4th grader Raya and 3rd grader Alice practice math skills together during a flexible period called "WIN" (What I Need).

Thank you to everyone who reads the Monday Memo carefully and is aware and involved in the goings on at school and the kind of help we need this month. Parents are substitute teaching, sending notes of support, bringing in food, keeping kids home despite busy schedules, and helping with morning antigen testing. Each of the staff is grateful to be working in a school with so much support!

Happy Monday,
Music is being recorded, art is being photographed, and a video is being edited. Thanks for your patience as the staff take on this additional work, we look forward to sharing it with you!
We sure hope the weather supports us going out to slide on snow this Friday! Please remember to pick up x-country skiers at 3:15 and downhill skiers and riders at 3:30 this Friday. We go skiing only in part to practice hard skills, but even more to practice independence and responsibility, organization and ownership, time management, problem-solving and self-advocacy, and patient leadership.

Help Needed: we need more adults to help our elementary students. If you can come for at least two dates (Jan 28, Feb 4, 11, Mar 4), please email Nelia and she will be in touch with further questions and orientation.
The Parent Advisory Group will meet on Thursday, February 10 at 5:00 pm. All Riverside parents are welcome to attend. If you would like to suggest an agenda item please email Kim Adams this week.
We are now able to offer PCR tests on-demand for students who are symptomatic or may have been exposed, even if those symptoms or exposure were contracted off-campus. This is separate from the Test-To-Stay program and the surveillance testing we do on Tuesdays. Please fill out this consent form if you want to have our PCR tests as an option along with the drive-through sites at local hospitals and providers. That consent form will also allow your child to participate in the test to stay program. We can have the tests overnighted to the CIC lab (the same lab we use for surveillance testing) and would anticipate results within 48 hours. These tests would be for students who have symptoms and need a test to return to school. With enough notice, we can make a drive-up test available and ship it the same day.
There have been several changes to the state’s quarantine and isolation guidelines over the last few weeks. In order to make things easier for families (and us) to understand, here are the protocols we will be following until we receive further guidance from the state. Please note that we are generally following VT DOH and CDC guidelines in these situations, except we are asking for additional testing (which we can help provide) at the end of the isolation or quarantine period. 

For students (and staff) who have tested positive and have no symptoms :
You may return to school after 5 full days if you have a negative antigen test on days four and five. To calculate the 5-day isolation period, day 0 is the day that the test is administered. 
  • You should continue to wear a well-fitting mask for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of your 5-day isolation period. High-quality, KN95 type masks are suggested for these situations, not cloth masks. If you don't have KN95 masks you should consider double protection with a surgical mask and a cloth mask over it or check in the office to see if we have extra KN95’s.

For students (and staff) who have tested positive and have symptoms of illness:
  • You may return to school after 5 full days if:
- you are fever-free for 24-hrs without fever-reducing medication;
- your other symptoms have resolved;
- and if you have a negative antigen test on days four and five.
(Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation​). To calculate the 5-day isolation period, day 0 is the first day of symptoms.
  • You should continue to wear a well-fitting mask for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of your 5-day isolation period. High-quality, KN95 type masks are suggested for these situations, not cloth masks. If you don't have KN95, you should consider double protection with a surgical mask and a cloth mask over it or check in the office to see if we have extra KN95’s.
  • If you continue to have symptoms after 5 days of isolation, you should wait to end your isolation until you are symptom-free for 24 hours (no fever/no meds, no cough, etc.) and you have two negative antigen tests (24 hours apart) administered after symptoms have resolved.  
  • Lastly, you may return to school if 10 days have passed since your symptoms started, you are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine, and your symptoms have markedly improved.

For students (and staff) with off-campus exposures to do the following before returning:
  • Reach out to the Vermont Department of Health Contact Tracing department to establish quarantine/isolation timelines, and also…
  • Take (at least) two negative antigen tests performed 24 hours apart beginning no earlier than day 4. That means the second test should be no earlier than day 5. Day 0 is the last possible day of exposure. If the exposure is in the household, Day 0 is the last day of the infected individual's isolation period (see guidelines, on or after the first full day in which you were able to completely follow the isolation protocols further down the CDC page here.
  • The exposed student will need to mask universally through day 10. That includes outdoor time and means they will not eat unmasked around their classmates, but in a separate location. High-quality, KN95 type masks are suggested for these situations, not cloth masks. If you don't have KN95 masks you should consider double protection with a surgical mask and a cloth mask over it or check in the office to see if we have extra KN95’s.

For on-campus exposures, we will continue to utilize the Test To Stay program though there are pending changes to schools’ roles in testing and tracing. We’ll inform the community when we have more information about these pending changes.
Please email Krystal if you are interested in having your 12-15 year old get a booster shot at a clinic here at Riverside soon, which would be hosted by NVRH if we get enough interest in participation. It must be at least 5 months since the student's second shot.
Chess Club will meet this Wednesday. K-2nd graders will be in Allee's room with cookies made by Laila's father Aaron; and 3-5th graders will be in Hanna's room from 3:00-3:45. 6-8th graders will meet in Hanna's room from 3:45-4:45.
Math Counts Club for 6-8th graders will meet this Thursday from 3:45-4:30 pm.
Parent Book Club will meet Monday, January 31, 5:00, we will discuss Sections 1 (introduction) and 2 ("Maya Method"). Other meeting dates will be Tuesday, February 15 and Wednesday, March 2. All Riverside parents are welcome to attend, even if they haven't read the book. It would be helpful to let Nelia or Amanda know that you will join them, so they can plan accordingly.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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