Happy Lunar New Year!
Dear International Slugs,

We'd like to wish all a Happy Lunar New Year and Year of the Tiger. We have a few more upcoming LNY events, such as the Lunar New Year themed dinner at the College 9 / John R. Lewis dining hall. Check out our Lunar New Year schedule here to find details about this event and others happening at UCSC.

Global Programming is also excited to announce that we have a new team member who will work across both the ISSS and Global Programming areas! Vanessa Orey is our new International Student Engagement Advisor. Please join us in welcoming her. You can learn more about our newest team member below.

The rest of February is full of great opportunities and events hosted by us and other campus units. We hope to see you at any one of our events soon!

Best wishes,

Victoria, Andy, Lisa, and Vanessa!
Global Programming
Welcome Vanessa Orey
Hi everyone! I'm thrilled to move into my new role as an International Student Engagement Advisor, serving as a bridge between International Student & Scholar Services and the Global Programming team. My primary focus will be on the support and success of F/J international students who are facing barriers related to enrollment, writing progress, academic integrity, and more. International student success and well-being are my top priorities and I'm honored to serve in this new capacity!
Global Engagement Resources & Events
Lunar New Year Dinner

Date: Thursday, February 10
Time: 17:00 PST
Location: College 9 / John R. Lewis Dining Hall
Celebrate Lunar New Year with a special themed dinner at the College 9 /John R. Lewis Dining Hall. You can check out the menu on our website.

There will also be various student groups tabling outside of the dining hall between 17:00 - 18:00, sharing how they celebrate Lunar New Year and handing out festive treats.
San Jose Shopping Trip

Date: Saturday, February 12
Time: 9:00 PST
Meeting Place: Quarry Plaza
Join us on a special Global Programming excursion to San Jose! We'll be stopping at the Westfield Valley Mall (within walking distance to Santana Row) before heading to 99 Ranch Market, a market where you can stock up on your favorite Asian groceries.

All international students, scholars, and their friends and family members are invited!

Space is limited. Reserve your spot ASAP!
"La Playa DC" Film Showcase

Date: Thursday, February 17
Time: 19:00 - 21:00 PST
Location: Namaste Lounge
Global Engagement will be hosting a showcase for the Juan Andres Arango Colombian film, La Playa DC. This film follows Tomás, an Afro-Colombian teenager, as he faces the difficulties of growing up in a city of exclusion and racism.

All Banana Slugs and their friends and family are invited to attend. Snacks will be provided.

We request that all participants wear masks.
Story Circles: Service and Volunteering

Date: Tuesday, February 22
Time: 19:00 PST
Location: Online via Zoom
Join us for a special event, designed to facilitate conversations between people of different cultural backgrounds and build cross-cultural connections between fellow Banana Slugs.

This time we will be focusing on experiences in volunteering, in service, or how we help others in and outside of our communities.

All students in the UC Santa Cruz Community are welcome! You only have to bring is an open mind and a willingness to learn from others.
Beyond OPT: Immigration after Graduation Workshop
Date: Monday, March 7
Time: 12:00 - 14:15 PST
Location: Via Zoom

In collaboration with the Graduate Division, we present a special workshop facilitated by David Ware, founding partner of Ware Immigration.

Which immigration statuses typically follow Optional Practical Training or Academic Training in the U.S. and what processes should you follow to seek them? Mr. Ware will discuss H-1B, J-1 Postdoc, and U.S. Permanent Residence processes, among other categories. This is a rare opportunity to hear from and consult with one of the leading immigration attorneys in the country.
Tax Resources for International Students & Scholars
Were you present in the U.S. in 2021 in F or J status? if so, you are required to file at least one form with the Internal Revenue Service. For more information for non-residents for tax purposes, check out the ISSS Filing Taxes site.
Campus Events
sAiNt jOaN
Date: Wednesday, February 9
Time: 19:00 PST
Location: Merrill Cultural Center

Join us for a performance of sAiNt jOaN, a contemporary re-imagining of the Joan of Arc story seen through the lens of teenage girls in Oakland.

Learn more about the play in this video and for questions or accommodations, please email
From Fannie Lou Hamer to Marielle Franco — #SayHerName: A #SoulSpeak Writing Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 17
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 PST
Location: via Zoom

Join us for a workshop with Gina Loring. This creative writing workshop focuses on honoring and celebrating womxn whose legacy lives on through their courageous work. The attempt to silence these voices is countered here as we say their names, speak their stories, and write about their legacy as examples of true activism.
ELP Networking Hike to the Arboretum
Date: Friday, February 18
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 PST
Meeting Place: Cowell College

Join the Experiential Leadership Program in a fun 2-3 mile hike. We will engage in activities that build teams and share in discussions focused on networking and leadership.

This is open to all UCSC students, regardless of college affiliation.
Practical Activism Conference
Date: Saturday, February 26
Time: 10:30 - 17:00 PST
Location: C9/JRL Multi-Purpose Room

The 19th annual student-led Practical Activism Conference is coming up!

Learn more about PAC, including this year's workshops and speakers at or sign up for our email list!
Lookout Santa Cruz!
Lookout Santa Cruz is a NEW full-service news, information, and entertainment service focusing on the happenings of Santa Cruz County. Lookout can provide you with all the news of each day, keep you up to date on COVID numbers in the county & hosts a comprehensive entertainment and arts event calendar.

Signing up is FREE, fast, and easy: 

  • Click here to visit our UCSC student group sign-up page.
  • Register with your UCSC email address.
  • Enjoy unlimited access to Lookout Santa Cruz content.

Please contact the Director of Membership Jamie Keil ( if you have any questions or would like more information, and make sure to follow Lookout on Instagram @lookoutsantacruz to stay updated! 
Trivia Time!
We will have a different trivia question in each newsletter. For each correct answer, your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize at the end of winter quarter.

Question: What is one of the menu items for the Lunar New Year dinner at the College 9 / John R. Lewis dining hall?
Global Programming is on Discord!
Build community with fellow international banana slugs, chat with Global Mentors, and stay up-to-date on Global Programming events.
Global Programming
Classroom Unit, Room 103, Santa Cruz
CA 95064 United States