There Is No God?

For many people this is less a question than a statement. It reveals a perspective on how to interpret what is revealed around us and in us. How vast is the creation of God and how unique is the detail of each element? When we look with the eyes of faith we see the magnificence of God’s handiwork. Without the eyes of faith we may rush right by and ignore the unfathomable wonder of His work. Recently I read this segment in of one of Chuck Swindoll’s writings. See if it stirs you as it did me. 

“There is no God. All of the wonders around us are accidental. No almighty hand made a thousand billion stars. They made themselves. No power keeps them on their steady course. The earth spins itself to keep the oceans from falling off toward the sun. Infants teach themselves to cry when they are hungry or hurt. A small flower invented itself so that we could extract digitalis for sick hearts. The earth gave itself day and night, tilted itself so that we get seasons. Without the magnetic poles man would be unable to navigate the trackless oceans of water and air, but they just grew there.

How about the sugar thermostat in the pancreas? It maintains a level of sugar in the blood sufficient for energy. Without it, all of us would fall into a coma and die. Why does snow sit on mountain-tops waiting for the warm spring sun to melt it at just the right time for the young crops in farms below to drink? A very lovely accident. The human heart will beat for 70 or 80 years without faltering. How does it get sufficient rest between beats? A kidney will filter poison from the blood, and leave good things alone. How does it know one from the other?

Who gave the human tongue flexibility to form words, and a brain to understand them, but denied it to all animals? Who showed a womb how to take the love of two persons and keep splitting a tiny ovum until, in time, a baby would have the proper number of fingers, eyes and ears and hair in the right places, and come into the world when it is strong enough to sustain life? There is no God?”

How can someone miss it? How can someone completely neglect the miracles of God or stand in opposition to the resplendent handiwork of the Creator?

God is surely not dead, not inert, or lethargic but dynamic, full of life and in action.

“The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaim
his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph. 2:10

The wonders of our God are so evident when seen through the eyes of faith. Wonder with me at all He has done and is doing. Wonder with me at how his grandeur in all its magnificence pales when compared to His love for us.
Wonder with me about our living God!

"Say what?"
Will & Linda Wakeling
with Jesus Film Project at Cru

Will and Linda Wakeling are full-time missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ International (Cru) working in the Jesus Film Project. Will recruits lay people to go into the mission field for short-and long-term Jesus Film Mission Trips. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, they averaged 40 trips per year, many to unreached people groups..

To facilitate the spread of the Gospel, the Jesus Film Project creates videos to show in various countries. However, live filming has been put on hold due to Covid-19. So, as an alternative, animated videos are being created by missionary staff working from home. Linda and her team, including former Disney animators, cultural consultants, and digital media producers, are working on a series of short videos for Middle Eastern audiences to reveal who Jesus is and explain the Good News that Jesus is our salvation.

Two videos have been completed and translated into 20 languages and the Wakelings have been hearing of high interest and conversions in a certain Middle Eastern country that was adversely affected by Covid-19. 

Please pray for the Wakelings and their workers and partners:
  • for good health.
  • that their missionary efforts will be effective.
  • that the videos shown will be anointed by the Lord to open the hearts of those who view them and that Father God reveals Jesus and His unfailing, steadfast love.
  • for the many conversations with internationals needed to arrange trips for 2021.

If you would like to send a word of encouragement to the Wakelings, their address is:
Will & Linda Wakeling
Jesus Film Project
11264 Savannah Landing Cir.
Orlando, FL 32832

“A Closer Look at the Gospel”
Taught by Marilyn Bennett

This study will focus on Peter, John and James and their writings since they are the big THREE founders in the early church, then we will study Hebrews and Romans to get an even clearer view of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the goal of being better equipped to share the Gospel with others.  

This study will be done online using Zoom which allows you to see the rest of the group through your Smartphone, iPad, or computer. If you are not familiar with Zoom we can help you get set up and learn how to use it.

Mondays, 1:00 PM, starting September 7th
Sign-up by contacting Marilyn at 510-676-9727

Every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this video-based study is for you. The enemy fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. 

This is an online study being offered through Zoom since our building is still closed. (See details about Zoom below.)

1st & 3rd Tuesday each month
Begins Tuesday, September 15,
Ends Tuesday, December 15
Two time options, 9:30AM or 7:00PM
Cost $18.00 (due when book is picked up the week before)

To signup, please contact Lois Coady by calling 916-771-4447 or emailing lecoadypgcc@gmail.com.

We can help you get set up and learn how to use Zoom! Just contact us at the office (916-771-4447) to request assistance.

The Roseville Water Conservation Program is going to pay us to upgrade our church irrigation system. We need volunteers to help us convert to a surface drip system. The end result will be conservation of water and a savings on our water bills.

We plan to start in October and finish in December. Work will be done in small sections and by small groups on a day-to-day basis. There will be no digging or heavy lifting required. Some sweat may occur and will be allowed. The supervisors
promise not to be demanding, especially if bribed with cookies and coffee.

There will be something for everyone to do.
There will be no age or gender discrimination.
We cannot get this done without your help!

Please contact Jerry Mehring to learn more and find out how you can help while having a great time doing it.
916-719-4415 or folsombb@aol.com
Study the Book of John with Pastor Joe

Pastor Joe is writing a short, "Missional Commentary" on the Book of John. Each week we will offer another installment.

Read John 16. Then, CLICK HERE for Joe's commentary.
   3:  Jerry Jones
   5:  Nancy Rice
   6:  Bill Cole           
        Dan Lopp
   7:  Gerry Mathews
        Hal Minor
        Wyley Wilkin
   9:  Rich Bergstedt
        James Sherrard
 10:  Patti Hurst
        Bob Claycomb
 12:  Edgar Underwood
13:  Donna Cleaves
       W.B. Holland
15:  Willie Stephens
17:  Arlene Coakley
18:  Nancy Peffley
20:  Lyndsay Wilkin
21:  Sandy Cypert
26:  Marilyn Taft
       Judy Peterson
28:  Muriel Menig
29:  Rene Diekmann
3:  Jon & Judy Read
4:  Scott & Jean Oas
5:  Irv & Jan Dahlin
8:  Alex & Shirley Meloy
Darryl & Linda Huismann
12:Dave & Doris Garnhart 
13:Ken & Elaine Peterson
18: Roger & Mary Ann Burgess
      Wyley & Lyndsay Wilkin
20: Bob & Patti Hurst
23: Bob & Pat Burton
26: Tom & Myrna Lindsay
27: Dave & Gina Glantz

BUDGET: $67,500
YTD General Giving: $423,613
YTD Budget: $472,500

Current Loan Balance $378,745

20/20 CAMPAIGN STATUS (as of July 31)
Amount Given: $279,246
Amount Pledged: $386,368

Thank you for your faithful giving to PGCC. As you see, we are just a little behind budget. Here is how you can help:


You can GIVE by:
  1. Mail addressed to the Church at 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747.
  2. Online through our website, www.pgcc.church or by clicking on the blue button below.
If you are not automatically getting these emails...
Pleasant Grove Community Church
1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 771-4447 www.pgcc.church
Email: 1730pgccoffice@gmail.com