To the Congregation from Bruce Lennon:

At its meeting on October 26, the Leadership Council received information back from the ad hoc Regathering Planning Team regarding best practices and recommended safety protocols to follow when we regather as a congregation to worship in the sanctuary. The Leadership Council decided it was best to test out these practices in real time prior to the congregation regathering to see if any adjustments need to be made.

To that end, the Leadership Council has asked the current deacons and their families to participate in two trial run worship services in the sanctuary during the month of November in order to test the protocols being considered for safely regathering for worship. These two in-person services will be limited to staff, Leadership Council members and current Deacons and their families and will be limited to no more than 75 people at each service. 

We are very hopeful that what we learn from these two services will help us as we work toward the goal of regathering sometime after the first of the year.

Yours in Christ,
Bruce Lennon, Leadership Council Chair