Greetings from the Gateway Region! In case you missed it, our region received a disappointing announcement this month. One of our major employers, Rolls Royce, will shut down operations and close their facility in 2021 due to the impacts of COVID-19 on the airline industry. The presence of Rolls-Royce in Prince George County has certainly helped put the Gateway Region on the map as an ideal location for advanced manufacturing companies. While we are sad to see this company leave the region, their current campus should be incredibly attractive to any new manufacturing firm. The buildings are roughly 10 years old - considered brand new in the world of advanced manufacturing - and it is ready with water, sewer, zoning and permitting. We are bullish about finding a new opportunity for the site and look forward to working with Prince George County on next steps. Meanwhile, the VGR Team has been busy planning stakeholder events this month which include a Business Council meeting on workforce solutions, a customer service training course for citizens with CCWA, and a regional economic development gathering featuring new data from the Site Selector Guild. If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate