Panther Post

August 28, 2020
Message From the Principal

Dear Sullivan Families,

What a start to the year! This was the most unusual start to the year since I began my career in education almost 20 years ago. As a principal and as a parent, navigating this new normal has been an adventure!

One benefit of belonging to professional groups is that I am able to gain perspective on what is happening in other districts, both locally and around the country. What we have accomplished here is not the norm in many other places. I am so proud of our D23 staff for the preparation and hard work done prior to the start of this school year to launch distance learning successfully. I want to thank our staff for working tirelessly to connect with students, troubleshoot problems, and deliver content over the past eight school days. Checking into classes, I see smiling faces and engaged students. Of course, there are tweaks and improvements we can make as we encounter challenges we did not anticipate, but overall I am thrilled with the launch of the 2020-21 school year. I am proud to be a Sullivan Panther, and Proud2BD23!

In addition to staff, I need to thank our amazing parent community for your support and positive response to the start of the school year. From the emails and phone calls to our teachers over the past week, to the much-needed sweet treats that were delivered to our schools this morning, the D23 parent community has made our staff feel valued and appreciated at this challenging time. Thank you for understanding how hard we are working to make this school year a success for your kids. We truly appreciate your support and positivity as we embark on a new journey together. It certainly takes a community, and I am grateful to be working in this one. As the picture at the top of this email says, we are better together!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Traci Meziere
Anne Sullivan School
Quick Links to Important Information
Virtual Curriculum Night Presentations
Our first ever virtual parent night presentation is ready for viewing! The presentation can be accessed in its entirety using the button below.

Here are some helpful tips for viewing the presentation:

  • Please start with the welcome video to hear school-wide information about procedures and policies.
  • The 4th and 5th grade team presentations contain curriculum information and grade level expectations and procedures.
  • The specials and support staff links provide an introduction to non-classroom staff, as well as information about programs.

As you navigate through the presentation, click on the links on each slide to view the videos from staff. The slides also have a link to a PDF version of the slide decks for each presentation.

We hope you find our virtual parent night presentation informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher(s), the Sullivan Office, or Ms. Meziere.
Virtual Classroom Snapshots

Mrs. Luehr works on rhythmic patterns with her students using the rhythm sticks from their Panther supply bags. Virtual music can be fun too!

Mr. Miller and Ms. Finnander share a video that demonstrates the warmups the students will work on in PE class for the week. Teachers use a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded) instruction.

Mrs. MacTavish can see her students on the screen and in their artistic renderings of themselves in her classroom! Our staff is finding creative ways to connect!
Anne Sullivan Elementary School Expectations
Teachers will be reviewing expectations during the first weeks, as we always do at the start of the year. Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Also included are some helpful visuals that outline expected and unexpected behaviors in a virtual setting. Please review these expectations with your children.
Technology Information
Parent & Student Technology Guides: Make sure to check out our tutorials about how to use the programs and apps that we will use for instruction this year.

Parent Virtual Sessions 

Tuesday, September 1 - Video Conferencing at it’s best! (7-8:00 p.m.)
Thursday, September 3 - Seesaw Class (7-8:00 p.m.)
Thursday, September 10 - Schoology Parents (7-8:00 p.m.)

Parents/Guardians may RSVP and attend one or all of the above sessions. RSVP is required to receive the information for these sessions including the video conference link to participate. Participants will need to have a device available and WiFi to access these sessions.
Weekly Food Pick Up

Just a reminder that meal distributions will be held every Wednesday, between 11-1 outside of the MacArthur Cafeteria Drive-up distributions are open to all students. Parents will be required to provide their student’s name and school location for MealTime verification. Bags will consist of five breakfasts and five lunches. MealTime accounts will be charged the per meal rate based on the student’s current eligibility under the National School Lunch Program. If you currently qualify for free meals, bags will be provided at no cost.
Important Dates
September 1: Tech Parent Session - Videoconferencing 7-8PM
September 3: Tech Parent Session - Seesaw Class 7-8PM
September 7: Labor Day - No School
September 16: Board of Education Meeting 7PM
September 24th: PTO Meeting 7PM
September 28: Non Attendance Day
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