August 31, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
Sign Up for These New Programs!
PISD will be offering online afterschool programs starting the week after Labor Day. Programs include art, gardening, podcasting, robotics, yoga, and more. All of these programs will take place online, with limited opportunities for in-person activities. For more information about after school programs, visit the Community Schools page on the district website:

Afterschool programs will be fun! Interactive! Students will develop real-world skills that will help them in life!

  • Partner: Peñasco Theater Collective
  • Facilitator: Alessandra Ogren
  • Details: Students will plan and create a mural focused on family and area history and stories. The project will include research, interviews with family members, drawing, painting, podcasts, and more. 
  • Age Group: All ages

  • Partner: New Mexico Acequia Association
  • Facilitator: Donne and Edward Gonzales
  • Details: Students will tend the school garden (located on the other side of the baseball field). Fall crops include lettuce, kale, radishes, spinach, and turnips. There will be opportunities to water, weed, and harvest, plus programs in cooking and remedios.
  • Age Group: All ages
  • Check out these photos and videos from the garden! 

  • Facilitators: Chris Duran, Kaori Lopez, and Alessandra Ogren
  • Details: Students will create a podcast using digital tools from the Adobe Suite.
  • Age Group:

  • Partner: Embudo Valley Library and Northern New Mexico College
  • Facilitator: NNMC instructor Steve Cox and his college students
  • Details: Students will learn to create online animations about themselves and their families using the Scratch program from MIT. The coding program will develop skills that will be used to work with robotic technology once in-person learning resumes.
  • Age Group: Grades 3-7

  • Partner: Yoga with Roxy
  • Facilitator: Roxanne Sanchez
  • Details: Students will learn basic yoga techniques and practices. Great for developing mental focus and for getting exercise, especially on hot or rainy days!
  • Age Group: All ages

Questions? Want to sign up? Contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466. Call, text, or email your student's name and the program(s) they're interested in.
Keeping PISD Safe
PISD is committed to following all Covid-safe practices for disinfecting school spaces. We're also going beyond required protocols. Here is what happens every day:

Disinfecting and Cleaning

7:00 a.m.: Custodial staff disinfects the entire building using foggers. The disinfectant is Re-Juv-Nal, an EPA-approved, phosphate-free, pH neutral formulation that has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to 2019 novel coronavirus. PISD has been using this disinfectant for several years.

12:30 p.m.: Custodial staff disinfects the entire building again using foggers.
Throughout the day: Custodial staff wipes down high-use surfaces such as door knobs with Chlorox wipes and other disinfectants.

Throughout the day: Custodial staff does their normal cleaning, wiping down classroom surfaces such as desks.
Extra precautions: Teachers and staff have been given bottles of disinfectant for anything in their classrooms they feel needs extra disinfecting.
Staff Checks and Preventative Practices

Daily: All staff have their temperature taken and are asked about symptoms upon entering their buildings. Visitors go through the same procedure at the guard shack.

Masks: All staff and visitors are required to wear masks unless they are alone in their classrooms with the doors shut.

Social Distancing: Staff are required to maintain a distance of 6 feet at all times. No more than five people gather in a room.
Reporting and Rapid Response

PISD follows and exceeds CDC and state guidelines for reporting Covid-19 cases and responding to confirmed cases and possible symptoms among its staff. To read the district protocol, click here or visit the PISD website and click the Covid-19 Plans and Procedure Documents tab.
Internet Update
Kit Carson Telecom is offering families of students in its service area discounted installation and service. To get service from Kit Carson, fill out this form: and email it to Mark Poche ( and Nadine Varela ( You can also call (575) 758-2258 between 8-4:30, M-F.
Welcome Our Teachers and Support Staff!
The next few newsletters will be introducing our new teachers and support staff!
Nicaea Chavez
High School/Middle School Principal
Why did you want to become a teacher? I come from a long line of educators.  My grandfather was a migrant worker and moved around the western part of the United States picking cotton, harvesting crops, and taking care of animals.  He was guided by a teacher/General from NMMI and learned to value education.  After graduating from high school, my grandfather went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree from New Mexico Highlands University, a Master’s Degree from the University of California-Berkley, and a PhD from the University of Washington.  My grandfather was a high school science teacher, Dean of Students and Vice-President at NMHU, and Vice-President at NM Tech.  

I watched my grandfather work tremendously hard to pursue his dreams in supporting students in education and I drew upon that when I attended Abilene Christian University to earn my first Master’s Degree in Education Leadership.

What do you like most about teaching? Teaching is a calling of service and it allows me to fulfill my life’s purpose.  I enjoy walking the journey with children and watching the growth and excitement when they learn something new and can apply those skills on their own.  One of the most rewarding feelings is when students come back and share wonderful memories of being in your class and saying that I was able to make a difference.

What is a fun fact that your colleagues and students might not know about you? 
I love to travel!  The most memorable trip I have been on was to Panama for World Youth Day in January 2019. During our trip with the church youth group, we saw Pope Francis twice.  It was awe inspiring to experience the kindness and warmth from the Panamanian people.  It was a once in a lifetime trip.

What do you like to do best outside of work? 
I love spending time with my children and family.  I come from a very tightknit family and we spend a lot of time together.  We love fishing, boating, travelling, and cooking.  I miss attending NBA and NFL games….but look forward to it next season.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Important Links
(Check here for updates from the state.)
(Check here for activities and videos for kids.)