Average DPM Attendee Review
Rating: 4.7 (overall)
Average Vendor Review
Rating: 3.0 (overall)
The fall season has been packed with meetings, and we thank you for sharing your reviews and letting the profession know what you think!
PRESENT | Desert Foot |
Phoenix, AZ
Comprehensive Approach to Pes Plano Valgus Workshop and Seminar |
Burlington, MA
Podiatry Institute | Windy City Conference |
Schaumburg, IL
Los Angeles, CA
OSET | Orthopaedic Summit |
Las Vegas, NV
for events calendar and specific date details.
FPMA | SAM Symposium |
Lake Buena Vista, FL
Atlantis Foot and Ankle Symposium | Paradise Island, Bahamas
IFAF | Winter Seminar at Sea |
Western Caribbean
NYSPMA | Annual Conference |
New York, NY
NCFAS | Annual Seminar |
Greensboro, NC
for events calendar and specific date details.
NCFAS | Annual Seminar |
Greensboro, NC
Podiatry Institute | Annual Winter Conference |
Park City, UT
PRESENT | Treasure Hunt |
Los Angeles, CA
ACFAS | Annual Scientific Conference |
San Antonio, TX
MPMA | Great Lakes Conference |
Dearborn, MI
IFAF | Lake Tahoe Seminar |
Lake Tahoe, CA
CPMA | Annual Conference |
Hartford, CT
for events calendar and specific date details.
Ann & Sarah's Monthly "Tricks of the Trade"
Ann Dosen and Sarah Breymeier. We have spent nearly a decade in the
podiatry sapce, attending dozens of podiatric meetings and trade shows.
We do our best to put our experience to good use!
Below are some helpful "tricks of the trade" from us to you.
This month we've converted our standard, written "tricks" to video... enjoy!
Shipping - you have options!
Stay the night before Day 1 of the meeting.
A Big "Thank You to our
Corporate Sponsors
Conference Partners
for Supporting
Try Canodyne with a ZERO-RISK trial!
Receive 15% off your first order and FREE shipping. Take 30 days to offer Canodyne to your patients with no obligation. Not happy? Return your remaining inventory for a full refund!
The Remy Class IV Laser System
The Remy is a powerful laser at an incredible rate from David Zuckerman DPM! The next five DPMs to purchase will receive 5-year extended warranty at no additional charge.
TRAKnet: The #1 podiatry-specific EHR
NEMO Health invites you to their
2020 User Conference from
June 18 - 20 in Dearborn, MI
Voice of the DPM
Since June we've been sharing the "Voice of the DPM" feedback regarding why your peers/colleagues choose the meetings they attend and what types of meetings they look forward to in the future.
We've been fortunate to gain insight from a handful of podiatrists who are leaders in their market; running practices that help set the standard!
Below are some PEARLS from the collection of articles we've shared since our website and newsletter launch.
DPMs want information that is practical and can be implemented as soon as they return to their practices after a meeting.
Faculty members who are known to be consistently engaging and bring something new to the table are more favorable.
DPMs enjoy knowing they will show up to a meeting and see colleagues they haven't seen for a while; this includes fellow podiatrists and vendors.
DPMs want to know about the newest/latest product or technology available.
Often DPMs will go in looking for something specific, so it's important for exhibitors to be available to answer urgent questions.
DPMs want products and services that make their practices run smoother and makes their lives easier.
APMA - The National
Podiatry Institute Meetings
Would you like to be a FEATURED DPM in our upcoming "Voice of the DPM" newsletter articles? We are excited to hear from you and share your unique point of view!
If you want to share your voice, simply CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW and Ann or Sarah will contact you
to gain your perspective on the meetings you attend, why you attend them, and what you would like to see from meetings moving forward!
Give Your Patients the WOW Experience
with IMMEDIATE Pain Relief
Patients who receive Class IV laser therapy often report "no pain" immediately after treatment.
Voice of the Vendor
DocShop Pro
Dallas, TX
DocShop Pro
, we enjoy personally showing podiatrists how to save time and money on their practice’s medical supplies using our easy supply manager, so exhibiting at conferences is important to us.
We get the chance to meet new, potential DocShopper’s and chat with our customers to get some great feedback on product offerings and experience.
DocShop Pro attends between 30 and 40 conferences a year
, depending on our budget and objectives. The conferences are selected based on the expected audience, anticipated number of attendees, the speakers, the location and dates.
Our team regularly collaborates to provide new event opportunities and review our previous experiences to help make our final selections for each year. When reviewing the upcoming agendas and speakers, we tend to gravitate towards the events that have new topics and speakers with fresh content. We also work closely with our partners and vendors to co-brand our participation and promote how we work together help our practices save on their bottom line.
When deciding our final list of events to attend, the
DocShop Pro
team also considers the value-added opportunities for after-hours exhibit experiences. A happy hour in the exhibit hall or special event at the conference venue allows networking more organically beyond the booth exhibit table. It gives us a chance to spend quality time with our customers and partners, while discovering potential prospects for development.
These events have had great attendance, positive energy, interesting lectures and discussions by top names in the podiatric field and engaging booth spaces for exhibitors.
Visit the
DocShop Pro booth
at the following, upcoming podiatry meetings to request a
free cost analysis of your current supply list to compare our pricing
and see exactly how much you could be saving your practice. You can also email us at
to find out more.
Want to feature your company's voice in an upcoming newsletter?
Meeting Showcase
| offers industry meeting planners/organizers
a unique opportunity to showcase their meetings to both physicians and exhibitors!
November 2019's Featured Meeting:
Florida Podiatric Medical Association - SAM Symposium
FPMA’s educational mission is to promote continuing education in podiatric medicine, podiatric surgery, and practice management through workshops and seminars. Our commitment is to increase knowledge by offering every registrant the educational assistance needed to improve care for their patients and be successful in practice by promoting the benefits of scientific advancement in the treatment, prevention, and alleviation of podiatric ailments.
SAM Physician Registration includes access to all lectures and the Exhibit Hall, as well as breakfast, lunch, and AM/PM breaks for designated days throughout the conference
Mandatory CECH courses for licensure will be offered at SAM 2020, including: Laws and Rules, Risk Management, Science, Practice Management, and Medical Errors. A new one-hour Human Trafficking course, recently implemented by the Florida Legislature, will also be offered.
This is a one-time requirement licensees must complete before January 1, 2021.
FPMA is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) will be awarded to SAM 2020 physician attendees and total possible CECH will be posted on the SAM Conference website at once the SAM 2020 schedule is finalized and approved.
The current biennium runs from April 1, 2018 -March 31, 2020. As such, current Florida podiatric licenses will expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on March 31, 2020. FPMA encourages Physicians to attend SAM in order to meet these requirements for renewal of podiatric licenses.
FPMA will also be offering a Podiatric X-Ray Assistant program on Saturday, January 18, 2020 during SAM 2020
. The eight-hour course (which will include a two-hour mandatory Medical Errors course) is for Initial Licensure and Recertification of Podiatric X-Ray Assistants.
The last day to register prior to the conference is December 20, 2019. After this date, attendees will be required to register on site.
Want to feature your meeting/event in an upcoming newsletter?
provides physicians and industry partners with valuable reviews, ratings, and testimonials in an effort to enable both of these parties to make stronger, informed decisions about which Podiatric meetings, conferences, seminars and trade shows to budget for and attend in the future.
Additionally, the website is a helpful resource to find more information about upcoming podiatry events, vendor information, meeting and traveling tips, and more!
Share your feedback, suggestions, or questions!