year we will be able to use the pool now that the repairs are being completed.

I am happy to announce that Mrs. Suzanne Hamling will be joining our school teaching staff next year. Mrs. Hamling, a past St. Rita School parent, current substitute teacher and Divine Mercy parishioner, will be joining the middle school team as our new Religion teacher. She will be replacing Ms. Connie Oligino who is leaving at the end of this year. We welcome back Mrs. Hamling and look forward to working with her. I am currently looking for a part-time science teacher for middle school as Mrs. Robinson will be reducing her teaching load to take on more administrative duties. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please have them contact me.

The year is quickly winding down and we still have many important events in the days to come. Eighth grade graduation will be this Thursday evening, the Preschool celebration will be on Monday, and the Kindergarten celebration on Tuesday. As attendance at all three events is limited, specific details of those events have been sent home to the families involved.  Next Wednesday, weather permitting, we will celebrate an outdoor closing Mass, STUCO (Student Council) installation, and present the May “Be the Light” awards. I would like to invite you to join our students at Mass next Wednesday, June 16 at 10:45. Our remote learners are also invited to join their classmates for the Mass. Guests are asked to bring a lawn chair because Mass will be at our outdoor classroom located behind the school. We ask that guests sit behind the children either on the sidewalk area directly behind the school or over by the gardens on the Gilles Road side of the building.

Please be reminded that next week (June 14-16) we have three early dismissal days. School will dismiss at 12:00, there will be no lunch or aftercare. Report cards will be sent home on the last day of school along with the IOWA test results for students in grades 3-7. Should parents have any questions about their child’s report card or the IOWA test results, they may contact the teachers either Thursday or Friday of next week. Report cards will be mailed to those students who are not in school on Wednesday. Remote learners may drop off their books and materials between 1:00-3:00 on Wednesday, June 16.

Thank you all for entrusting your child/ren to our care during this very trying year. Together we have persevered and have become the beacon of light for our world. St. Rita School is certainly the place to be in Hamden and beyond. Best wishes for a relaxing and rejuvenating time with your family. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you for all your support. 

God Bless,
Mrs. Tiezzi
Upcoming Dates to Remember

Wednesday, June 9 - 8th grade luncheon celebration
Thursday, June 10 - K-2 Field Day
Thursday, June 10 - Field Day - Grades k-2; Graduation 6:30 PM (attendance is restricted)
Friday, June 11 - Grade 3-5 Field Day
Monday, June 14-Wednesday, June16 - Early Dismissal Days (12:00) - No after care or lunch
Monday, June 14 - PreK Celebration
Monday, June 14 - Flag Day
Tuesday, June 15 - Kindergarten Celebration; Early dismissal (12:00) no after care or lunch
Wednesday, June 16 - Final day of school - Outdoor Mass and STUCO Installation of Officers -10:45; Report cards distributed; Remote learners return books, chromebooks, and other materials from 1:00 to 3:00
Sunday. June 20 - Father’s Day
Monday, June 21 - Summer Camp Begins
Uniform Swap

Mornings from 8 to 9 am
Afternoons from 2 to 3 pm
In the Gym
It is very important that all of our wonderful SRS students keep reading all summer long. This summer each student will have the opportunity to participate in a reading challenge. Every student who reaches their goal will receive a special bookmark and a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card.  There will be a separate raffle for each group below to win a gift card. To participate click on the link corresponding to the appropriate group and fill out the reading log. Send the reading log into Mrs. Schreck during the first week of school next year. If you have any questions or concerns contact Mrs. Schreck at sschreck.stritaschool@gmail.com

Reading Challenge Goals

Pre K & K - Read 30 books over the summer.
Rising 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Graders - Read 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Rising 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th Grader - Read 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Alpha: A Spiritual Initiative for the
New Hamden Parish

As the Catholics of Hamden begin to come together in one parish community, you are invited to join in a shared spiritual experience called Alpha. Alpha is a series of sessions conducted on Zoom which explores life and the Christian faith. The talks are designed to meet you where you are on your faith journey, to engage and inspire conversation related to faith, to unpack the basics of Christianity, and to address questions such as Who is Jesus? and How can we have faith?

Alpha is an important opportunity - even a gift - amid the changes brought by parish consolidation. The process calls us to deepen our relationship with Christ and find fellowship through Him as we become one Catholic parish.

