Rulmeca Corporation welcomed two administrative professionals to our staff in October. Each having more than 20 years of relevant experience with international industrial manufacturers, Kevin White and Lori Nolan will improve our company's competence, especially in the areas of finance, customer service, and HR management. For more information about our staff, our mission, and our capabilities, click here.
Just delivered to our Wilmington NC production facility, this CNC lathe will serve to increase the production rate of machined components for six of our most popular Motorized Pulley models. We take pride in our in-house production methods that keep us in sync with increasing demands for our unit handling and bulk handling Motorized Pulleys.
This massive open online course is ready for students to learn conveyor technology at their own pace. Click here to register. Originally developed to train sales people, these videos and quizzes will help anyone interested in Motorized Pulley technology.
We cover technical and commercial topics on conveyor drives and answer questions like
How do I calculate required conveyor belt pull and power?
How do I troubleshoot my conveyor drive because it keeps tripping out?
How do I calculate conveyor drive energy efficiency?
As part of this course, Rulmeca will hosta free live webinarto review key topics in the second semester's videos and quizzes on December 9, 2020.
It is not necessary to take the online course to attend the webinar. The free webinar is open to anyone interested in conveyor technology.