Dear residents,

As you are likely aware, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) has suspended the spring iteration of the virtual MCCQE2 examination. Furthermore, all future sittings are cancelled indefinitely, while the MCC re-evaluates how to proceed. This comes after many days of unresolved technical and organization issues, demonstrating that the MCC was both unprepared and incapable of administering this exam. Thank you to those who reached out and shared these deeply troubling experiences with us. This proved critically important in our local and national advocacy efforts.

While we consider this development to be positive for residents, questions remain regarding how this change will affect medical licensure in Manitoba. At this time, we do not have details from either the MCC or the CPSM; however, we anticipate more information will become available soon. PARIM will continue to engage with all parties and ensure any new processes are fair and appropriate. We will provide you with updates as soon as we are able.

As always, please continue to contact PARIM if you have questions, comments or feedback.

Thank you,

Dr. Joshua Aquin
President, PARIM