The ten-week program will begin June 24; sessions meet every Thursday from 6:30 pm to 8 pm through September 2. Please consider this a warm invitation to join us from the comfort of your home. To register, go to www.divinemercyhamden.com and look for the Alpha announcement, or call 203-248-5513.
Financial Aid Information

On May 1, 2021, the portal for financial aid will be open for applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. The portal will remain open until July 15, 2021. In order to apply for financial aid, you must be current in tuition for 2020-2021 and registered with a deposit for 2021-2022. Please remember there is a limited amount of financial aid available so applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis.

To access the portal, go to: www.smartaidforparents.com
If you already have an account, the same login id and password will work from last year. If you are a new user, you may create a new account by following the prompts.

The application fee is $35.00 and is paid online. If paying the fee would preclude you from applying for financial aid, please contact the Business Office at (203) 248-5513 for further information.
You will need access to your 2020 tax return and all applicable tax documents to complete the application.

If you have any questions while completing the application, you may contact SMART at (800) 360-8027 or support@smartaidforparents.com.

Families that receive awards will be notified by email in mid July and will be asked to contact the Business Office at (203) 248-5513 to accept their award and indicate how to spread the award over their payment plan. If you do not receive an award, you will also be notified. A waiting list will also be maintained as financial aid does occasionally become available during the academic year.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Paula Nugent, Business Manager, at (203) 248-5513.

Summer Camp/Enrichment Program Information

Click HERE to download the Summer Camp Flyer

Click HERE to download the
Summer Camp Registration Packet

Click HERE to download the Summer Academic
Program Flyer

Click HERE to download the Summer Academic
Program Registration Packet
We have a handful of Open Enrollment lawn signs available. Email Mrs. Bruno (jbruno.stritaschool@gmail.com) if you would like one, or stop by the Admissions office to grab yours before they're gone. Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Nurse's Corner
COVID update and End of the year reminders from the health office:

As I am sure you have heard, the governor has lifted some of the mask requirements. Children and adults in schools are still required to wear masks for the remainder of this school year. 

If your child has received the COVID vaccination please send in the documentation so that It can be recorded in their health record. This will impact future exposure and quarantine.

As always, if your child is exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID, please keep them home and contact your child's pediatrician for instruction.

Medication Pick up:

If your child has medication in the health office, please make arrangements to pick it up on the last day of school. Medication can not go home with the child. Any medication not picked up on the last day will be discarded. 

Required physicals:

Children entering grades PreK, K and 7th grade are required to have a physical dated within the year. A copy of that physical and immunization record must be in the health office before the start of school in the fall. These can be mailed into school over the summer. Please mark the envelope: Attention School Nurse

I wish everyone a safe, healthy and relaxing summer.
Home/School Association
A BIG Thank You to the 2021 SRS Golf Tournament Sponsors, Donors, and Players! We are so grateful for your support.
PMA Companies
Sisk Brothers
Nutmeg Advisory Group
TBNG Consulting
Limpiex Cleaning
Lamboley Law Firm
Buckley, Wynne & Parese
Rutolo Mechanical
The Costello Family
Total Fence
ORL Construction
ABM Business Systems
Ryan Oil
Russo Roofing
McNamara Builders
Peter Torello & Sons Funeral Home
Knights of Columbus
The Walsh Family
DRM Construction Solutions
Sacred Heart Academy
Café Amici
Bev Max
Briar Patch Enterprises
Gouveia Vineyards
Wine 101


Each year, St. Rita participates in several rewards programs. Local grocery stores (and Amazon!) allow you (the shopper) to identify St. Rita as the school you’d like to support; every time you shop, we get a percentage of the sale in the form of points (that can be used for school supplies) or cash. Last year we earned over $1600 through Stop&Shop’s program and over 150,000 points through ShopRite! We have big goals this year, and we need your help to achieve them. Please click on the links below to register your store cards, and ask your local family and friends to do the same!
Planning to order Christmas cards or photo
gifts this holiday season? Shop through our Shutterfly Storefront, and SRS will earn an 8% commission! It     may not sound like much,
but there’s no extra fee for you, and every
$1 makes a difference for our school.
           Click here to shop Shutterfly via our StoreFront.
Visit amazonsmile.com, and anytime you purchase an eligible item, Amazon will 
      donate a portion of the profit to our school! Select “Divine Mercy Parish
      Corporation” as your charity, and St. Rita School will benefit every time you shop. 

Link your Stop & Shop Card to St. Rita School, and we’ll earn
CASH when you
     buy groceries! Click here and use School ID: 06434.
Prayer Corner
Remember all those who are suffering or have lost a loved-one during this pandemic.
Please pray for the Uy and DiAngelo Families, and all of the deceased members of our
St. Rita School community.
Click HERE to access the Weekly Health Screening Questionnaire
St. Rita School
1601 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 248.3114
Fax: (203) 248.1016