Weekly Postings
New books at Angel Tree last weekend.
December 20 - December 29, 2019
In This Issue


Angel Tree Thank You

One of Saint Paul's most important outreach ministries is the mentoring program that serves children in our downtown/East Augusta neighborhood from W. S. Hornsby School. Last Saturday, the children who are participating in the mentoring program and their families joined us for our annual Angel Tree Breakfast and Party to celebrate together. 

Everyone enjoyed a home-cooked breakfast, gingerbread-man decorating, festive hot chocolate, a backstage viewing of the Augusta Choral Society's rehearsal, pillow making, and Christmas music provided by DJ Tom. This year, they participated in a community service project serving those in need through Mission Dawgs. 

This beloved Saint Paul's Church tradition strives to provide each of these children and their families with an opportunity of fellowship where they know they are welcomed and loved. Year after year, the students come back into our Church home to celebrate with one another, their mentors, and the people who have worked to make sure they have a Christmas season full of joy. 

We wish to thank everyone who participated in this ministry.  Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure make a lifetime difference. 

Our Schedule This Sunday
December 22
 8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Formation Classes for all ages.
See schedule below. 
The Nursery is available.

10:30 - 10:45 AM  
Coffee and Conversation in Tyler Hall 

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Children's Christmas Liturgy: "The Friendly Beasts"
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
A special reception hosted 
by the children of Saint Paul's. 

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
with Prayers for Healing 
Keith Shafer and Kathleen Chandler are our musicians .
This Weekend
December 21
EYC Lock-in
Saturday, December 21, 6 PM

EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12 only), mark your calendar for a holiday theme lock-in Saturday, December 21, 6 PM to Sunday morning 11 AM service. Dinner and breakfast will be served. Bring your sleeping bag, toothbrush, and a white elephant gift to exchange (maximum price $10).  A RSVP is required contact Todd Shafer .

This Sunday
December 22
Children's Christmas Liturgy
Sunday, December 22, 11 AM

Each Sunday during Advent the Children have been journeying together to Bethlehem preparing their hearts and minds for the Mystery of Christmas.  Part of their preparation has been for a program "The Friendly Beasts" which they will present to the parish this Sunday at 11 AM.  Coleman Graham, one of our formation teachers, has written the story narrative inspired by Sufjan Steven's song, of the animals that surrounded the Holy Family and shared the gifts they had to give with such abundance.  Following the service on Sunday, the children will host a reception of hot chocolate and finger foods.  It's sure to be a joyful Sunday.

2020 Pledged Offerings

Last year, 181 households submitted pledged. Nearly 130 pledges have been submitted so far, and we need to collect all of them so the vestry and finance committee can construct the 2020 operating budget. If you have questions, contact the clergy, Sr. Warden, Billy Badger or Stewardship Chair, Brad Sandbach.
Formation Classes this Sunday 
December 22, 9:30-10:30 AM

Location: The Parlor

The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.


Leader: The Rev. John Jenkins
Location: The Chapel

Each Sunday of Advent, Fr. Jenkins will tell a biblical story that ground us in this season of preparation and will lead a period of reflection on the story. This is very similar to the theological preparation the children are receiving in Godly Play. Come and see. Each week the story will grow, but always we will begin at the beginning. This experience will help you prepare to rejoice at the coming celebration of the incarnation at Christmastide.  Inquiries, contact Fr. Jenkins.


Leader:  Todd Shafer
Location: The Youth Room

Youth Formation returns with a look at the movies and a discussion of the Christian themes found in them.   BUT FIRST, a little breakfast to get things going! For more information, contact Todd Shafer.


"The Friendly Beasts"
Journey to Bethlehem: Preparing our Hearts and Minds for the Mystery of Christmas
Location: The Children's Ministry Center

Please meet in the Children's Formation room to dress and then we will practice in the sanctuary. We will finish by 10:20 am so Canterbury Choir members can robe and practice with Keith. (Soloists will stay robed. Other choir members will change into their head pieces for the program and change back to the robes after it is completed and rejoin the choir)

Children not in the choir can return to sit with their parents after the program. We will let them remain in their costumes for pictures at the reception after. Some parishioners may like to have their photos taken with our friendly beasts.

