Dear Community Members of CD-18,

As we are fast approaching the end of 2020, I can’t stop thinking of the constant images of long lines that wrapped around the block every week for basic necessities.

It was an uncomfortable feeling to witness the disparities while providing
“temporary relief” during a pandemic. I thought about how much courage it has to take to stand on a line for a bag of groceries/fresh produce, and or PPE. Many people who need it but wouldn’t dare to stand on line because of pride.

As a constituent and voting rights advocate, it always made me cringe when elected officials would provide “temporary relief” for turkey’s, toys, coats drives, etc. And only show face during an election season.

We’re in this economic and health crisis because of “temporary relief” policies and community disinvestment that led to band aid solutions.

We need bold leadership (not more of the same rhetoric) - that’s going to implement legislation addressing the social and income inequality with long term community investments to overhaul local gov’t, climate change, our housing crisis, food insecurity, unemployment/underemployment, our small businesses dying, education achievement gap widening, our criminal injustice, transit, health care system(s) failing.
We have an opportunity to change that in 2021, for this holiday season I’m asking for your partnership and investment to bring our people’s campaign to the city hall for our communities to thrive in dignity all-year-long

Donate at to fight for the Bronx!

We deserve more than “temporary relief”! #ElevateTheBronx 

Happy Holidays,

Together We Can Make A Difference

I'm running an interactive participatory campaign that includes the voices, experiences, and needs of all District 18 residents.
Darlene Jackson, Candidate for NYC Council District 18