Daily Announcements 

  • CALLING ALL TALENT - Are you in a Jazz Band? Do you like to choreograph dance routines? Are you a magician? Whatever your act – big, small, curious or even weird – audition for the chance to perform in front of an all-ages audience at the Hinsdale Central Variety Show. All types of talents are welcome, including dancing, acrobats, comedians, jugglers, singers, cheerleaders, musicians, dancers, drama, poetry, variety acts, and talent of any type. Grab an application and sign up for an audition time outside of room 229.

  • ATTENTION ANYONE INTERESTED IN PLAYING BOYS VOLLEYBALL: we will be hosting our first open gym for the upcoming season on Tuesday, January 18th from 8:00pm-9:00pm in the Main Gym! We are looking for anyone to come and play, doesn’t matter if you have never played volleyball before. We want to get as many athletes as we possibly can to our open gyms so please come on out and have some fun with everyone!

Character Counts
"Spending time alone in your own company reinforces your self worth and is often the number one way to replenish your resilience reserves." - Sam Owen

Happy Birthday
Isabella Korbus, Zhijun Liang, Andres Olaguez, Samita Ukani