A Seasonal Newsletter from
Naturopathic Health Care
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

COVID-19 Epidemic:
Thoughts & Recommendations
369 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060
115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082
For new patient appointments in person or via Telemedicine click here .
Dear family, friends, patients and colleagues,
We continue to hear from many of you wanting guidance at this time. Paul is publishing his ongoing work tracking the pandemic and sharing his public health and science thoughts. If you want to receive those as written, you can sign up here:
The bottom line is: the virus is ubiquitous, so it’s ever important to try to prevent exposure as much as possible by observing physical distancing, keeping your children and teens close, and following all public health directives. Wear a mask and gloves when in a public. Wash your hands well when you arrive home, and know that good old soap and water may be better for all of us in the long run.
It has become increasingly clear than many of us have become asymptomatic carriers and we may be inadvertently putting all sorts of people at risk without intending to. So! Please do not become paranoid, but put effort into being careful just as you would want others to do for you.
And we also know that when and if you fall ill, the better shape you are in beforehand, the better. Most people will have only a mild form of this illness, but working to build a resilient immune system now, will serve you well should you become exposed or do become sick. 

In order to create the most resilient immune system possible, find below my recommendations for you and yours. Please know that for those with underlying or chronic disease, or who have compromised immunity (for whatever reason), or have an autoimmune disease, I would want to work with you individually as not all these recommendations apply . If you’re not sure, please schedule a time to “come in.” We are seeing patients via telemedicine and have had the chance to work with people from all over the globe. Linda, at our “front desk,” can help you schedule at the number below.

Love & light,
About Naturopathic Health Care
Naturopathic Health Care:
Northampton, MA & Enfield, CT!

Our Naturopathic Health Care in downtown Northampton, MA is humming along at 369 Pleasant Street. Patients are always welcome to continue working with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986!

With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts, we are thrilled to be offering natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley. During the Corona virus we will add in more time seeing patients remotely. Call the office to schedule an appointment 860.763.1225.
COVID-19: Here we go, with regard to prevention:
1. Drastically reduce the amount of refined sugar you consume, it directly depresses your immune function.

2. For adults, consider elongating your overnight fast to at least 13-14 hours. This gives all the cells of the body a chance to regroup, to self-correct and to do the jobs they are supposed to do. It also gives the immune system an opportunity to “tidy up” if you will, and to be more effective.

3. Stay well-hydrated, a mucous membrane that is NOT dried out will flush all manner of germs— bacteria or viruses, better than mucous membrane that is very dry. If this does not come easy to you, consider putting out on the counter x amount of water for the day, and try to actually drink it. Everyone economizes fluids differently, so work to keep your urine pale. Don’t over-drink, that’s not good either!

4. Use a humidifier in the bedrooms, helps with #3. I recommend an ionizing type to cut down on possibility of mold.

5. Eat a healthy diet with a reduced percent of processed foods. Lean into: veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry, meat, olive oil, whole grains and legumes. Take the imperative to be home more to pull out the vegetable steamer, to grow some spouts or microgreens. Take your extra time to cut all those veggies for that stir-fry or salad. Do a baking project with the kids, learn how to make sushi!

6. Start or keep up with an exercise plan . It raises your threshold for feeling stress, dissipates the stress you have and helps your body to be better perfused (i.e., gets the blood is moving better so all the other good choices you are making are amplified!) Here are some  resources  for at-home workouts. And if you’d like to do a yoga class at home, you’ll have many  choices .

Recipe: The Two Minute Salad
With all the encouragement to eat more veggies, I always set a goal for myself of eating 10 veggies a day. One trick is to include a veggie or two with breakfast. I have entirely recategorized which foods go with which meals! Like this morning, I had scrambled eggs with spinach thrown in and leftover green beans from last night’s dinner. I also get to that 10 by eating one salad a day, where I can knock out 5-6-7 at a time. I love microgreens, grown from any number of veggies, which are delicious, colorful, packed with nutrition and even easy to grow at home . For this salad, I put in a handful of prewashed organic lettuce mix, cut a cuke, then sliced some slender purple carrots to show off their irises, and tossed some pine nuts on top. I drizzle with olive oil and lemon. Total time expenditure, right around two minutes.
RECOMMENDED: Where we bring to light an organization, business, or product that we hope will make a positive impact on you, your community, your world, your life. 
As most have read or heard, there is a serious shortage of personal protective gear for our doctors and nurses on the front line. For those of you who have masks to share, will tell you how you can share your supplies without leaving your home. And for those of you who are handy with sewing, home-made masks are now being used. Here are 5 tutorials on how to make a face mask at home. You can make a set of masks and then offer on the site or to your local clinic or hospital.
Lithia Basic Available-- Help Prevent Cognitive Decline!
Over the last number of years, we’ve been focusing on healthy aging and best practices with regard to treatment and preventive care. Lithia Basic™ is a nutritional bioavailable supplement designed to support healthy aging, mood, behavior, and memory, and resist the effects of stress by combining extremely low doses of bioavailable Lithium orotate with low doses of Zinc picolinate, Water hyssop ( Bacopa monnieri ), and Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinale ). The formulation is designed to take advantage of the response elicited by these compounds and plants at ultra low doses.

We have been using this formulation with patients over the last years and feel confident about its efficacy. Historically, since these doses are not easily found, we would have patients buy four separate bottles and divide each capsule into the low doses. After enough urging from patients for more affordability and convenience, we created this supplement.

To read more about this formulation please visit to
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our Naturopathic Health Care clinic featuring products distributed by Emerson Ecologics. Wellevate is Emerson's online patient dispensary.

We trust Emerson as a supplier for high quality supplements, botanical medicine, and natural health/ beauty products. Products we recommend and use in our clinic are listed, and you also have access to the full inventory of products sold.