Newsletter, March 2022
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Professional Development
Thank you to the many professionals who have given their time to present to our Research Experiences for Undergraduate students for our professional development series. Our REU students have learned about careers in academia, medicine, early intervention, education, public policy, and more! A special thank you to United Way of Metropolitan Dallas for sponsoring lunches for the series. Applications for the 2022-23 REU experience are due April 1st! See here for more details.
Save the Date for Comets Giving Days
Join the Center for Children and Families for the University's 6th annual day of giving on April 6th and 7th. CCF will be raising funds to support the research endeavors of our Research Experiences for Undergraduates students, including stipends for the at-risk families they will be recruiting for their studies. Join us to #COMETogetherUTD!
2022 Spring Lecture Series "Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversity"
Join us for our 14th Annual Spring Lectures Series. Talks will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams from 9:30am - 10:30am, except for the March 25th lecture, which will be held in person at UT Dallas and online. Lectures are free and open to the public! Register to attend using the links on our website.

  • Friday, March 25th, "More Than Just Words: The Impact of Environment on Children's Language Growth" with Drs. Mandy Maguire and Carlos Benitez-Barrera
  • Friday, April 8th, "Understanding Families’ Sleep Health Using a Social-Ecological Approach” with Drs. Heidi Kane and Danica Slavish
  • Friday, April 15th, "Bolstering the Superblock: How One Organization is Working to Build Community and End Oppression in South Dallas" with Taylor Toynes
  • Friday, April 29th, "Socioeconomic Inequity and Child Brain Development" with Dr. Kim Noble
CCF is CNM Certified for Program Evaluation Work
CCF is again certified by local nonprofit CNM as "CNM Certified" for 2022, confirming that our organization is using a valid methodology for collecting, analyzing, and reporting program outcomes; making data-driven decisions; improving program performance; and engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way. CCF regularly collects and analyzes data related to our outreach programs, including measures of positive parenting practices, results of children's developmental screenings, and surveys of students' skill development as a result of their participation in our work.
From the Director
It's Spring Break at the University but the work continues with lots of exciting plans for the near future. We are especially excited to host a spring lecture again on-site at UTD, and hope that you can all join us on March 25th to hear about the impact of noise and other environmental factors on children's language development. And, applications are coming in for the next cohort of REU students. Over the next few months, we will be fundraising to support the research endeavors of our current students, and to support the backbone of the experience for next year's group. We can't wait to tell you more about how this experience is changing the trajectories of our students' lives and impacting developmental science itself. Stay tuned!