Alexander 4-H Newsletter
November 2019
NC 4-H Camp
Want to attend 4-H Camp at the Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia, NC this summer?  Great!!  Alexander 4-H will be taking a group June 21-26, 2020.  4-H Camp is open to youth ages 8-14 and offers a variety based upon age.  If you would like more information please contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center at 828-632-3125.  For more information about the Eastern 4-H Center please click the following link:

Project Books & Portfolios
Reminder:  These are due the first of the calendar year!  Do not wait until the last minute to work on these.  Forms are available online or you can come to the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center to get forms and instructions.  2019 Project books and portfolios will be due January 6, 2020.
4-H Volunteer/Club Officer Training
Due to several new policies from the State 4-H Office there will be a MANDATORY 4-H Volunteer Training on Monday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center.  Also, the same evening we will hold the 2020 4-H Club Officer Training.  ALL officers for 4-H Clubs need to make plans to attend this meeting.  Pizza will be served so please call by Friday, December 13, 2019 so we can plan accordingly.

Gingerbread Competition
  • Ages:  5-18 years old
  • Gingerbread house entries must be brought to the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center on Monday, December 16th. 
  • Entries may be picked up after noon on Tuesday, December 17th.
  • Entries may be placed on a base not more than 20"x20", and cannot exceed 2 feet in height.
  • The ENTIRE display except the base must be made of edible materials (styrofoam and other support materials are not permitted).  Edible items include:  gingerbread, graham crackers, icing, candies, nuts, cereal, etc.  No items should be in a wrapper, stick, or non-edible material.  
  • Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, decorating detail and theme in the following age categories:  5-7, 8-13 and 14-18 years old.

4-H Volunteers Conference
The 2020 NC 4-H Volunteers Leaders' Conference will be held January 31-February 2, 2020 in Durham, NC.  Here is a link to the registration information and cost:   2020 NC 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Conference Information.  If you are interested in going or need more information please contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander Center at 828-632-3125.  This is a great experience for leaders to meet other leaders across the state.  

4-H in the  News

Alexander County Livestock 4-H Club would like to invite any new members that are interested in joining the Livestock 4-H Club. They plan to meet on Monday, December 9th at 7:00 pm to make gingerbread houses. Please let the 4-H Office know if you plan to attend so there will be enough supplies available.  

Home Grown Hearts 4-H Club  met on October 18, 2019 to make cards and sun catchers for Veteran's Day.  They would like to extend a welcome to anyone ages 5-18 years old that is a home school student to come join them on the 3rd Friday of each month at the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center.  Submitted by:  Titus Stroud

Shockers 4-H Club -  For their October meeting the members completed a soldering project consisting of a continuity tester.  They also manned the apple peeling booth for Alexander 4-H at the Taylorsville Apple Festival.  The club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center and welcome anyone interested in learning about electrical projects.  Submitted by:  Lucas Ritchie

Southern Grace 4-H Club met on October 17th and each member made their own Freezer Apple Pie Filling to take home.  They also enjoyed a tasty baked pie to sample the filling after all their work peeling and chopping apples.  

Whisk It Up 4-H Club met on October 30th and learned how to make Oreo Truffles and Chocolate Turtle Candies. They also completed the second lesson on "You Are What You Eat". Their next meeting is November 21st at 4:00 in the conference room and they will be painting Christmas themed door hangers. A snack will be provided as well. Those who plan on attending must let Anna Beth Harris ( email know as soon as possible.

Alexander County Offices 
will be closed:  

November 11       Veterans Day
November 28 & 29 Thanksgiving

 Read more 4-H youth development news ยป
If you have a disability or desire for any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in the following activities, please contact N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center at 828-632-4451 during business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at least two weeks before the event to request accommodations.

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University commit themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sexual identity (including pregnancy) and veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.