Greater Georgia is working to recruit and train volunteers to connect with Georgians and let them know that their voices deserve to be heard – and that their votes will count.
Last week, Greater Georgia released a new ad recruiting more volunteers to join our tremendous team – and highlighting our efforts to fight for conservative values, restore voter confidence, engage diverse communities, and register new voters ahead of the 2022 elections. The ad, which features 15- and 30-second versions, is part of a statewide buy.
Click HERE or the image below to watch the full ad:
For your radar, Georgia's State Election Board will meet over Zoom this upcoming Wednesday, March 16, at 10 a.m. for their regularly scheduled meeting. You can view the agenda HERE. During these meetings, Georgians have the opportunity during the "public comment" portion to make their voices heard and ask questions to hold our elections officials accountable. We encourage you to listen in and ask any questions you might have – our state is greater when every Georgians' voice is heard!
To participate, you have to register ahead of time, after which you will receive the Zoom link. ClickHEREto register to participate.
Greater Georgia's work is critical to defending conservative values, and it will only be possible through the hard work and support of strong, grassroots volunteers.
We need your help! — Click HERE or the button below to find out how you can join the fight for conservative values.
Kelly joined leaders in the Hispanic community for a roundtable luncheon in Norcross to hear their ideas for building a stronger conservative movement in Georgia.
March 9, 2022
Greater Georgia has officially launched an internship program! We are recruiting interns to assist with voter registration and engagement. This opportunity will be great to learn the ropes of political organizing, including how to get out the vote, how to engage with voters in a variety of communities, and more. Possible areas of compensation include class credit, milage reimbursement, and cash incentives based on goal-oriented progress.
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Outreach Coordinator Terry Fye at with questions or to submit a completed application.
The full internship application can be found HERE.