Troop 544 recently competed in the Battlefield District Klondike Derby.
June 4th, 2021
Scout Day at
Kings Dominion
Kings Dominion will be offering special Scouting rates for camping and admission for the weekend of August 20th. Scout campers will receive a special $5 rate for overnight camping (minimum 10) and admission to the park will only be $36. More information and a way to prepay will be available soon.
Donor Tours
Donors and Friends of Scouting are invited to tour the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation located in Maidens, Virginia. Register today so you can see how your investment is making a difference with our youth. Tour dates include:
  • June 24th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • July 1st from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • July 8th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
T. Brady Saunders Provisional Troop Week
Scouts, will you miss your troop’s summer camp this year or do you want an additional week of fun and adventure? Then sign up to join Provisional Troop 3 at Camp T. Brady Saunders during Week 6 of summer camp. Troop 3 will also offer a few unique experiences beyond the regular camp programs. Provisional Troop 3 offers both a girl’s troop & a boy’s troop and is open to all registered youth and adult Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts.
UP3 Attendees get 10% off
in Scout Shop
This year UP3 will be a COUNCIL-WIDE event to be held on June 12th at the new Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center. Participants are asked to register for a time slot between 9 AM and 12 Noon in 15-minute increments. There will be a maximum of 25 people in each time slot. The entire experience should take about an hour. All registrants will get 10% off in the Scout Shop on the day of the event.
Cardinal Day Camp
There is still time to join in the first Cub Day Camp of the season! Cardinal District Day Camp is open to everyone in the Council and will be held from June 21st - June 25th. Registration for Cardinal Day Camp closes on June 14th.
“Although we've seen the worst that nature has to offer, ... the community spirit has displayed the best that human nature has to offer.”- Sanford Bishop
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues 9:00am-5:30pm
Wednesday 12n-6pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am- 12pm

Prepared.For Life.