From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
February 28, 2022 and March 14, 2022 Regional Council Meetings
February 28, 2022 Regional Council Meeting
Land Acknowledgement Update
Work is underway to develop an NRRM land acknowledgement in collaboration with First Nations communities and Indigenous stakeholders.Through conversations with representatives of several First Nation communities, participants are engaging in meaningful dialogue and are learning about the history of local communities, as well as current priorities and future plans. Feedback from the meetings has been positive and staff are looking forward to continued collaboration with our Indigenous neighbours, many of which have identified topics of mutual interest.

While a permanent acknowledgement is being created, Regional Council approved an interim land acknowledgement, with guidelines to be incorporated into municipal operations to encourage increased awareness of the culture and history of the Indigenous peoples of the region.

Caribou Recovery Program Update
Between September 15 and November 15, 2021, the British Columbia (BC) Caribou Recovery Program (Program) sought input from stakeholders, interest groups and the citizens of BC on a five-year approval for continued predator reduction to support the recovery of caribou.

At the November 8, 2021 Regional Council Meeting, Regional Council requested that a letter be sent to the BC Caribou Recovery Program to outline Council's views concerning the Province’s approach to caribou recovery and predator management, and advocate for deeper engagement with First Nations and regional stakeholders.

Consistent with Regional Council’s direction, the NRRM sent correspondence to the BC Caribou Recovery Program and completed the Program’s online feedback form.

Regional Council would like to seize this opportunity to work with the statistical evidence of this report to highlight local reviews versus those from outside the region and use it to expand the NRRM's advocacy role around the caribou recovery program.

Northern Rockies Environmental Advisory Committee
At the January 10, 2022 meeting Regional Council reviewed Administration Report #04/22 regarding the newly convened Northern Rockies Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC). Council made determinations regarding committee size and membership.

Regional Council approved that the Northern Rockies Environmental Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be adopted as presented and that committee members be eligible for travel expenses reimbursement at the same rates as municipal staff.
Airport Pay Parking System
For several years now, the Northern Rockies Regional Airport has had significant struggles trying to keep the existing pay parking system running, largely due to inadequate technical and hardware support from the service provider.The airport pay parking system has paid for itself, and provided additional revenues for the airport. It is unknown what level of revenues would be received moving forward given the reduced passenger loads resulting from economic decline, and the pandemic.

To maintain the Airport Parking System, it will need to be repaired at an estimated cost of $30,000, and the existing system will not be supported by the manufacturer beyond 2026. Regional Council resolved to avoid the investment in a soon-to-be-obsolete system and not maintain the pay parking system at the Northern Rockies Airport at this time.
2022 Budget Public Engagement
At the January 27, 2022 Preliminary Budget Meeting, Council endorsed the 2022 Preliminary Budget and approved its use to facilitate public conversation on the NRRM’s budget priorities.

To facilitate and encourage public comment and feedback:
  • display materials were set up in the Recreation Centre lobby on February 11, 2022
  • Council hosted a virtual open house on February 16, 2022 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., unfortunately no members of the public were in attendance
  • An online survey was created to gather input on service levels, budget allocations and overall resident satisfaction
  • A budget information page was developed on the NRRM website with links to display materials, a budget presentation, survey link and the preliminary budget document.

No public feedback or comment was received through any of the several methods made available.

Also of Note

  • Regional Council approved that the purchase of Ukraine flags for display in support of the people of Ukraine.

  • It was resolved that the NRRM work with the Fort Nelson Chamber of Commerce to develop a strategy to proactively address electoral reform boundary changes proposed by the province.
Correspondence received for information
March 14, 2022 Regional Council Meeting
NRRM intervenes in FortisBC rate application
On August 12, 2021, FortisBC applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to integrate natural gas rates for Fort Nelson customers with their provincial natural gas customer base, so all customers pay the same rate for natural gas.Until FortisBC receives the British Columbia Utilities Commission’s ruling, they cannot confirm if the rates will remain unchanged or not. FortisBC Virtual Information Session | More information

The NRRM is acting in the role of intervener, so that the residents are represented during the BCUC proceeding. The process is long and complex; you can view the hearing timetable and documents on the BCUC website.

On February 25, 2022 Council drafted a letter to the BC Utilities Commission that summarized their concerns with the FortisBC application and how residents may be affected. The letter was included in the submission from the NRRM in their role as intervener.
Funding of Holter ECG Machine approved to enable local ECG testing
Council received for information a letter from Dr. M. Mostert regarding the funding of a Holter ECG Machine. Dr. Mostert was in attendance at the meeting to answer questions in support of his request. The Holter ECG purchase would save residents that currently have to travel to Fort St. John travel time and costs, if they were able to utilitize a local ECG machine that would be housed at the Airport Way Medical Clinic. The ECG results are collected over 24 hours and downloaded for interpretation by a specialist. Through an arrangement with a Fort St. John service, results may be received more quickly as well.

Regional Council approved the purchase cost of $5,000-$6,000 for a Holter ECG Machine, to be owned by the NRRM and leased to the medical clinic.
Villers Air Service to provide medical air transportation service to NRRM
On April 12, 2021, Mr. Dan Campbell, owner of Villers Air Service made a presentation to regional council. Mr Campbell outlined the history of Villers Air in Fort Nelson and described a plan to provide medical air transportation to the citizens of the NRRM as part of a Medical Transportation Program. Council resolved to support the project by providing a letter of support and advocacy where appropriate.

Villers Air Service now has a medical transport agreement with BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS), but there exist several barriers to being able to operate in that capacity, including additional training of local BCEHS personnel.

Council resolved to send a letter to BC Emergency Health Services celebrating the establishment of an ad hoc medical transport agreement with Villers Air based in Fort Nelson, and encouraging the delivery of training for the Fort Nelson BC Ambulance Service team as soon as possible. Council requests that BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) utilize the service at every viable opportunity, by ensuring internal awareness through the BCEHS matrix including the Patient Transfer Network for high and low acuity care transfers and patient repatriation and inquire as to what additional steps may be required prior to seeing the service being utilized.
Also of Note
  • Regional Council approved the rescinding of SRM Resolution #24/22 (February 14, 2022 Special Regional Council Meeting) to be replaced with the following resolution to more accurately reflect Council's original intent: "that staff look into how a working group, including the NRRM staff and Council, the RCMP and other related community partners, be formed to identify synergies that exist between partners to address policing and associated activities in the community." T

  • Regional Council approved that a letter be sent to BC Emergency Health Services celebrating the establishment of an ad hoc medical transport agreement based in Fort Nelson with Villers Air, and encouraging the delivery of training for the Fort Nelson BC Ambulance Service team as soon as possible. Further, the letter should request that BCEHS utilize the service at every viable opportunity, by ensuring internal awareness through the BCEHS matrix including the Patient Transfer Network for high and low acuity care transfers and patient repatriation and inquire as to what additional steps may be required prior to seeing the service being utilized.
Correspondence received for information