InCommon eNews
October 15, 2020

Every Piece Counts

My children like to do jumbo-sized jigsaw puzzles. They spill out the puzzle pieces, and, if they remember, they set the box lid right-side up so they can see the whole picture. During the pandemic, I know many of our members are doing jigsaw puzzles and find it a comforting and somewhat therapeutic pastime, especially because the "big picture" is so hard to bear. Looking back to the dark days of March, it wasn't clear what impact my illness, and the simultaneous shuttering of the church, would have on parish life. One thing was certain: we couldn't see the big picture, and what we could see was quite frightening. I felt vulnerable, and I am sure many of you felt the same, as normal life became scattered and barely recognizable. Since that time, I have personally sought to piece my life back together; and, connectedly, with the help of our vestry and wardens, we have adapted and rearranged church life to meet the ever-changing picture of pandemic life. 
So here we are in October, a time when congregational life is normally full of renewed energy and fresh beginnings. Instead, we face limitations on our activities and also feelings of frustration and vulnerability like we have never experienced before. So what is to be done? As a parish, we need to have compassion for one another, knowing that there are limits on what is possible for all of us at this time, and I mean that financially too. We also need to be supportive of one another and supportive of the parish. The "big picture" is that our individual and household gifts, when pieced together are key to helping us all stay as strong and as connected as we can be. Hence the somewhat modest theme for this year's stewardship campaign, "Every Piece Counts" because every piece really does count.
And finally, I recognize that we can't all respond to every request we receive as faithfully and as generously as we might like. So right now, I encourage us all to be compassionate to ourselves and others, and find ways to sustain our relationships and the places we hold dear. 
May we remain hopeful as an act of the will and as an act of faith. As St. Paul put it, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) 
Onward in Hope,

Worship In-Person or Online

Sunday, October 18

To attend this service in person, please Register Here

To attend this service virtually, please join LocalLive Online
This link is also on our website homepage under Join Us in the red banner.

Following 10AM virtual worship, we gather by Zoom for 
Meeting ID: 336 690 2686 Passcode: 10533 
One tap mobile +19292056099,,3366902686#,,,,,,0#,,10533# US (NY)
Dial by your location: +1 929 205 6099 US (NY)

Outdoor Worship

Sunday, October 18

To attend this service in person, on the front lawn, please Register Here

If we have rain, this event will be cancelled.
Sunday School
We will be holding outdoor Sunday School in the backyard during the 4:00PM service. We will use the Godly Play curriculum, and, since we cannot share art supplies, consider bringing something that your child might enjoy--paper, colored pencils, crayons, LEGOs, beads, etc. Children will be socially distanced and masks are required. For details, please contact Gabrielle Boozer at  
Youth Group! 

Next meeting is Sunday, October 25, at 4:00PM. 

Contact Kelli Scott ( with any questions.  
UPCOMING upcoming
The Bible Project

Morning Bible Study
Gareth leads Bible Study sessions three mornings a week using The Bible Project materials. You're welcome to join the meeting anytime; you don't have to commit to every day. 
Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays, 9:30AM - 10:00AM

How to Read the Bible
Gareth leads Wednesday evening meetings about how the Bible's many different literary styles are used to convey the overall story of Scripture.
Wednesday Evenings, 7:30PM - 8:30PM

Meeting ID: 336 690 2686 Passcode: 10533
One tap mobile +19292056099,,3366902686#,,,,,,0#,,10533# US (NY)
Dial by your location: +1 929 205 6099 US (NY)

               Diocesan Event: St Barnabas Reads Kendi
The Anti-Racism Committee of the Diocese of New York has invited all 200 churches in our communities to read Ibram K. Kendi's bestseller, How To Be An Antiracist. This shared experience will culminate in an online event with the author on October 22, 7:00-9:00PM. Register

St. Barnabas is organizing a group to read the book, discuss it online, and take part in the diocesan author event. The group will be led by Mary-Jo Weber and Karl Weber. If you're interested or want more information, email Karl at
RESOURCES resources
  • The Bishops of the Diocese of New York offer regular inspirational messages here.
  • The Episcopal Church also has useful resources related to the pandemic and racial reconciliation on their website here.
  • The Episcopal Church Foundation has created a curated collection of resources for engagement and learning on the themes of racial justice, healing and reconciliation here.
  • Local agencies and food pantries continue to need support--a list is attached here. You may contact Barbara Mahoney at for more information and ways to help.

GIVING giving
We hope you will keep St. Barnabas strong and resilient financially, as we navigate the ongoing challenges of this environment. Please continue to make your pledges or contributions. Online payments may be made by clicking here, on our website under the "Give" section, or by mailing your check to St. Barnabas Church, 15 N Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533.


To schedule a meeting with the rector, call the Parish Office at (914) 591-8194.

Office hours are Wednesdays, 1:00pm-3:30pm. 

The rector's Sabbath (day off) is Monday.

For pastoral emergencies, call Gareth directly, at (617) 930-3728.

If you have announcements to include in the InCommon weekly newsletter, please email the information by noon on Tuesdays. 
Sue Stanley


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