Killer Whales? Really?
The Cayman Compass Newspaper recently posted the spotting of a pod of killer whales off the coast of East End, Grand Cayman... captured on this drone footage by a fisherman.
killer whales in forefront dive boat in the background
Divers with Ocean Frontiers also chimed in, catching the rare site.

Researchers are loving the fact that more people are out and about with cameras and posting to social media to better track these moments and learn more about the killer whales movements in the area.

I've become a Cayman Compass junkie waiting for news of their efforts to reopen the islands to pirates (and other travelers :-)

Never gets old seeing these majestic creatures, had to share.
Speaking of majestic animals...
Sharks! They will be a big part of our theme for 2021 and we are asking all pirates to check their photos and please share if they've captured any. If we choose to use some of your photos I bet we can negotiate some pirate booty for your troubles :-) Email them to

FYI this is a whale shark photo from pirates JK and Brigitte from a Cozumel vacation they took if I remember correctly, always a favorite :-)

Last call for 2020 membership...
Well, not really, you can become a member at any time, but I just have a few shirts left and I would love to send one to you!!!! The cool think is if you sign up for auto-pirate, it's once and done, and every year you will receive the new year's themed shirt.

Have a good one pirates...
Theresa the Terrible

P.O. Box 1564
Wellington, CO 80549
Phone: 877-EYE-DIVE