The children and families are hosting the reception. If you are able, please bring a sweet or non-sweet finger food to share. 

Next Week
December 23 - 29
"Hanging of the Greens"
Monday, December 23, 9:30  AM  

You are invited to the Greening of the Church, Monday, December 23, 9:30 AM. Contact Pam Uros and join the Flower Guild as they decorate the church for Christmas.

Parish Office Hours for Christmas and New Year's 

The Parish Office will close at noon on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Tuesdays, December 24 and 31, and will be closed on Christmas and New Year's Day, Wednesdays, December 25 and January 1.


Christmas Eve
4:00 & 10:00 PM
Christmas Eve Festival Celebrations with Choir, Brass, & Drums
A nursery will be available for the 4:00 PM service.
The 10:00    P service will be broadcast live on WGAC 580 AM and 95.1 FM

Christmas Day
10:00 AM
Christmas Eucharist in the Chapel with Carols

The First Sunday after Christmas
December 29
Holy Eucharist Rite I 8:00  AM
Lessons and Carols 11:00 AM
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion 5:30  P M

A festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 29, 11:00  AM  

Join us along with your families and out-of-town guests in this beautiful celebration during Christmastide. The Canterbury and Saint Paul's choirs will join readers from the congregation to observe this beloved liturgy of our Anglican heritage. Eucharist will not be celebrated at this service, but will be celebrated at the 8 AM service and again at the 5:30 PM Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion service.

Looking Ahead

2019 Year-end Contribution Statements and Gifts

Offerings or Special Gifts of cash/check must be dated and postmarked no later than December 31, 2019 to qualify as 2019 charitable contributions. For gifts (transfers) of stock or other securities, or other questions, ASAP email Meredith Beach or call her at (706) 724-2485 ext. 204. Please note the Parish Office will close at noon on Tuesday, December 31.  

Tuesday's Music Live Resumes
Tuesday, January 7, 12 noon, Nave and River Room
Tuesday's Music Live continues its 32nd season with a free concert by Savannah River Brassworks, on Tuesday, January 7, 12 noon.  Lunch following the concert is catered by Cordially Invited LLC and is $12 per person. Advance reservations required and may be placed by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463 or online at  Series brochures with all 12 concerts and lunch menus are available in the narthex.

Prayer of the Heart: 
An Introductory Workshop in Christian Contemplative Prayer
Saturday, January 11, 9:30 AM- 2 PM  (Bring a simple lunch)
Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul 

An introductory workshop for Christian Meditation/Contemplative Practice will be offered Saturday, January 11, 9:30 AM- 2 PM, in the Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul. As we begin a new year, this workshop offers a way to restore a sense of connectedness to ourselves, to others, and to the world around us, and a practice to grow into personal, living experience of God. Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and Alan Faulkner lead this class. Come and explore.   Contact Fr. Jenkins for more information or to reserve your place. Limited to 15 participants.

New Listening Sessions added
Wednesday, January 15, 6:30-8 PM
Sunday, January 19, 9-10:30 AM

We have added two additional listening sessions in January. Sign-up using the link below, on our website calendar, or by emailing the Parish Office. If the event you select is full, please email us your interest in participating so we will know whether to schedule more gatherings. For more information contact Donald Horton.


YEA Twelfth Night Party 
Sunday, January 5

Welcome to Saint Paul's for Visitors and Newcomers
Sunday, January 5

Inquirer's Class for Adults & Youth Confirmation Classes Begin 
Sunday, January 12

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, January 15

Manna Pantry 
Saturday, January 18

Women of the Bible Class Begins
Sunday, January 19

"Why Dr. King Still Matters"
Thursday, January 23

Annual Parish Meeting & Brunch
Sunday, January 26

Quiet Morning
February 1

Children Youth and Family Super Bowl Party
Sunday February 2

News from the Diocese

December Birthdays

Are we missing your birthday?
Please  contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration for December  will be December 8.