Worship Reminder: We need to remember our Safety Guidelines when coming and leaving the church service, as Covid-19 is still with us. Please remember when you arrive to take your seat and remain seated, not speaking to others in groups. Also, when leaving the service, please remember to leave starting with the back pews of the church and moving forward. Please leave the building and not congregate in the rear of the sanctuary.  We must continue with these guidelines for the safety of all of our members.
Thank you.

Weekly Announcements:

Sunday School: Sundays 1:00 pm

Handbell choir rehearsals Wednesdays 6:30
Confirmation Class for 8th graders: Oct. 25 6:30 pm; Register with Pastor Lee (cell: 203-969-5461)pm

Junior MYF Open: Bi-monthly Sunday 6:30 pm Oct. 18.

Church Council: October 15

The 8:30 a.m. Chapel service has resumed.
Please enter as usual through the side door. Hand sanitizer is available and everyone will be required to wear a mask and social distance. If you forget your mask we have some available. Chairs have been moved to accommodate social distancing and side doors to Session Hall will be open for ventilation. Chairs placed together are reserved for couples.

Prayer Request

Lindsay Anderson, Bill Baker, Barbara Fasci, Colleen Shover, Leo & Lou Loren/ Ray Downing / Olive/ Stacey Duncan, Ericka Charette and Cassidy and Garrett Plourde.