TI Preschool 
Circle Time Song of the Day
Lotsa, Lotsa Matzah by Ellen Allard
On Pesach we eat matzah Lotsa, lotsa matzah
It's yummy in the tummy Lotsa, lotsa matzah
On Pesach, we eat chicken Finger lickin' chicken
It's yummy in the tummy
Finger lickin' chicken
And lotsa, lotsa matzah

On Pesach, gefilte fish Smelly in the belly gefilte fish
It's yummy in the tummy
Smelly in the belly gefilte fish
And finger lickin' chicken
And lotsa, lotsa matzah

On Pesach, we eat matzah balls Rolla rolla rolla matzah balls
It's yummy in the tummy
Rolla rolla rolla matzah balls
And smelly in the belly gefilte fish
And finger lickin' chicken
And lotsa, lotsa matzah

On Pesach, we eat horseradish Hot hot hot hot horseradish
It's yummy in the tummy
Hot hot hot hot horseradish
And rolla rolla rolla matzah balls
And smelly in the belly gefilte fish
And finger lickin' chicken
And lotsa, lotsa matzah

On Pesach, charoset Chop chop charoset
It's yummy in the tummy
Chop chop charoset
And hot hot hot hot horseradish
And rolla rolla rolla matzah balls
And smelly in the belly gefilte fish
And finger lickin' chicken
And lotsa, lotsa matzah
Fine Motor Practice
  • Silly Haircuts: For this activity, you will need paper plates, scissors, and markers. Before giving the plate to your child, cut slits across the top of the paper plate. Have your child draw a picture of a person or animal on the paper plate. Then have your child practice cutting the top of the paper plate to give the person/animal a haircut. 

*If you do not have paper plates, you could also use paper bags or large sheets of paper.

  • Paint with Cookie Cutters: For this activity, you will need paper, a paper plate, cookie cutters, and washable paint. You can also use playdoh molds for this if you have these easily accessible at home. Lay down a sheet of paper on a table. Pour some paint onto a paper plate. Pick out a few cookie cutters and blot them into the paint and then onto the paper. 
Science / Cooking
  • Making Matzah: Here is an easy delicious matzah recipe for Passover. This recipe is from PJ Library. We eat matzah during the Passover seder to remind us of both slavery and freedom. Matzah is made of the same dough as bread, but it needs to be made much faster, in 18 minutes or less. 
    • Ingredients
      • 1 cup of flour + 2 tablespoons for rolling out the matzah
      • 1/3 cup of water
    • Directions
      • Put a baking sheet in the oven and preheat the oven to 475 degrees. 
      • Set 2 tablespoons of flour, your rolling pin, and a fork down next to your cooking area. 
      • Mix together 1 cup of flour and 1/3 cup of water.
      • Knead until it forms a smooth dough. 
      • Divide the dough into four balls; roll each ball into a large thin circle.
      • Using a fork, pierce each bread about 25 times on each side to prevent rising. The holes should go through the bread. 
      • Remove the hot baking sheet from the oven.
      • Place the breads on the baking sheet. 
      • Bake for 2 minutes.
      • Open the oven and flip over the breads. Bake for an additional 2 minutes until the matzah are lightly brown and crisp. 
Gross Motor Play
  • Sing Active Songs:  Sing or play one of these classic songs, and add some actions! You can find these and other great songs on Amazon Music or YouTube. 
    • I'm a Little Teapot
    • If You're Happy and You Know It 
    • Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
    • Shake Your Sillies Out
    • Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Firetruck!
Outdoor Time
  • I Spy: This activity is great for developing your child's creative thinking. Go outside and describe an object in that you see using various categories and have your child guess what it is. Depending in your child's age, here are some examples of categories you could use:
    • Color:(for any age) -"I spy something green "or "I spy something with white stripes."
    • Shape:(for any age) -"I spy something square." or "I spy something that has circles."
    • Phonemic Awareness:(3s - 5s) -"I spy something that starts with an L"
    • Rhyming:(older 3s - 5s) - "I spy something that rhymes with fable."
    • Description:(4s and 5s) - "I spy something that lives in a tree and eats acorns. 
12200 Scaggsville Rd., Fulton, MD 20759 | 301.498.4242 | www.templeisaiah.org