November 6, 2019
A Message From The President
Mr. Freund
Dear SJCA Families,
This Saturday night is our Annual Auction, "All that Glitters is Blue and Gold." This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for SJCA, so I hope to see you all there. In addition to being a fun gathering of alumni, parents, friends and supporters, the auction provides over $200,000 in proceeds that benefit every single student at SJCA.
I want to thank all of the people who make this special night happen, working diligently behind the scenes on behalf of SJCA, from the auction committee, to parent volunteers, to our students who come out in full force. I want to particularly thank our Development Director Pauline McTernan and Linda Wasilevich, Auction Chair. They tirelessly put in countless extra hours to ensure that this night is a success.
Also, thanks to all of our supporters who attend the auction. Your generosity truly makes a difference here at SJCA and is instrumental in allowing us to build scholars, leaders and stewards who will transform the world.
It's not too late to sign up for this seminal event ( click here to register ) and keep selling those raffle tickets! We all want an extra day off after Spring Break!

Best regards, 
Bob Freund
Middle School News
Mr. Rizzo
SJCA Middle School Families,

St. Joseph Catholic Academy is a community defined by giving – a community that grows stronger through the participation of every member. Fundraising and volunteer activities celebrate, honor, and perpetuate this spirit of giving – a tradition that focuses both on supporting our school today, and on securing educational opportunities for future generations. Coming together at this Saturday’s Auction is a perfect opportunity to help us continue to grow in our Christ-centered path towards building scholars, leaders and stewards who will transform the world today, tomorrow and in the future. Let’s make it a great night!
Lancer Value of the Month – Generosity
November is known as a month for giving “Thanks.” At SJCA, November is also a month to share our God-given gifts with those around us. Specifically, this means that we are focusing on our Lancer Value – Generosity during November. On Monday morning, I shared my thoughts with our students about how we can share our God-given gifts to those around us. With this thought in mind, the Middle School is currently planning our 2 nd  Annual First Responders Breakfast on Friday, November 22nd.  Look for more information about this event coming your way soon! 
Middle School – Fun Night!
Do you know any future Middle School students who would be interested in coming to SJCA next year?  Our Middle School Fun Night is planned for Thursday night, November 14th from 6-7:30 p.m. at our Upper Campus . There will be interactive stations set up where our future students will have an opportunity to participate in some fun activities while their parents hear about the Middle School. We also plan to have a volleyball net set up and basketball games going on in the Gym during this time. Snacks will be provided, and each of our future students will receive a small gift bag for attending. For more information, you can call Jen Santelli and/or Molly Ryan, Admissions Directors at 654-8651 x 104.  Help spread the word!   
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God .
– 2 Corinthians 4:15
God Bless,
Mr. Rizzo
Every Kid, Every Day!

Lower Campus News
Mrs. Santarelli

At St. Joseph Catholic Academy, not only are our students continually growing and learning, but our faculty and staff never stop learning as well. Earlier this week, Mrs. Secketa and I traveled to Houston to attend an intensive workshop with renowned educator and author Lucy Calkins. As you may recall over the last few years, SJCA has been utilizing and implementing the highly regarded Lucy Calkins reading and writing curriculum for our students from kindergarten through 8 th grade. While many schools invest in academic programs like Lucy Calkins, SJCA realizes that to fully maximize our investments and reap the true benefits of these programs, we must provide our teachers with ongoing professional development, support and strategies to use with all types of learners.  

During this powerful workshop, Mrs. Secketa and I, along with over 200 principals and educators, were rapt listening how to best support our teachers in their classrooms. We were given a host of best practices and collaborative strategies to not only help our staff effectively employ the Lucy Calkins curriculum, but most importantly, to ensure that all of our students emerge as fluent readers and confident writers, prepared for the challenges ahead.  I cannot emphasize enough the importance of teaching, reinforcing and consistently focusing on reading and writing skills. These skills are foundational for all learning and at SJCA, we will do all that it takes, (including flying to Houston late on a Sunday and turning right around and returning late Monday night) to make sure our students have the very best teachers, instruction, curriculum and opportunity for academic success.

As in any profession, learning from the best is inspiring, humbling and energizing. Both Mrs. Secketa and I are excited to share all that we learned at this workshop with our peers. We are blessed to work at a school like SJCA that wholly believes and invests in the very best for our students.

Thanks to all of you for allowing us to teach your children. A special thank you to everyone who donated to, volunteered for, bought or sold raffle tickets and who plan to attend the SJCA Annual Auction. The auction is the biggest fundraising event of the year, and it is through the proceeds of the auction that we can provide our students, your children, with resources like the Lucy Calkins reading and writing curriculum and the incredible faculty to teach it.

I hope to see you at the auction!

Mrs. Santarelli
Annual Auction
We are looking forward to another amazing AUCTION night filled with friends, food, fun and LOTS of incredible auction items just waiting for your bid. The "All That Glitters" auction will be held on Saturday, November 9th, starting at 5:00 p.m. at the Upper Campus.  Please make your reservations today!

You can get a preview of many of this year's unique auction items. You can even start your bidding early! Keep checking back as new items will be added throughout the week.
For questions, please contact the Development Office by clicking  here .    
Bring your student and some friends to join us for a  Middle School Fun Night on Thursday, November 14th from 6-7:30 p.m.  in the Upper Campus gym. While your children and their friends are enjoying sports, science, art and engineering activities in the gym, we are hosting an informational session about SJCA Middle School. More information will be sent out later this week.
Veterans Day Recognition and Mass
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 AT 9:30 a.m.
SJCA Upper Campus Gymnasium

SJCA invites all families and friends to a special Veterans Day Mass. We will be honoring our Veterans faithful service to our country, which reflects Christ’s own service and sacrifice for our Church. All Veterans are welcome! Last week, a group of our Middle School students made a special trip to the Heroes Cafe at  Festival Foods  to visit with local veterans and invite them to this Mass. The students had a wonderful time and met a lot of new friends!

Families may submit details on any veterans that they know to be included in a slideshow shown before Mass. Click on the box below to upload photos and veteran information. If you are unable to upload a picture, bring it into either campus to be scanned for the slideshow. Please send all submissions in by Friday, November 8th to ensure time to compile the slideshow.

We hope you will join us in honoring all who have served and invite any veteran you may know to this special Mass. There will be a light reception after Mass for our guests and Veterans.

If you have any questions, please contact Jen Santelli at 262-654-8651 ext. 117 or .
Athletic News

The High School Baseball Parent Meeting will be on Thursday, November 7th at 6 p.m. in the Buri Nelson. All parents of high school students playing baseball this spring should attend.

Winter Weight Room hours begin on Monday November 11th and run through Friday February 28th. The Frank Matrise Sr. Fitness Center will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 3 until 5 p.m. and Fridays from 3 - 4 p.m. The center is closed Wednesdays and any days that school is not in session.  
SJCA Challenger Online Newspaper
Did you know that SJCA has an online student publication? Please take the time to see all the SJCA happenings through the student perspective. 

Click  here  to view stories.