100,000 Strong! Teachers Join Zinn Education Project in Record Numbers
Great News!

We are thrilled to share that in November 2019 we reached the milestone of more than 100,000 educators signed up at the Zinn Education Project website.

That's 100,000 educators who are accessing people's history lessons, and joining a national network committed to teaching outside the textbook.
How Can We Reach More Teachers in 2020?
With your support, the Zinn Education Project can bring people's history lessons to thousands more teachers and students in 2020. 

The Zinn Education Project receives no corporate donations.  We depend on individual donors and family foundations. Please
make a donation  today.
Why Did 100,000 Educators Join ZEP?

Teachers'  stories , like this one from Corey Winchester, describe the impact of using people's history lessons in their classrooms across the United States. 
Double the Value of Your Donation

All donations on Giving Tuesday will be matched up to $10,000 thanks to the generous support of Dave Colapinto , a former student of Howard Zinn's who defends whistleblowers.

The Zinn Education Project lessons are made possible by support from individuals like you. Please make a gift today so that more teachers receive free lessons, books, and workshops to support social justice teaching in their classrooms. Donate now!
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PO BOX 73038, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20056 
202-588-7205 | zinnedproject.org

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