November 8, 2019

One Health for One Planet Education (1HOPE) Initiative
First Work Group Meetings
Dear 1 HOPE Contributor:
Thank you for signing up for your preferred Working Groups (WGs) in the online spreadsheet ( ). We are delighted that you will be joining one (or more) groups in the international  One Health for One Planet Education (1HOPE) initiative! 
A 1HOPE Project Overview has been developed ( ) along with slides highlighting key aspects of the 1HOPE initiative and current organisations participating in the Planning Team ( ). Feel free to download these items from the One Health Education webpage ( ) and use them.
We are now ready to organize the Working Groups .
Originally, six 1HOPE WG categories were suggested: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Civil Society / Community, Corporate (which can include Non-Profit and Non-Government Organizations, NGOs), and Government (including Intergovernmental Organisations). It may be better to initially combine Primary and Secondary into one continuous thread introducing the One Health & Well-Being concept and the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals together. If regional primary/secondary groups do emerge, that will be wonderful. Likewise, it seems appropriate to form one WG for those wishing to address 1HOPE across global regions in the Corporate world.
Thus, we have identified and highlighted in the spreadsheet 16 potential Work Groups (with tentative abbreviations) to get us started. As the groups form they can decide what name/acronym to use for each group:

  • One Primary/Secondary Work Group-  1HOPE-P/S
  • Four Tertiary groups
  • 1HOPE-T-Africa
  • 1HOPE-T-Americas
  • 1HOPE-T-Asia
  • 1HOPE-T-Europe, Middle East, Oceania (combined)
  • Four Community / Civil Society groups (including Non-Profits and NGOs)
  • 1HOPE-C/CS-Africa
  • 1HOPE-C/CS-Americas
  • 1HOPE-C/CS-Asia
  • 1HOPE-C/CS-Europe
  • Six potential Government/Policy/Advocacy groups (including Inter-Governmental Organizations)
  • 1HOPE-G-Africa
  • 1HOPE-G-Americas
  • 1HOPE-G-Europe
  • 1HOPE-G-Asia
  • 1HOPE-G-Middle East
  • 1HOPE-G-Oceania
  • One Corporate Work Group
Kindly note on the spreadsheet ( ) the Work Group(s) you have signed up to participate in.
Please confirm (to George) by November 22 if you are happy to be part of the suggested group(s). [If he does not hear from you he will assume ‘yes’]. If you would prefer to change your assignment, please contact George or Cheryl.
It would very helpful if someone from each named group would volunteer* to schedule their first WG meeting date/time.  
The first person to email George volunteering to organize their WG’s first meeting will be automatically the agreed Initial Volunteer. Once the Initial Volunteers have stepped forward, George and Cheryl will meet online with them and any interested WG members to review agenda topics and respond to queries. This can happen either before or after the first WG meeting. So, if you are stepping forward to serve as an Initial Volunteer for your WG, please don’t wait. Go ahead and get the first meeting scheduled and use the suggested agenda below if helpful. You may find free Doodle Polls ( helpful to identify best dates/times for meetings noting Time Zone differences. If you wish to use the One Health Commission’s GoToMeeting platform, please include Cheryl ( in the Doodle Poll so she can indicate the platform’s availability. You will need to finalize your meetings as quickly as possible to free up calendars. You may elect to do ‘set time’ meetings that can be entered on everyone’s calendars ahead of time. Each WG is in control of meeting frequency and agendas.
After meeting a time or two for participants to get to know each other, each group will select one or two Co-Facilitators who will keep their group moving forward.
Identified WG Facilitators will become part of the 1HOPE Planning Team. As the Planning team forms it will develop, with WG Facilitator input, a few guidelines for Working Group projects. But don’t wait for that to get started organizing your WG. 
This is a critical moment for the international 1HOPE initiative .
1HOPE will demonstrate pure One Health Collaborations in Action. It provides an opportunity for individuals who care deeply about One Health to get involved and actively 'lead'. Committed group leadership will be key to driving these Working Groups forward and strong working relationships must be formed. Cheryl and George cannot do this alone. They will facilitate until the WGs take off on their own, then work with the 1HOPE Planning Team to provide overall coordination, guidance and direction. Those of you who have signed up to participate in multiple groups will have multiple meetings to attend. Please use your best judgement. We want to include everyone who wishes to be involved in as many places as they wish, but the work will not progress if those who have signed up for WGs are not able to show up for meetings. 
Suggested agenda for several first meetings: 

We look forward to your involvement in this timely and groundbreaking 1HOPE project! Each and every one of you has a critical role to play to move the international 1HOPE initiative forward.

George Lueddeke, MEd, PhD

Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD
Executive Director, One Health Commission

Previous 1HOPE Communications:
April 11, 2019
Organizational Meetings Summary notes
September 13, 2019
Thank You to One Health Commission Sponsors !
Without them we could not do the Commission's global work to
 ' connect, create, and educate ' for One Health.
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